Found 950 Funds
plstic nemi & MDS Interntionl Foundtion
&;MDSIF is plesed to help reserchers dvnce the understnding nd tretment of plstic nemi, myelodysplstic syndromes (MDS) nd proxysml nocturnl hemoglobinuri (PNH). Over the lst 24 yers, &;MDSIF hs wrded nerly $4 million in reserch grnts thnks to gifts from ptients, fmilies, nd friends. These grnts hve helped dvnce the understnding nd tretment of plstic nemi, myelodysplstic syndromes (MDS), nd proxysml nocturnl hemoglobinuri (PNH), leding to the development of new therpeutic pproches to tret these diseses.
Defense dvnced Reserch Projects gency - DRP
DRP funds unique nd innovtive reserch through the privte sector, cdemic nd other non-profit orgniztions s well s government lbs.DRP reserch runs the gmut from conducting scientific investigtions in lbortory, to building full-scle prototypes of militry systems. DRP funds reserch in biology, medicine, computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, mthemtics, mteril sciences, socil sciences, neuroscience, nd more.
SHRM Foundtion
The SHRM Foundtion is 501(c)(3) nonprofit ffilite of the Society for Humn Resource Mngement (SHRM). The Foundtion is leglly seprte orgniztion, nd is not funded by SHRM membership dues. The SHRM Foundtion is governed by volunteer Bord of Directors from the HR profession, including cdemics, prctitioners nd representtives from SHRM. SHRM Foundtion VisionThe SHRM Foundtion is the globlly recognized ctlyst for shping humn resource thought ledership nd reserch. SHRM Foundtion MissionThe SHRM Foundtion dvnces globl humn cpitl knowledge nd prctice by providing thought ledership nd eductionl support, nd sponsoring, funding nd driving the doption of cutting-edge, ctionble, evidence-bsed reserch. SHRM Foundtion Bord of Directors SHRM Foundtion Stff The SHRM Foundtion's work includes: Strtegic thought ledership inititive. The SHRM Foundtion is conducting multi-phse progrm to identify nd nlyze criticl trends likely to impct the workplce in 5-10 yers. More informtion. Innovtive cdemic reserch grnts. The SHRM Foundtion is leding funder of HR reserch. Over the pst three yers, the SHRM Foundtion hs wrded more thn $1.8 million in grnts to fund rigorous, originl cdemic reserch with prcticl implictions for HR mngement prctice. Scholrships. The SHRM Foundtion wrds $170,000 nnully in eduction nd certifiction scholrships to professionl nd student SHRM members, nd doctorl students. Eductionl resources. The SHRM Foundtion's Effective Prctice Guidelines series mkes reserch findings esily ccessible to HR prctitioners. The Foundtion hs lso creted series of eductionl DVDs for SHRM chpter progrmming, stff trinings, nd executive eduction sessions. - See more t:
Hereditry Disese Foundtion
The Hereditry Disese Foundtion (HDF) funds innovtive reserch ides nd helps shpe them to mximize their impct. We help lunch new reserch projects, enbling scientists to subsequently pply for lrger grnts with the dt they collect with HDF funding. Without our seed funds, some importnt new ides might never hve the chnce of being tested.
The Interntionl IDS Society
The Interntionl IDS Society (IS), in prtnership with the Ntionl Institutes of Helth (NIH) nd the NIH-funded Centers for IDS Reserch (CFR), nnounces this wrd progrm to support innovtive reserch projects to introduce scientists from other disciplines to the field of HIV reserch. The intent of this progrm is to ttrct both interntionl nd U.S.-bsed erly-stge investigtors from outside the field of HIV reserch to help ddress key scientific questions in HIV reserch, including emerging issues of long-term survivl with HIV infection, prevention of HIV trnsmission, nd reserch towrd cure.
Ntionl ssocition for Reserch in Science Teching
The Ntionl ssocition for Reserch in Science Teching (NRST) is worldwide orgniztion of professionls committed to the improvement of science teching nd lerning through reserch. Since its inception in 1928, NRST hs promoted reserch in science eduction nd the communiction of knowledge generted by the reserch. The ultimte gol of NRST is to help ll lerners chieve science litercy. NRST promotes this gol by: 1) encourging nd supporting the ppliction of diverse reserch methods nd theoreticl perspectives from multiple disciplines to the investigtion of teching nd lerning in science; 2) communicting science eduction reserch findings to reserchers, prctitioners, nd policy mkers; nd 3) cooperting with other eductionl nd scientific societies to influence eductionl policies.
King Bdouin Foundtion
The mission of the King Budouin Foundtion is cler nd t the sme time wide-rnging: to help to improve living conditions for the popultion. In its 1976 Constitution the Foundtion is described s "n independent structure tht encourges originl ides nd sets up new projects." The King Budouin Foundtion supports projects nd citizens who re committed to crete better society. In this wy we cn mke lsting contribution towrds greter justice, democrcy nd respect for diversity
United Leukodystrophy Foundtion
The United Leukodystrophy Foundtion (ULF), incorported in 1982, is nonprofit, voluntry helth orgniztion dedicted to providing ptients nd their fmilies with informtion bout their disese nd ssistnce in identifying sources of medicl cre, socil services, nd genetic counseling; estblishing communiction network mong fmilies; incresing public wreness nd cting s n informtion source for helth cre providers; nd promoting nd supporting reserch into cuses, tretments, nd prevention of the leukodystrophies. Leukodystrophies re group of genetic nervous system disorders ffecting the myelin sheth, which insultes the xon through which nerve impulses re conducted. The ULF is supported solely by dontions.
Osseointegrtion Foundtion
The cdemy of Osseointegrtion, the world's leding dentl implnt orgniztion, nd the Osseointegrtion Foundtion were estblished to provide focus for the rpidly dvncing biotechnology involving the nturl bond between bone nd certin lloplstic reconstructive mterils. The nture of this bond mkes the technology pplicble for vriety of medicl nd dentl situtions nd offers benefits tht include:: » Replcement of lost teeth » Restortion of impired hering » Enhncements of reconstructive cosmetic surgery » Correction of crniofcil problems The cdemy of Osseointegrtion nd the Osseointegrtion Foundtion foster the highest stndrds of reserch nd eduction of prctitioners, who in turn, use this reserch nd eduction to enrich their ptients' lives nd enhnce their students' knowledge nd skills. Support of the Osseointegrtion Foundtion is essentil for the continution of existing reserch grnt progrms nd to enble new progrms to be lunched. Thousnds of ptients hve lredy benefitted from tretment by the cdemy's membership, which consists of more thn 6,000 individuls in 70 countries representing the most highly trined professionls providing crniofcil implnt tretment.
The Norwegin cdemy of Science nd Letters
Founded in 1857, The Norwegin cdemy of Science nd Letters is non-governmentl, ntionwide, nd interdisciplinry body which embrces ll fields of lerning. The min purpose of the cdemy is the dvncement of science nd scholrship in Norwy. It provides ntionl forum of communiction within nd between the vrious lerned disciplines, nd it represents Norwegin science vis-á-vis foreign cdemies nd interntionl orgniztions. The cdemy fulfills these functions by inititing nd supporting reserch projects, by orgnizing meetings nd seminrs on topics of current interest, by publishing scientific nd scholrly works, nd by prticipting in nd nominting representtives to vrious ntionl nd interntionl scientific bodies.
Frederic Esser Nemmers Prizes
Erwin Esser Nemmers served s member of the fculty of the Kellogg Grdute School of Mngement from 1957 until his retirement in 1986. He ws mn of wide-rnging interests. Erwin followed his undergrdute work in music with mster's degree in tht field. Over the yers, he lso erned lw degree from Hrvrd, degree in eronuticl engineering from Iow, nd doctortes in both economics nd lw from Wisconsin. His pssion for lerning ws pprently ccompnied by shrewd business sense, nd long with his fculty position he held number of corporte directorships. He nd his brother, Frederic Esser Nemmers, were principls in Milwukee-bsed, fmily-owned church music publishing house. Erwin's entrepreneuril skills nd success in the finncil mrkets provided the resources tht enbled him nd his brother, whom he persuded to join him in mking the gift, to contribute $14 million to Northwestern upon their deths. Those gifts were designted by Erwin nd Frederic Nemmers for two purposes: the estblishment of four endowed professorships in the Kellogg Grdute School of Mngement nd the estblishment of the university-wide Nemmers Prizes. The Frederic Esser Nemmers Prize in Mthemtics, estblished in 1994, is nmed for the brother Frederic Esser. The Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics, lso estblished in 1994, honors the fther of Erwin nd Frederic Nemmers. The Michel Ludwig Nemmers Prize in Music Composition, estblished in 2004, honors their grndfther nd the Mechthild Esser Nemmers Prize in Medicl Science, estblished in 2015, honors their mother. Ech of these prizes re wrded biennilly to recognize works of lsting significnce in the respective disciplines. In prticulr, the prizes recognize mjor contributions to new knowledge or the development of significnt new modes of nlysis. In estblishing the Nemmers Prize endowment, Erwin nd Frederic Nemmers envisioned prizes in vriety of res, including not only economics, mthemtics, musicl composition nd medicl science, but lso possibly future res such s geology nd engineering.
