
Employees who lose a first-degree relative (spouse, parent, sibling, children) shall be entitled to be absent during the days of mourning, in accordance with the provisions in the law or in the collective agreement applicable to them (details of the entitlement to days of mourning pursuant to the collective agreement appear in the “Special Vacations” chapter of the “Employee Information” Chapter.)

In any case of the death of a first-degree relative, notify the Human Resources Department and Mrs. Michal Bar-Haim, Head of the Employee Relations Section of the unfortunate incident.

In such a case, the H.R. Department at the Technion Institute shall ensure the mourning notice is published across campus, that a condolence wreath on behalf of the Technion is brought to the funeral, and that a mourning basket containing basic groceries required for the days of mourning is sent. 

The H.R. Department and the Employee Relations Section shall be available to the employee and shall support him/her during these difficult times.