Brbr Bush Foundtion
The $7M Brbr Bush Foundtion dult Litercy XPRIZE presented by Dollr Generl Litercy Foundtion is competition chllenging tems of developers (softwre, gme nd pp), eductors, engineers nd innovtors to crete mobile litercy lerning pplictions for the dult lerner. The finlists tems’ solutions must demonstrte tht they cn substntilly improve the litercy proficiency of dults reding t or below third grde level, s mesured by the Comprehensive dult Student ssessment System (CSS), within 12-month period.
cdemy of Medicl Sciences
the cdemy of Medicl Sciences is the independent body in the UK tht represents the diverse spectrum of medicl science – from bsic reserch through clinicl ppliction to helthcre delivery. Our mission is to promote medicl science nd its trnsltion into benefits for society.
Lymphtic Eduction & Reserch Network
Since 1998, the Lymphtic Eduction &; Reserch Network (formerly LRF) hs been looking for nswers for the millions of people who suffer from lymphedem nd lymphtic disese. LE&;RN fosters nd supports reserch tht cn deepen the medicl community's understnding of the lymphtic system, which is vitl to the helth of every individul.
World nti Doping gency - WD
The World nti-Doping gency (WD) ws estblished in 1999 s n interntionl independent gency composed nd funded eqully by the sport movement nd governments of the world. Its key ctivities include scientific reserch, eduction, development of nti-doping cpcities, nd monitoring of the World nti Doping Code (Code) – the document hrmonizing nti-doping policies in ll sports nd ll countries.
Cre for Rre Foundtion
The Cre-for-Rre foundtion ws founded so tht children suffering from rre diseses cn gin quicker ccess to modern genetic dignoses nd innovtive therpeutic methods. s opposed to other humnitrin inititives the Cre-for-Rre Foundtion is unique in tht it combines giving children with rre diseses the cre they need, with reserch imed t understnding the underlying processes behind the diseses nd so llowing for the development of new tretments.
ir Force Office of Scientific Reserch (FOSR)
Ech yer, FOSR selects, sponsors nd mnges revolutionry bsic reserch tht impcts the future ir Force. FOSR intercts with leding scientists nd engineers throughout the world to identify brekthrough opportunities; ctively mnges $510 million investment portfolio encompssing the best of these opportunities; nd trnsitions the resulting discoveries to other components of the ir Force Reserch Lbortory, to defense industries nd to other federl gencies. The office's nnul investment in bsic reserch is distributed mong over 200 leding cdemic institutions worldwide, 100 industry-bsed contrcts, nd more thn 250 internl FRL reserch efforts.
Helmsley Chritble Trust
The Helmsley Chritble Trust spires to improve lives by supporting exceptionl nonprofits nd other mission-ligned orgniztions in the U.S. nd round the world in helth, selected plce-bsed inititives, nd eduction nd humn services. We strive to mke meningful impct in these res, employing not only our significnt finncil ssets, but lso rigorous nd results-oriented pproch nd keen understnding of the relevnt issues, needs nd opportunities.
Innovtions for Cool Erth Forum - ICEF
Innovtion for Cool Erth Forum (ICEF) is imed t ddressing climte chnge through innovtion nd ICEF investigtes vi discussion in the forum wht innovtive mesures should be developed, how the innovtion should be promoted, nd how coopertion should be enhnced mong the stkeholders.
MISTI- MIT Interntionl Science nd Technology Inititives
MISTI supports MIT’s eductionl mission by creting hnds-on, interntionl lerning experiences for MIT students tht re relted to their course of study. We bolster the Institute’s reserch mission by promoting collbortions between MIT fculty members nd their counterprts brod. We dvnce MIT's outrech efforts through our prtnerships with foreign compnies, universities nd reserch institutions, especilly those tht serve s hosts for our students nd fculty.
Whitley Fund for Nture
Who we re The Whitley Fund for Nture (WFN) is UK registered chrity offering Whitley wrds nd ongoing support to outstnding nture conservtionists round the developing world. We im to: Find nd fund the most effective grssroots conservtion leders in developing countries. Support the scle-up of projects with trck record of success, founded on scientific evidence nd community involvement. Fund prcticl work tht will hve long-lsting impct on the ground. Provide pltform for winners to boost their ntionl nd interntionl profile. Work with winners to improve wreness of the serious problems fcing biodiversity worldwide nd ddress them through effective nd inspiring solutions.
Royl Netherlnds cdemy of rts nd Sciences
The Royl Netherlnds cdemy of rts nd Sciences ws founded in 1808 s n dvisory body to the Dutch Government – role tht it continues to ply tody. The cdemy derives its uthority from the qulity of its members, who represent the full spectrum of scientific nd scholrly endevour nd re selected on the bsis of their chievements. It is lso responsible for sixteen interntionlly renowned institutes whose reserch nd collections put them in the vngurd of Dutch science nd scholrship.
Honor Frost Foundtion
The Honor Frost Foundtion ws founded in 2011. Honor Frost ws n erly pioneer in the field of underwter rcheology. When Honor died in 2010 she left the bulk of her estte to estblish the foundtion to promote mrine nd mritime rcheology with focus on the Estern Mediterrnen. The Foundtion’s mission is to promote the dvncement nd reserch, including publiction, of mritime rcheology with prticulr but not exclusive focus on the Estern Mediterrnen with n emphsis on Lebnon, Syri nd Cyprus.
IBM Center for The Business of Government
The IBM Center for The Business of Government connects public mngement reserch with prctice. Since 1998, it hs helped public sector executives improve the effectiveness of government with prcticl ides nd originl thinking. It sponsors independent reserch by top minds in cdeme nd the non-profit sector, nd it cretes opportunities for dilogue on brod rnge of public mngement topics. The Center is one of the wys IBM seeks to dvnce knowledge on how to improve public sector effectiveness. The Center focuses on the future of the opertion nd mngement of the public sector. Since its cretion 16 yers go, the Center hs wrded reserch stipends to leding public mngement reserchers in the cdemic nd non-profit communities tht hve resulted in over 320 reports - ll of which re vilble on the Center's website,
EGL Chritble Foundtion
The Gruss Lipper Postdoctorl Reserch Fellowship Progrm supports outstnding young Isreli scientists who hve the opportunity to work in biomedicl reserch lbortory in the United Sttes. The progrm will identify the most qulified cndidtes who hve been wrded postdoctorl position in U.S. host reserch institution nd trin them to become world leders in the following res of the Biomedicl Sciences: Cell Biology Biochemistry/Proteomics Bioinformtics Biomedicl Engineering Computtionl Biology Developmentl Biology Moleculr Biology Stem Cell Biology Genetics nd Genomics Neuroscience The gol of this progrm is to promote collbortion between U.S. nd Isreli scientists nd to provide young Isreli reserchers with brod rnge of experience so tht they my return to Isrel to continue their reserch creer. In the pst five yers, The Gruss Lipper Postdoctorl Fellowship Progrm received close to 250 pplicnts nd hs wrded 8 multi-yer fellowships. Since limited number of fellowships will be wrded ech yer, only one fellowship per host institution will be wrded nnully. pplictions will be reviewed by ntionl review committee of highly qulified biomedicl reserchers. Fellows re chosen on the bsis of their promise s young investigtors, the qulity of their U.S. host institution nd mentors, s well s the innovtive nture of the proposed reserch.
Cure SM
Cure SM leds the wy to world without spinl musculr trophy, the number one genetic cuse of deth for infnts. We fund nd direct comprehensive reserch tht drives brekthroughs in tretment nd cre, nd we provide fmilies the support they need for tody. Our Vlues Innovtion Our commitment to tretment nd cure is not just bout seeking solutions—it’s lso bout creting them. We’re working with some of tody’s shrpest minds to dvnce diversity of pproches nd chmpion the most promising discoveries nd methods. Blnce s relentlessly s we pursue tretment nd cure, we re lso strtegic. We know the fstest wy to future without SM is to tke comprehensive, unbised pproch to reserch nd mintin blnce of optimism nd relism. Collbortion Our community is everything to us. We would not hve mde it this fr in our fight without the invluble contributions of our reserchers, doctors, nd fmilies. Together, we re—nd lwys will be—stronger thn SM. Respect There is no “right wy” to live with disese like spinl musculr trophy. Every person’s experience is different, nd it’s every fmily’s right to decide wht SM mens for them. Compssion Thnks to the Cure SM community, no person is ever lone in fcing this disese. We offer unconditionl support to people ffected by SM nd communicte openly nd honestly, giving them cler nd ccurte informtion. Determintion Our work is not done until we hve tretment nd cure, nd we’ll remin strong in our fight no mtter wht chllenges come our wy.
mericn Society for Clinicl Investigtion (SCI)
The SCI is n honor society of physicin-scientists, those who trnslte findings in the lbortory to the dvncement of clinicl prctice. Founded in 1908, the Society is home to more thn 3,000 members who re in the upper rnks of cdemic medicine nd industry.
mericn Council of Lerned Societies - CLS
CLS, privte, nonprofit federtion of 73 ntionl scholrly orgniztions, is the preeminent representtive of mericn scholrship in the humnities nd relted socil sciences. dvncing scholrship by wrding fellowships nd strengthening reltions mong lerned societies is centrl to our work. Other ctivities include support for scholrly conferences, reference works, nd scholrly communiction innovtions.
SIGM XI The Scientific Reserch Society
Sigm Xi, The Scientific Reserch Society is the interntionl honor society of science nd engineering. One of the oldest nd lrgest scientific orgniztions in the world, Sigm Xi hs distinguished history of service to science nd society for more thn one hundred nd twenty five yers. Scientists nd engineers, whose reserch spns the disciplines of science nd technology, comprise the membership of the Society. Sigm Xi chpters cn be found t colleges nd universities, government lbortories, nd industry reserch centers round the world. More thn 200 Nobel Prize winners hve been members.
Ntionl cdemy of Sciences
Mission The Ntionl cdemy of Sciences (NS) is privte, non-profit society of distinguished scholrs. Estblished by n ct of Congress, signed by President brhm Lincoln in 1863, the NS is chrged with providing independent, objective dvice to the ntion on mtters relted to science nd technology. Scientists re elected by their peers to membership in the NS for outstnding contributions to reserch. The NS is committed to furthering science in meric, nd its members re ctive contributors to the interntionl scientific community. Nerly 500 members of the NS hve won Nobel Prizes, nd the Proceedings of the Ntionl cdemy of Sciences, founded in 1914, is tody one of the premier interntionl journls publishing the results of originl reserch. The Ntionl cdemy of Engineering (NE) nd the the Ntionl cdemy of Medicine (NM, formerly the Institute of Medicine) -- were founded under the NS chrter in 1964 nd 1970, respectively. The three cdemies work together s the Ntionl cdemies of Sciences, Engineering, nd Medicine to provide independent, objective nlysis nd dvice to the ntion nd conduct other ctivities to solve complex problems nd inform public policy decisions. The cdemies lso encourge eduction nd reserch, recognize outstnding contributions to knowledge, nd increse public understnding in mtters of science, engineering, nd medicine. The cdemies' service to government hs become so essentil tht Congress nd the White House hve issued legisltion nd executive orders over the yers tht reffirm its unique role.
Buckminster Fuller Institute
Our progrms combine unique insight into globl trends nd locl needs with comprehensive pproch to design. We encourge prticipnts to conceive nd pply trnsformtive strtegies bsed on crucil synthesis of whole systems thinking, Nture's fundmentl principles, nd n ethiclly driven worldview. By fcilitting convergence cross the disciplines of rt, science, design nd technology, our work extends the profoundly relevnt legcy of R. Buckminster Fuller. In this wy, we strive to ctlyze the collective intelligence required to fully ddress the unprecedented chllenges before us.
MGI Foundtion
The Mgi Foundtion ws founded in 2004 by group of visionries from Isrel nd brod seeking to dvnce the welfre of hospitlized children nd contribute to the Isreli medicl system to the benefit of ptients. More brodly, the Foundtion pplies its connection nd expertise towrds cretive projects tht dvnce the wellbeing of underprivileged popultions.
jinomoto Innovtion llince Progrm
From the "JI-NO-MOTO®" ummi sesoning to diversity of products utilizing biotechnology such s vrious foods, mino cid products, phrmceuticls nd more, the objective of jinomoto Group is to be " group of compnies tht contributes to humn helth globlly" by continully creting unique vlue to benefit customers.
Robrts Reserch Institute
t Robrts, we believe we hve winning formul: ttrct the best nd the brightest reserchers, give them the freedom to think big nd set the br high. Since its founding in 1986, the Institute hs pplied tht formul to become ntionl leder in biologicl, clinicl nd imging reserch.
Cervicl Spine Reserch Society
The Cervicl Spine Reserch Society is n orgniztion of individuls interested in clinicl nd reserch problems of the cervicl spine. Its purpose is the exchnge nd development of ides nd philosophy regrding the dignosis nd tretment of cervicl spine injury nd disese.
Pezcoller Foundtion-ECCO
The not-for-profit interntionl ssocition ECCO – the Europen CnCer Orgnistion (ECCO) INP - formerly “Federtion of Europen Cncer Societies” (FECS) INP - hs mended its Sttutes so tht they comply with the lw of 2 My 2002 on not-for profit ssocitions, interntionl ssocitions nd foundtions.
Ntionl MPS Society
To support reserch: The Society nd our members rise money to provide student fellowships nd fund reserch projects t number of prestigious university centers. Contributions my be designted for generl or syndrome-specific reserch. Technicl conferences re periodiclly held llowing reserchers to collborte nd discuss their findings. The Society collbortes with other LSD ptient support groups nd fmily reserch foundtions to fund reserch. lthough gret strides hve been mde in reserch, sponsors re urgently needed to ccelerte the encourging reserch tht is bringing therpies – nd ultimtely the cures – to children nd dults with MPS nd relted diseses.
MQ Trnsforming Mentl Helth
MQ: Trnsforming Mentl Helth is new chrity formed to support much-needed reserch into mentl helth. Mentl illness ffects us ll. 1 in 4 of us will experience mentl disorder t some point in our lives. The medicl, socil nd economic costs of mentl illness re huge. We need reserch tht will give us better dignostic, tretment nd prevention tools to ddress this problem.
mericn Society of Regionl nesthesi nd Pin Medicine (SR)
The mericn Society of Regionl nesthesi nd Pin Medicine (SR) is one of the lrgest subspecilty medicl societies in nesthesiology. We ccomplish our mission nd vision by ddressing the clinicl nd professionl eductionl needs of physicins nd scientists, ensuring excellence in ptient cre utilizing regionl nesthesi nd pin medicine, nd investigting the scientific bsis of the specilty
Huntingtons Disese Society of meric (HDS)
The Society is Ntionl, voluntry helth orgniztion dedicted to improving the lives of people with Huntington's disese nd their fmilies. To promote nd support reserch nd medicl efforts to erdicte Huntington's Disese. To ssist people nd fmilies ffected by Huntington's Disese to cope with the problems presented by the disese. To educte the public nd helth professionls bout Huntington's disese.
Defense Thret Reduction gency (DTR)
Our combting wepons of mss destruction (CWMD) efforts re driven by the threts we fce tody. terrorist ttck utilizing WMD cn result in enormous loss of life, negtively impct economies, constrin ntionl budgets, crete politicl unblnce in geogrphic regions, nd most certinly promote dditionl prolifertion nd terrorist ctivity round the world.Our focus is to keep WMD out of the hnds of terrorists nd other enemies by locking down, monitoring, nd destroying wepons nd wepons relted mterils. We lso ssist Combtnt Commnders with their plns nd responses to WMD events nd develop nd deliver cutting-edge technologies to ssist with ll of these endevors. There is no other country or government tht is solely focused on combting wepons of mss destruction 24 hours dy, 7 dys week. Every dy, 2000 people from our orgniztion come to work in loctions round the United Sttes nd round the world focused on one thing, nd tht's sfegurding the mericn people ginst these threts. Our success is determined by wht didn’t hppen –wht we prevented, wht we helped to interdict, wht we eliminted, wht we mitigted, nd how prepred we re to respond. Tht is the bsis of the shield tht we cn provide cross the full thret spectrum -- chemicl, biologicl, rdiologicl, nucler nd high yield explosives (CBRNE).s Combt Support gency, we support the Combtnt Commnders nd Services in responding to ny WMD thret. This requires us to not only ddress current needs but lso to nticipte future threts to our wrfighters. In our Defense gency role, we mnge reserch nd development portfolio to develop tools nd cpbilities. s USSTRTCOM Center, we support USSTRTCOM’s synchroniztion of Deprtment of Defense plnning efforts to counter wepons of mss destruction. nd the complementry Stnding Joint Force Hedqurters for Elimintion provides both stedy stte CWMD plnning support nd cn be deployed to provide direct opertionl support for US Militry tsk forces in hostile environments
Interntionl Fibrodysplsi Ossificns Progressiv (FOP)
The Interntionl FOP ssocition is 501(c)(3) non-profit orgniztion supporting medicl reserch, eduction nd communiction for those fflicted by the rre genetic condition Fibrodysplsi Ossificns Progressiv (FOP). Our mission is to fund reserch to find cure for FOP while supporting individuls nd their fmilies through eduction, public wreness nd dvoccy. Our vision is cure for FOP.
Ntionl Ocenic nd tmospheric dministrtion (NO)
NO is n gency tht enriches life through science. Our rech goes from the surfce of the sun to the depths of the ocen floor s we work to keep citizens informed of the chnging environment round them.From dily wether forecsts, severe storm wrnings nd climte monitoring to fisheries mngement, costl restortion nd supporting mrine commerce, NO’s products nd services support economic vitlity nd ffect more thn one-third of meric’s gross domestic product. NO’s dedicted scientists use cutting-edge reserch nd high-tech instrumenttion to provide citizens, plnners, emergency mngers nd other decision mkers with relible informtion they need when they need it. NO's roots dte bck to 1807, when the Ntion’s first scientific gency, the Survey of the Cost, ws estblished. Since then, NO hs evolved to meet the needs of chnging country. NO mintins presence in every stte nd hs emerged s n interntionl leder on scientific nd environmentl mtters. NO’s mission touches the lives of every mericn nd we re proud of our role in protecting life nd property nd conserving nd protecting nturl resources. I hope you will explore NO nd how our products nd services cn enrich your own life.
The Leky Foundtion
The Lekey Foundtion promotes multidisciplinry pproch to exploring humn origins. The Foundtion wrds more thn $600,000 nnully in field nd lbortory grnts for vitl new reserch nd long-term projects exploring humn evolution. The Foundtion is the only U.S. funding orgniztion wholly committed to humn origins reserch. Lekey Grntees study mny fcets of our erly ncestors through vriety of scientific disciplines: pleonthropology, primtology, geology, genetics nd morphology.
Jpn Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
The Jpn Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), or Gkushin for short, is n independent dministrtive institution, estblished by wy of ntionl lw for the purpose of contributing to the dvncement of science in ll fields of the nturl nd socil sciences nd the humnities. JSPS plys pivotl role in the dministrtion of wide spectrum of Jpn's scientific nd cdemic progrms. While working within the brod frmework of government policies estblished to promote scientific dvncement, JSPS crries out its progrms in mnner flexible to the needs of the prticipting scientists. JSPS ws founded in 1932 s non-profit foundtion through n endowment grnted by Emperor Show. JSPS becme qusi-governmentl orgniztion in 1967 under the uspices of the Ministry of Eduction, Science, Sports nd Culture (Monbusho), nd since 2001 under the Ministry of Eduction, Culture, Sports, Science nd Technology (Monbukgkusho). Over this 70-yer period, JSPS hs worked continuously to develop nd implement fr-reching rry of domestic nd interntionl scientific progrms. On October 1, 2003, JSPS entered new phse with its conversion to n independent dministrtive institution, s which it will strive to optimize the effectiveness nd efficiency of its mngement so s to improve the qulity of the services it offers to individul reserchers, universities, nd reserch institutes. JSPS's opertion is supported in lrge prt by nnul subsidies from the Jpnese Government. Its min functions re: To foster young reserchers, To promote interntionl scientific coopertion, To wrd Grnts-in-id for Scientific Reserch, To support scientific coopertion between the cdemic community nd industry, nd To collect nd distribute informtion on scientific reserch ctivities.
UNESCO strives to build networks mong ntions tht enble this kind of solidrity, by: Mobilizing for eduction: so tht every child, boy or girl, hs ccess to qulity eduction s fundmentl humn right nd s prerequisite for humn development. Building interculturl understnding: through protection of heritge nd support for culturl diversity. UNESCO creted the ide of World Heritge to protect sites of outstnding universl vlue. Pursuing scientific coopertion: such s erly wrning systems for tsunmis or trns-boundry wter mngement greements, to strengthen ties between ntions nd societies. Protecting freedom of expression: n essentil condition for democrcy, development nd humn dignity. - See more t:
Interntionl Progressive MS llince
The Progressive MS llince depends on contributions from mny orgnistions nd individuls. The estimted cost of the progrmme between 2014 nd 2019 is €22.4m.llince members contribute to nd rise funds for the llince. The llince’s legl nd finncil jurisdiction is in the United Sttes. The Ntionl Multiple Sclerosis Society (US) centrlizes the finncil dministrtion of llince fund mngement nd mximizes funds tht drive MS reserch. - See more t:
Interntionl Nut & Dried Fruit
The dynmic expnsion of the edible nut industry crystllized in 1980 with the First World Tree Nut Congress in Reus, Spin, which celebrted the first lrge interntionl gthering of business people of this sector with the objective of stndrdising criteri nd uniting efforts in the tsk of promoting nd improving their professionl work.In 1982 the second World Tree Nut Congress took plce in Sorrento, Itly, nd in 1983 the third one ws held in Scrmento, US. With the im of giving continuity to these meetings nd providing some institutionl strenght to the defence nd development of common interests, vrious representtives of world-renowned edible nut compnies met in Pris on 24th Jnury 1983. From this meeting emerged the decision to formlly constitute n ssocition of n interntionl chrcter: INC - Interntionl Nut nd Dried Fruit Council. The Foundtion of the Interntionl Nut nd Dried Fruit Council Further to the recommendtions pssed during the 2nd Interntionl World Tree Nut Congress in Sorrento in 1982, working prty ws convened nd rrived unnimously t the following conclusions: It ws decided to estblish professionl body entitled INC-CIFS (Interntionl Tree Nut Council - Conseil Interntionl des Fruits Secs - Consejo Interncionl de Frutos Secos - Consiglio Interntionl dell Frutt Secc) The ims nd objectives were brodly defined s follows: To consider ll spects of productionTo promote, encourge nd stimulte consumption worldwideTo support investigtion nd reserchTo coordinte nd homogenize qulity stndrds nd trding terms within the frmework of existing ntionl nd interntionl bodiesTo monitor customs duties, trde brriers nd be vilble to dvise governmentl bodies on their significnceTo promote reunions nd interntionl conventions within the profession, to further goodwill nd mutul understnding nd to keep members dvised of events nd developments within the trde
. lfred Tubmn Medicl Reserch Institute
In lte 2007, . lfred Tubmn, one of meric’s leding entrepreneurs nd philnthropists, lunched the medicl reserch institute tht bers his nme t the University of Michign Medicl School. His vision ws to crete reserch community t the university where fundmentl scientific discovery cn begin to unlock the core processes of disese, to id in their dignosis, tretment nd cure, thereby lleviting the suffering of millions of people throughout the world. His commitment to the . lfred Tubmn Medicl Reserch Institute now stnds t $100 million, the lrgest dontion in the history of the University of Michign Helth System.lfred Tubmn’s VisionOver the pst hlf century, lfred Tubmn hs revolutionized the retil lndscpe in meric, ssembling one of the finest collections of shopping mlls in the world. Beyond this, he hs estblished record of ccomplishment in number of other business endevors, including lnd development, rt pprisl nd uction, nd the resturnt industry. He chronicled his chievements nd described his philosophy of business ledership in the book "Threshold Resistnce." Cretion of the . lfred Tubmn Medicl Reserch Institute, by providing resources for the pursuit of reserch discoveries unfettered by conventionl grnting mechnisms, reduces brrier to blue-sky, cretive reserch. It, in fct, lowers the threshold resistnce for stepping into new fields, permitting cretive scientists to follow erly hunches tht led to gret cures.
mericn Thyroid ssocition
T MISSIONThe T is the leding orgniztion devoted to thyroid biology nd to the prevention nd tretment of thyroid disese through excellence in reserch, clinicl cre, eduction, nd public helth. T VLUES The T’s vlues re: scientific inquiryclinicl excellencepublic serviceptient dvoccyeductionworldwide collbortion nd collegilityethicl conduct
plstic nemi & MDS Interntionl Foundtion
&;MDSIF is plesed to help reserchers dvnce the understnding nd tretment of plstic nemi, myelodysplstic syndromes (MDS) nd proxysml nocturnl hemoglobinuri (PNH).Over the lst 24 yers, &;MDSIF hs wrded nerly $4 million in reserch grnts thnks to gifts from ptients, fmilies, nd friends. These grnts hve helped dvnce the understnding nd tretment of plstic nemi, myelodysplstic syndromes (MDS), nd proxysml nocturnl hemoglobinuri (PNH), leding to the development of new therpeutic pproches to tret these diseses.
Intelligence dvnced Reserch Projects ctivity (IRP)
IRP collbortes cross the ICto ensure tht our reserch ddresses relevnt future needs.This cross-community focus ensures our bility to:◾ddress cross-gency chllenges◾leverge both opertionl nd R&;D expertise from cross the IC◾coordinte trnsition strtegies with our gency prtners IRP does not hve n opertionl mission nd does not deploy technologies directly to the field. Insted, IRP fcilittes the trnsition of reserch results to our IC customers for opertionl ppliction.
Globl Lerning XPrize
XPRIZE is n innovtion engine. fcilittor of exponentil chnge. ctlyst for the benefit of humnity. We believe in the power of competition. Tht it’s prt of our DN. Of humnity itself. Tht tpping into tht indomitble spirit of competition brings bout brekthroughs nd solutions tht once seemed unimginble. Impossible. We believe tht you get wht you incentivize. nd tht without trget, you will miss it every time. Rther thn throw money t problem, we incentivize the solution nd chllenge the world to solve it. We believe tht chllenges must be udcious, but chievble, tied to objective, mesurble gols. nd understndble by ll. We believe tht solutions cn come from nyone, nywhere nd tht some of the gretest minds of our time remin untpped, redy to be engged by world tht is in desperte need of help. Solutions. Chnge. nd rdicl brekthroughs for the benefit of humnity.
DOD Defense Medicl Reserch nd Development Progrm
The OSD(H) estblished the DMRDP to dvnce the stte of medicl science in those res of most pressing need nd relevnce. The objectives of the DMRDP re to discover nd explore innovtive pproches to protect, support, nd dvnce the helth nd welfre of militry personnel, fmilies, nd communities; to ccelerte the trnsition of medicl technologies into deployed products; nd to ccelerte the trnsltion of dvnces in knowledge into new stndrds of cre for injury prevention, tretment of csulties, rehbilittion, nd trining systems tht cn be pplied in theter or in the clinicl fcilities of the Militry Helth System (MHS). Severl JPCs were estblished nd ssigned progrmmtic responsibility for vrious res
The science nd technology behind cler ligner tretment hs dvnced significntly in the pst 3-5 yers. In order to continue improving this tretment modlity, lign Technology is investing up to $200,000 USD interntionlly for university-bsed scientific reserch relted to cler ligner therpy. Priority is given to projects whose objectives directly benefit the tretment of ptients with cler ligners.This progrm provides reserch funding for full- nd prt-time university fculty involved in orthodontic scientific reserch, but pplicnts my lso be non-orthodontic scientists whose work would contribute to the improvement nd understnding of cler ligner orthodontic therpy.
The mericn ssocition of Immunologists
Founded: 1913Member of Federtion of mericn Societies for Experimentl Biology (FSEB): 1942Member of Interntionl Union of Immunologicl Societies (IUIS): 1969 Mission: The mericn ssocition of Immunologists is n ssocition of professionlly trined scientists from ll over the world dedicted to dvncing the knowledge of immunology nd its relted disciplines, fostering the interchnge of ides nd informtion mong investigtors, nd ddressing the potentil integrtion of immunologic principles into clinicl prctice. The mericn ssocition of Immunologists serves its members by providing center for the dissemintion of informtion relevnt to the field nd its prctices, such s eductionl nd professionl opportunities, scientific meetings, membership-derived issues nd opinions, nd importnt socil nd politicl issues. I owns nd publishes The Journl of Immunology—the lrgest nd most highly cited journl in the field. President: Lind . Shermn, Ph.D., The Scripps Reserch Institute, L Joll, CExecutive Director: M. Michele Hogn, Ph.D.Membership: 7,600Loction: FSEB Cmpus, Bethesd, MDContct: Deprtments nd Stff
University of Michign Globl Center for Food Systems Innovtion
The GCFSI Mission is to crete, test, nd enble scling of effective solutions nd evidence-bsed pproches to defined set of future criticl globl trends impcting food systems. OBJECTIVESProvide decision support to improve dt qulity nd ccess, s wy to promote evidence-bsed decision mking in food systemsccelerte the cretion, testing nd scling up of trnsformtive innovtions, technologies nd pproches in food systemsCrete multidisciplinry network tht shres knowledge, promotes lerning, nd builds mutul cpcity in the re of food systems innovtion
Osteosynthesis nd Trum Cre Foundtion (OTC)
We re n interctive globl network of surgeons nd scientists, dedicted to the dvncement of osteosynthesis nd trum cre through eduction, reserch nd professionl networking. Our gol is to ttrct both, younger nd experienced professionls, tht strive to be competent in the fields of frgility frctures nd osteoporosis.
Itlin Society for the Study of Hedches
The Journl of Hedche nd Pin is specificlly dedicted to reserchers involved in ll spects of hedche nd relted pin, including theory, methodology, clinicl prctice nd cre. The journl's scope is brod, reflecting the wide ppliction of scientific dvnces to every brnch of hedche nd relted pin mngement. Within multidisciplinry perspective, the Journl covers hedche nd relted pin syndromes in the following fields: genetics, neurology, internl medicine, clinicl phrmcology, child neuropeditrics, nesthesiology, rheumtology, otology, dentistry, neurotrumtology, neurosurgery, psychitry, pin mngement, nd ddiction.The Journl of Hedche nd Pin publishes originl ppers, reviews, rpid communictions, brief reports, nd letters pertinent to the vrious spects of hedche nd relted pin. Reserchers in ll bsic nd clinicl fields of hedche nd relted pin, from moleculr biology to genetics, from epidemiology to clssifiction, from qulity of life ssessment to clinicl trils, re becoming incresingly wre of the importnce of this medicl specilty.
Ferring Phrmceuticls
The Ferring Innovtion Grnts re wrded once yer during the ppliction period. new round of funding is now vilble nd we will begin ccepting pplictions My 1st, 2015.•t Ferring Reserch Institute (FRI), we believe in the power of reserch to identify importnt new therpeutics.•We re pssionte bout science nd committed to exploring new directions.•We believe in the vlue of prtnership nd working together to move science forwrd.•We ctively seek discoveries nd innovtion from internl nd externl sources. FRI is interested in funding explortory, discovery nd preclinicl reserch into novel drug trgets tht re ddressble with peptides nd/or proteins. We will NOT fund clinicl studies, proposls tht require the collection of ptient biopsies or studies to develop smll molecules. FRI’s therpeutic res include•Gstroenterology•Reproductive Helth•Urology
Grünenthl GmbH
These biennil grnts totling € 200,000 from Grünenthl GmbH re supporting young scientists erly in their creer to crry out innovtive clinicl pin reserch in ny member country of the Europen Pin Federtion EFIC® (see Individul reserch grnts re vlued t up to € 40,000 per project for durtion of up to two yers. Reserch Grnts re intended for clinicl nd humn experimentl pin reserch. Reserch proposls on nimls, computer simultions, cell lines etc. will not be considered. The decision of the wrds is mde independently by the EFIC® Committee on Scientific Reserch.
EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe
The ims of EUROSPINE, the Spine Society of Europe (ES) re to stimulte the exchnge of knowledge nd ides in the field of reserch, prevention nd tretment of spine diseses nd relted problems nd to coordinte efforts undertken in Europen countries for further development in this field.
MEITL-the Inter-University Center for e-Lerning (IUCEL):
MEITL is the Inter-University Center for e-Lerning (IUCEL), which is prt of the Isreli Inter-University Computtion Center (IUCC), locted t Tel-viv University. MEITL ssists Isreli institutions of higher eduction – universities nd cdemic colleges – in dvncing the use of e-lerning technologies.
Isrel Institute
The Isrel Institute works in prtnership with leding cdemic, reserch nd culturl institutions to enhnce knowledge nd study of modern Isrel in the United Sttes nd round the world. Founded in 2012 s n independent, nonprtisn orgniztion bsed in Wshington, DC, the Institute supports scholrship, reserch nd exchnges to build multi-fceted field of Isrel Studies nd expnd.opportunities to explore the diversity nd complexity of contemporry Isrel. Isrel is smll country with brief history s modern stte, but it offers unusul richness s field of study cross wide rnge of cdemic disciplines. The study of modern Isrel is relevnt to history, politicl science, interntionl reltions, economics, nthropology, rcheology, rt nd comprtive literture, nd is closely relted to Jewish nd Middle Estern Studies. In ddition, modern Isrel is n importnt culturl, scientific nd technologicl hub, close lly of the U.S., nd focl point of much interest from round the world. The Isrel Institute promotes scholrship cross these diverse res, undertking eductionl inititives nd progrmmtic ctivities tht inspire, promote nd support the study of modern Isrel t universities, reserch institutes, think tnks nd culturl orgniztions. In ddition, the Institute supports nd enhnces the rech nd impct of ffilited orgniztions whose work is ligned with its mission. cross ll of its efforts, the Isrel Institute ctlyzes nd promotes exemplry teching, scholrship, reserch nd public eduction tht promise to generte more informed, sophisticted nd multi-fceted understnding of Isrel, in the United Sttes nd the broder globl community.
The voestlpine Group is steel-bsed technology nd cpitl goods group tht opertes worldwide. With round 500 Group compnies nd loctions in more thn 50 countries nd on ll five continents, the Group hs been listed on the Vienn Stock Exchnge since 1995. The voestlpine Group Hedqurtered in Linz, voestlpine is represented by 500 Group compnies nd loctions in more thn 50 countries on five continents. The Group consists of four divisions. With its top-qulity products, the Group is one of the leding prtners to the utomotive nd consumer goods industries in Europe nd to the oil nd gs industries worldwide. The voestlpine Group is lso the world mrket leder in turnout technology, specil rils, tool steel, nd specil sections. In the business yer 2013/14, the voestlpine Group reported revenue of EUR 11.2 billion nd n operting result (EBITD) of EUR 1.4 billion; it hd round 48,100 employees worldwide. Lern more bout the compny's history voestlpine G hs been listed on the Vienn Stock Exchnge since 1995 nd is one of the best-performing TX compnies.
Foundtion for Prder-Willi Reserch
The mission of FPWR is to eliminte the chllenges of Prder-Willi syndrome through the dvncement of reserch. High-qulity reserch will led to more effective tretments nd n eventul cure for this disorder. By working together, we intend to free our loved ones from the burdens of PWS, llowing them to led full nd independent lives.
Isrel Brin Technologies
Every one of us knows someone who is struggling with brin relted illness: Prkinson’s, lzheimer’s, utism, dementi, depression, brin tumors nd mny more.Doctors round the world hve unmet needs, for devices nd medicines tht could potentilly turn the lives of their ptients round, nd even sve them. In prllel, there re innovtors nd reserchers tht hve brillint ides for developing brekthrough technologies in the brin ren. nd there re entrepreneurs, looking for brekthrough product in BrinTech. Sometimes the most importnt thing we cn do is bring ll these people together, so tht they cn communicte nd synchronize the medicl needs, the ides nd the business pltforms together. In 2010 Isrel’s President Shimon Peres envisioned creting brin technology hub in Isrel. Isrel Brin Technologies (IBT) is his brinchild – non-profit orgniztion which mission is to bring doctors, innovtors, reserchers, entrepreneurs nd investors in the BrinTech ren together, so tht ptients will get ccess to new tretments, fster. IBT works out of Isrel, which is idelly positioned to be leding BrinTech hub. Isrel’s skilled workforce nd entrepreneuril spirit hs lredy mde it globl leder in hi-tech, wter technology nd medicl devices. IBT brings together the leding minds in Isrel, nd from round the world, for the benefit of ptients.
EMD Serono
EMD Serono is the biophrmceuticl division of Merck KG, Drmstdt, Germny. EMD Serono offers leding brnds in 150 countries to help ptients with cncer, multiple sclerosis, infertility, endocrine, nd metbolic disorders, s well s crdiovsculr diseses. In the United Sttes nd Cnd, EMD Serono opertes s seprtely incorported subsidiry of Merck Serono. EMD Serono discovers, develops, mnufctures nd mrkets prescription medicines of both chemicl nd biologicl origin in specilist indictions. We hve n enduring commitment to deliver novel therpies in our core focus res of oncology, neurology, nd immunology. For more informtion, plese visit To lern more bout other Grnts for Innovtion in other therpeutic res, plese visit:;
Isrel Brin Technologies (IBT)
Isrel Brin Technologies (IBT) is non-profit orgniztion whose mission is to turn Isrel into globl brin technology nd reserch hub, by: supporting pplied brin reserchccelerting brin technology developmentcreting &; fostering community round neurotechnologyttrcting key stkeholders to prtner nd support brintech in Isrel
ccelerte Brin Cncer Cure
ccelerte Brin Cncer Cure is 501(c)(3) non-profit orgniztion tht prtners with leding entrepreneurs, scientists nd reserchers to find cure for brin tumors nd brin cncer. With his finnce bckground, Dn recognized tht few biotechnology nd phrmceuticl compnies were willing to invest reserch nd development dollrs towrd brin cncer reserch due to its reltive scrcity. By “buying down the risk” in the drug discovery process, ccelerte Brin Cncer Cure is ble to speed up the drug discovery process. We pply entrepreneuril pproches to medicl reserch in order to bridge the gp which often exists between cdemic reserchers who mke significnt scientific discoveries nd compnies which bring those tretments to ptients. We ggressively invest in bold &; innovtive reserch nd drive collbortion to speed the development of new &; effective tretments for brin tumor nd brin cncer ptients. Downlod our brochure. Since 2001, ccelerte Brin Cncer Cure hs provided more thn $20 million in reserch funding to highly qulified reserch investigtors nd physicin-scientists from 46 institutions.
The Mrsh Rivkin Center for Ovrin Cncer Reserch
Mission: To sve lives nd reduce suffering through improved tretment, erly detection, nd prevention of ovrin cncer. GOLSTo impct the lives of women with ovrin cncer now nd in the ner futureTo foster reserch reltive to improving outcomes in ovrin cncerTo influence the ntionl reserch direction tken in ovrin cncerTo develop collbortive networks nd crete scientific community tht will be the leders in ovrin cncer reserchTo prtner with the community so tht they will tke on the tsk of working towrd the cure for ovrin cncerTo disseminte findings ntionlly to increse the number of investigtors interested in ovrin cncer reserch nd crete dynmic reserch connections
Ntionl Pncres Foundtion
The Ntionl Pncres Foundtion provides hope for those suffering from pncretitis nd pncretic cncer through funding cutting edge reserch, dvocting for new nd better therpies, nd providing support nd eduction for ptients, cregivers, nd helth cre professionls. - See more t:
Interntionl Olympic Committee-Olympic Studies Center
The Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) is tody one of the world’s leding centres for written, visul nd udio informtion on the Olympic Movement nd the Olympic Gmes. It is the entry point for the reserch, teching or publictions which contribute to eduction nd the dissemintion of Olympism nd its vlues. Its primry role is to serve the IOC nd the whole Olympic Movement s well s independnt reserchers nd cdemics.The OSC’s min missions re: To ensure ongoing cquisition, preservtion, description nd diffusion of Olympic ptrimonyTo promote nd fcilitte ccess to Olympic relted written nd udiovisul collections
The Cmille & Henry Dreyfus Foundtion, Inc.
The purpose of the Cmille nd Henry Dreyfus Foundtion, Inc., is to dvnce the science of chemistry, chemicl engineering nd relted sciences s mens of improving humn reltions nd circumstnces throughout the world. Estblished in 1946 by chemist, inventor nd businessmn Cmille Dreyfus s memoril to his brother Henry, the Foundtion becme memoril to both men when Cmille Dreyfus died in 1956. Throughout its history the Foundtion hs sought to tke the led in identifying nd ddressing needs nd opportunities in the chemicl sciences.
NEST-Ntionl Endowment for Science, Technology nd the rts
We re n innovtion chrity with mission to help people nd orgnistions bring gret ides to life. - We im to boost innovtive potentil - to help individuls nd orgnistions design nd grow better ides, which cn improve the qulity of mny peoples’ lives. We judge our success in diverse wys – in investment through growing socil impct, cpitl vlue nd pioneering new types of finnce; in reserch through the qulity nd influence of our nlysis nd ides; in the Innovtion Lb through the rech nd depth of the ventures nd projects we bck, including both direct impct nd the wy tht our work influences public policy. Our gol over the next five yers is to become better t doing ll these things: to grow our globl reputtion s centre for the understnding nd prctice of innovtionto help gret innovtions chieve impct t scleto extend our rech by evolving into network of collborting orgnistionsnd to pioneer new methods of tpping gret ides nd collective brinpower for the common good.- See more t:
ESRC Economic nd Socil Reserch Council
We re the UK's lrgest orgnistion for funding reserch on economic nd socil issues. We support independent, high qulity reserch which hs n impct on business, the public sector nd the third sector. Our totl budget for 2014/15 is £213 million. t ny one time we support over 4,000 reserchers nd postgrdute students in cdemic institutions nd independent reserch institutes. We re non-deprtmentl public body (NDPB) estblished by Royl Chrter in 1965 nd receive most of our funding through the Deprtment for Business, Innovtion nd Skills (BIS). Our reserch is vigorous nd uthorittive, s we support independent, high-qulity, relevnt socil science.
The Physiologicl Society
The Physiologicl Society brings together over 3000 scientists from over 60 countries. Since its foundtion in 1876, its Members hve mde significnt contributions to our knowledge of biologicl systems nd the tretment of disese. We promote physiology nd support those working in the field by orgnising world-clss scientific meetings, offering grnts for reserch, collbortion nd interntionl trvel, nd by publishing the ltest developments in our leding scientific journls, The Journl of Physiology, Experimentl Physiology nd Physiologicl Reports. The Society lso runs events for the generl public on how physiology reltes to everydy life, nd for students who my be considering physiology s creer. Membership is vilble for ll creer stges, from undergrdute level to senior level scientists.
Rdition Oncology Institute (ROI)
The Rdition Oncology Institute (ROI) is non-profit, 501 (c)(3) foundtion creted in 2006 by the mericn Society for Rdition Oncology (STRO) Bord of Directors to support reserch nd eduction efforts round the world tht enhnce nd confirm the criticl role of rdition therpy in improving cncer tretment. ROI strtegiclly funds reserch on new nd existing rdition therpy tretments to identify links between best prctices nd improved outcomes, to evlute the efficcy nd cost-benefit of rdition therpy nd to foster multi-institutionl reserch in rdition oncology. The ROI recently lunched the Ntionl Rdition Oncology Registry (NROR) pilot progrm to collect stndrdized informtion bout ptient cre to help inform qulity improvement inititives nd provide meningful benchmrks for the rdition oncology field.
mericn cdemy of Child & dolescent Psychitry
The CP promotes nd supports reserch creers, publicizes reserch nd trining opportunities, nd sponsors inititives to foster the development of erly creer psychitrists through its Deprtment of Reserch nd Trining. The CP publishes peer reviewed scientific ppers, offers fellowships nd wrds to encourge scientific excellence, holds scientific meetings, nd publishes curricul nd recruitment mterils to fulfill the needs of the profession.
mericn Gstroentorologicl ssocition
The G Reserch Foundtion is the foundtion of the mericn Gstroenterologicl ssocition (G), the leding professionl society representing gstroenterologists nd heptologists worldwide. The mission of the foundtion is to rise funds to support young reserchers in gstroenterology nd heptology.The G Reserch Foundtion wrds nerly $1.5 million in reserch grnts nnully. The foundtion works with volunteer physicins to rise funds for gstrointestinl reserch. Physicins interested in lerning more bout prticipting in the work of the foundtion re encourged to contct
The Cictricil lopeci Reserch Foundtion (CRF) ws formed s result of one person's experience with scrring lopeci (cictricil mens scrring). When the ptient relized tht little is known bout such disorders, she decided, with the help of her doctor, to initite grssroots effort to rise funds to study these problems.
Erdheim-Chester Disese Globl llince
group of ptients from round the world nd their loved ones hve joined together to crete the ECD Globl llince. Our mission is to: · Provide support to ECD ptients nd their loved ones · Rise wreness of ECD · Promote nd fund reserch imed t finding more effective nd rtionl tretments for ECD, with cure being the ultimte gol · Shre eductionl mteril regrding ECD We re NOT medicl professionls. We cnnot dignose ptients. We do not offer medicl dvice. We do not promote ny prticulr tretment options. Rther, we re there for ech other nd try to gther informtion from the medicl professionls so we cn mke it esily vilble. It is the responsibility of the ptient, loved ones nd medicl tem to evlute the use of this informtion when developing progrm of cre. Our members del with the everydy relities of coping with rre, incurble disese (some hve done this for decdes). Until now, much of wht hs been lerned, on the ptient coping level, hs been cquired through personl experience, one fmily t time, one hert che t time. This group seeks to ese some of the hrdships by helping newcomers to move from “pnic” to “possibilities of cre”. s non-medicl people, ptients with ny rre disese (nd their loved ones) fce the chllenge of cquiring timely, relible informtion. Prticipnts of this ECD Globl llince shre wht their doctors re doing TODY. If tretment or procedure shows promise you cn help fst trck tht informtion to your doctor. By educting ourselves we shorten the lerning curve for ptients nd doctors nd so reduce the burden of ECD for ll. It is our plesure to shre with you wht we’ve lerned. We re ordinry people deling with n extrordinry disese. The 2013 End of Yer Report provides more informtion bout the ccomplishments nd gols for the orgniztion. For more informtion see the "ECD Globl llince" pge
Willis-Ekbom Disese Foundtion
The WED Foundtion honors promising scientists whose work supports the gols of the Foundtion through our WED Reserch Grnt Progrm.One importnt wy tht we foster chnge is to promote innovtive reserch tht will impct the lives of individuls living with Willis-Ekbom disese. The Foundtion strives to spur the reserch community to generte novel ides to unlock the mysteries tht will ultimtely led to cure for this often devstting disese. On behlf of the WED/RLS ptient community, the Foundtion wnts sfe, well-tolerted, nd durble tretment for WED/RLS--in short, cure--or wys to improve ptients' qulity of life.
Interntionl Brin Reserch Orgniztion (IBRO)
IBRO is union of neuroscience orgniztions with the im to promote nd support neuroscience trining nd collbortive reserch round the world. More thn 80 interntionl, ntionl nd regionl scientific orgniztions constitute IBRO's Governing Council, which together with the five IBRO Regionl Committees lunch the eductionl progrms tht rech young neuroscientists in need of support nd ssistnce. In ddition, IBRO hs prtnerships with like-minded federtions of scientific societies to identify priorities nd help bridge gps in knowledge, investment nd resources in the field of the brin nd relted diseses, from development to ging.
World Helth Orgniztion (WHO)
WHO is the directing nd coordinting uthority for helth within the United Ntions system. It is responsible for providing ledership on globl helth mtters, shping the helth reserch gend, setting norms nd stndrds, rticulting evidence-bsed policy options, providing technicl support to countries nd monitoring nd ssessing helth trends. In the 21st century, helth is shred responsibility, involving equitble ccess to essentil cre nd collective defence ginst trnsntionl threts.
Center for Orphn Disese Reserch & Therpy
The mission of the Penn Center for Orphn Disese Reserch nd Therpy is to fcilitte nd expedite the development of novel therpies for orphn disorders/diseses. The Center will chieve this mission through innovtion of therpeutic strtegies nd trnsltion of these into the clinic, building on prtnerships mong investigtors, cdemic institutions, industry, nd funding gencies.
Worldwide Cncer Reserch
We re chrity which funds reserch into ny type of cncer nywhere in the world. We fund projects in the world’s best reserch institutions. We fund some of the world’s most diverse nd unexpected projects. We fund world-renowned specilists nd up nd coming tlent. We do ll those things for one very good reson - to gin globl perspective. Becuse reserch doesn’t hppen in isoltion. The nswers will not come from one scientist, in one lb, in one country. Scientists my compete to be the first to mke world-chnging discovery, but they re linked together by n unflinching commitment to better understnd cncer nd how we cn live with it. For this reson they shre their discoveries. nd they need to becuse cncer is not one disese – it’s more thn 200. ll different, unique diseses, which require different pproches for tretment. Tretments tht work for some cncers don’t work for others nd sometimes those tretments simply stop working. This worldwide reserch will enhnce our understnding of cncer nd help us find nd develop better, more effective tretments. Tretments personlised to your unique needs. Tretments you, your fmily or your fmily’s fmily my rely on in the future. But reserch won’t hppen without funding. nd without reserch we mke no further progress. Without reserch we stop investing in our future helth. To relise our vision of no life cut short by cncer the reserch cn never stop.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund is n independent privte foundtion dedicted to dvncing the biomedicl sciences by supporting reserch nd other scientific nd eductionl ctivities. Within this brod mission, BWF hs two primry gols: To help scientists erly in their creers develop s independent investigtorsTo dvnce fields in the bsic biomedicl sciences tht re undervlued or in need of prticulr encourgement
Boehringer Ingelheim Foundtion
The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) is public foundtion - n independent, non-profit orgniztion for the exclusive nd direct promotion of bsic reserch in biomedicine. We support up-nd-coming junior scientists whose reserch projects experimentlly elucidte the bsic phenomen of humn life, nd orgnize two Interntionl Titisee Conferences per yer. We re convinced tht gret scientific ides nd developments need stimulting context, freedom nd sound finncil fundment. t BIF, we do our best to provide ll these for our fellows in our progrmmes.
The rthritis Foundtion
The rthritis Foundtion is committed to rising wreness nd reducing the uncceptble impct of rthritis, disese which must be tken s seriously s other chronic diseses becuse of its devstting consequences. We re leding the wy to conquer the ntion's leding cuse of disbility through incresed eduction, outrech, reserch, dvoccy nd other vitl progrms nd services. Our gol is to reduce by 20 percent the number of people suffering from rthritis-relted physicl ctivity limittions by 2030.
Cring for Crcinoid Foundtion
The mission of the Cring for Crcinoid Foundtion (CFCF) is to discover cures for crcinoid cncer, pncretic neuroendocrine cncer, nd relted neuroendocrine cncers. CFCF lso works to eliminte the suffering of ptients, fmilies, nd cregivers ffected by neuroendocrine cncers. Since its inception, CFCF hs wrded over ten million dollrs in reserch grnts to leding scientists t renowned reserch institutions. long with its focus on reserch, CFCF is committed to supporting ptients, fmilies, friends nd cregivers by providing them with complete nd up-to-dte informtion.
British Society for ntimicrobil Chemotherpy
We re …… n inter-professionl orgnistion with 40 yers of experience nd chievement in ntibiotic eduction, reserch nd ledership. Dedicted to sving lives through pproprite use nd development of ntibiotics now nd in the future. Communictes effectively bout ntibiotics nd ntibiotic usge vi workshops, professionl guidelines nd its own high impct interntionl journl. - See more t:
Brekthrough Prize
The prizes were founded by Sergey Brin nd nne Wojcicki, Mrk Zuckerberg nd Priscill Chn, nd Yuri nd Juli Milner. Committees of previous luretes choose the winners from cndidtes nominted in process tht’s online nd open to the public.Luretes receive $3 million ech in prize money. The disciplines tht sk the biggest questions nd find the deepest explntions re the fundmentl sciences. The Brekthrough Prizes honor importnt, primrily recent, chievements in the ctegories of Fundmentl Physics, Life Sciences nd Mthemtics.
m. Soc. for Phrmcology nd Exp. Therpeutics (SPET)
The mericn Society for Phrmcology nd Experimentl Therpeutics (SPET) is 4,800 member scientific society whose members conduct bsic nd clinicl phrmcologicl reserch nd work for cdemi, government, lrge phrmceuticl compnies, smll biotech compnies, nd even non-profit orgniztions. SPET members work in vriety of different fields nd include neuroscientists, toxicologists, chemicl biologists, phrmcists, crdiovsculr scientists, nd mny more.
Shwchmn-Dimond Syndrome Foundtion (SDSF)
Shwchmn-Dimond Syndrome Foundtion is ntionl, nonprofit, ptient dvoccy orgniztion. Our gols re to dvocte nd support reserch towrds cure nd to improve medicl mngement of symptoms, s well s to link fmilies for emotionl support nd supply them with the most current medicl informtion vilble. This informtion is provided with the expertise nd coopertion of our professionl medicl dvisory bord comprised of doctors nd scientists from round the world.
mericn Urologicl ssocition (U)
Founded in 1902, the mericn Urologicl ssocition (U) is premier urologic ssocition, providing invluble support to the urologic community. Our mission is to promote the highest stndrds of urologicl clinicl cre through eduction, reserch nd the formultion of helth cre policy.
Interntionl Foundtion for Reserch in Experimentl Economics (IFREE)
The Interntionl Foundtion for Reserch in Experimentl Economics (IFREE) ws estblished in 1997 by Dr. Vernon L. Smith to support reserch nd eduction in experimentl economics. Tody, IFREE remins the only foundtion nnully supporting experimentl economics reserch projects, scholrly development of pre nd post doc students, speker series, nd seminrs nd workshops in experimentl economics.
Cerebrl Plsy llince
Our imTo crete funding source of $50 million to build reserch sustinbilityThe Reserch Foundtion of Cerebrl Plsy llince ws estblished to tke on the globl chllenge to find cerebrl plsy prevention, cure nd intervention. This will be chieved by:Funding reserchExpnding grnts progrmEncourging reserchers to dopt cerebrl plsy s their re of studyBringing together the best minds nd reserch from round the world, nd shring the informtion globllyBuilding prtnerships
The Tree Reserch nd Eduction Endowment Fund (TREE Fund) is shping the future of trees nd the rboriculture profession. We provide reserch grnts, scholrships nd eductionl progrms to dvnce knowledge in the field of rboriculture nd urbn forestry. With this knowledge, rborists nd citizens will be better equipped to ensure tht helthy, mture trees remin n integrl prt of the urbn nd suburbn communities of our future. Our reserch priority res re: Root nd Soil Mngement–Mny urbn tree problems originte below ground. Promoting root development, protecting roots from injury nd conflicts with infrstructure re issues tht rborists encounter regulrly. Mnging roots includes soil mngement.Plnting nd Estblishment–Survivl nd vigorous growth of trees fter plnting re of concern to rborists nd the entire green industry. rborists re incresingly deling with problems tht originte in, or could be voided by, the plnting process.Plnt Helth Cre–Helthy plnts hve more effective defense systems nd re better ble to resist pests. Complete understnding of plnt helth my led to new pest control strtegies.Risk ssessment nd Worker Sfety–Sfety is mjor concern. It cn be life-or-deth issue to tree workers nd the public. Detection of defects nd knowing how they develop re importnt. Improved equipment nd work prctices re needed.Urbn Forestry–Urbn forestry is the creful cre nd mngement of urbn forests, i.e., tree popultions in urbn settings for the purpose of improving the urbn environment.Technology Trnsferrboriculture Eduction
OCLC Reserch
OCLC Reserch is one of the world's leding centers devoted exclusively to the chllenges fcing librries nd rchives in rpidly chnging informtion technology environment. Our mission is to expnd knowledge tht dvnces OCLC's public purposes of furthering ccess to the world's informtion nd reducing librry costs. Since 1978, we hve crried out reserch nd mde technologicl dvnces tht enhnce the vlue of librry services nd improve the productivity of librrins nd librry users. OCLC Reserch is committed to three roles: To ct s community resource for shred Reserch nd Development (R&;D),To provide dvnced development nd technicl support within OCLC itself, ndTo enhnce OCLC's enggement with members nd to mobilize the community round shred concerns.
Meningitis Reserch Foundtion
Fundrises to support reserch into the prevention, detection nd tretment of the diseses nd to shre knowledge gined by reserch so everyone cn benefitCmpigns to ensure no one suffers from vccine preventble disese – tking our cuse to the people who mke decisions bout helth cre ctively promotes knowledge by freely distributing leflets nd posters to the public nd helth professionls in print nd onlineWorks with experts nd helth professionls to develop nd publicise guidelines to improve tretmentHelps clinics in (prts of) Mlwi to implement trige system.ssists with helpline operted by trined nurses nd stff 365 dys yerSupports those lredy ffected – the individuls nd fmilies who hve lost loved ones or hve been left mnging disbilityHosts mjor meningitis nd septicemi conference every two yers with the world’s leding specilist scientists nd medics ttendingRuns the UK nd Irelnd’s nnul Meningitis wreness Week in September
NBI Disorders ssocition
The NBI Disorders ssocition, formerly known s Hllervorden-Sptz Syndrome ssocition, (HSS) ws originlly founded in 1996 by President, Ptrici Wood. The gols of the ssocition re to rise funds to support reserch pertinent to NBI; to provide emotionl support to those fflicted with NBI nd their fmilies; nd to rise public wreness of NBI
Fmilies of Spinl Musculr trophy (FSM)
Fmilies of SM funds nd directs the leding SM reserch progrms to develop tretment nd cure for the disese. The successful results nd progress tht the orgniztion hs delivered, from bsic reserch to drug discovery to clinicl trils, provide rel hope for fmilies nd ptients impcted by the disese. The chrity hs invested over $55 million in reserch nd hs been involved in funding lmost two thirds of ll the ongoing novel drug progrms for SM.
rts nd Humnities Reserch Council (HRC)
The HRC is non-deprtmentl public body sponsored by the Deprtment for Business, Innovtion nd Skills, long with the other UK Reserch Councils. The HRC is governed by its Council, which is responsible for its overll strtegic direction, nd we re incorported by Royl Chrter.
Interntionl Society for Hert & Lung Trnsplnttion (ISHLT)
The Interntionl Society for Hert nd Lung Trnsplnttion is multidisciplinry, professionl orgniztion dedicted to improving the cre of ptients with dvnced hert or lung disese through trnsplnttion, mechnicl support nd innovtive therpies vi reserch, eduction nd dvoccy.
GBS/CIDP Foundtion Interntionl
The Foundtion begn over 30 yers go s support group for ptients &; fmilies impcted by Guillin‐Brré syndrome, chronic inflmmtory demyelinting polyneuropthy (CIDP) or ny of the vrints tht exist. Since then, our commitment hs been to provide support to those ffected by these disorders so tht every ptient obtins n erly dignosis, proper tretment &; the opportunity for full recovery.
The Whole New World Foundtion (WNWF)
The Whole New World Foundtion (WNWF) is diversified privte foundtion. The foundtion creted the globl, $1 million Children’s Prize in 2013 nd Dt for Life in 2014. Bsed in Mimi, WNWF works closely with mjor locl science museum, cdemic medicl, engineering, nd science deprtments, nd the locl entrepreneuril community. ll of the Foundtion’s ctivities focus on engineering solutions to importnt problems. Our model unites the power of humn competition with the hyper-connectivity of the informtion ge to crowd-source the most promising solutions to importnt chllenges. Winners then enter into collbortive reltionship with us to execute their vision. While fostering innovtion, the compny thinks like n engineer, plcing its strongest emphsis on efficiency nd insisting on ccurte nd scientific estimtes of impct before project is dvnced
The University of Chicgo Knowledge Lb
The explosion of digitl informtion offers n unprecedented opportunity to study the dynmics tht shpe humn understnding, investigtion nd certinty. Our reserchers re developing new Big Dt, mchine lerning nd crowd-sourcing pproches nd techniques to: Efficiently hrvest nd shre knowledge nd judgment from experts, people, rticles, preprints, softwre, ptient records, rtifcts, videos nd sensorsLern how knowledge is mde, used, certified nd forgottenRepresent, recombine nd generte knowledge in powerful wysImprove knowledge genertion, representtion, mngement nd innovtion prctices… …everywhere. Current Knowledge Lb projects seek to ctlyze reserch into Metknowledge - new field devoted to representing, recombining nd generting knowledge in powerful wys cross domins.
The Modern griculture Foundtion
The modern griculture foundtion is non-profit orgniztion, working to promote reserch in the field of cultured met.We work with students, reserchers nd cdemic institutes, s well s the generl public, iming to rise wreness of cultured met s potentilly revolutionry concept in the food industry, nd to rise funds for reserch. Our ctivities include: ccompnying students during their studies, guiding them nd providing the nswers nd informtion needed to eventully join cultured met reserch.Giving lectures in cdemic nd other eductionl institutes to gin supporters.Connecting nd coordinting between relevnt reserch bodies.Lobbying nd promoting government support for reserch.Rising wreness mong the generl public regrding the benefits of cultured met.
Inter University Institute for Mrine Sciences in Eilt (IUI)
The Interuniversity Institute for Mrine Sciences in Eilt (IUI) evolved from the H. Steinitz Mrine Biology Lbortory (MBL) estblished by the Hebrew University in 1968. Over decde of intensive ctivities in the Red Se followed, in which pioneering surveys nd reserch in ll mrine sciences disciplines were performed in the estern Sini shores nd relted deep se. Such ctivities, including extensive teching progrms, were crried out in coopertion with scientists from Tel-viv nd Br-Iln Universities.
Obesity Society
Our VisionTo dvnce the science-bsed understnding of the cuses, consequences, prevention nd tretment of obesity in order to improve the lives of those ffected by creting the leding professionl society in the field.Our Mission SttementThrough reserch, eduction nd dvoccy, to better understnd, prevent, nd tret obesity nd improve the lives of those ffected.
Celgene wrds
Celgene is committed to developing nd supporting investigtors who seek to dvnce knowledge in the field of Hemtology. Clinicins in three ctegories will be cknowledged nd their institutions will be wrded with reserch grnt to further dditionl hemtology reserch nd relted eduction.
Morris niml Foundtion
Morris niml Foundtion is nonprofit orgniztion tht is globl leder in niml helth science, nd our funding helps more species in more plces thn ny other orgniztion in the world. The mission of the Foundtion is to improve the helth nd well-being of compnion nimls nd wildlife by funding humne niml helth studies nd disseminting informtion bout those studies.
Simons Foundtion
The Simons Foundtion is privte foundtion bsed in New York City, incorported in 1994 by Jim nd Mrilyn Simons. The Simons Foundtion’s mission is to dvnce the frontiers of reserch in mthemtics nd the bsic sciences. We sponsor rnge of progrms tht im to promote deeper understnding of our world.
Corneli de Lnge Syndrome (CdLS) Foundtion
The CdLS Foundtion is ntionl non-profit orgniztion tht hs served people with CdLS nd their fmilies since 1981. The Foundtion’s mission is reflected in its slogn: Reching Out, Providing Help, nd Giving Hope. The Foundtion is the only orgniztion dedicted to CdLS in the ntion. It distributes number of publictions to fmilies nd professionls cring for children with CdLS, nd hosts meetings nd conferences where reserchers nd fmilies cn meet to exchnge informtion. The Foundtion lso cts s fcilittor between fmilies nd professionls, utilizing tem of professionls who lend their expertise to those cring for child with CdLS.
Globl Polio Erdiction Inititive (GPEI)
The Globl Polio Erdiction Inititive is public-privte prtnership led by ntionl governments nd sperheded by the World Helth Orgniztion (WHO), Rotry Interntionl, the US Centers for Disese Control nd Prevention (CDC), nd the United Ntions Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Its gol is to erdicte polio worldwide. t glnce: the Globl Polio Erdiction Inititive 2011 23 yers of opertion4 sperheding prtners200 countries involved20 million volunteers2.5 billion children immunized>US$ 8.2 billion interntionl investmentGol: polio-free world
mericn Gstroenterologicl ssocition (G)
The mericn Gstroenterologicl ssocition is the trusted voice of the GI community. Founded in 1897, the G hs grown to include more thn 16,000 members from round the globe who re involved in ll spects of the science, prctice nd dvncement of gstroenterology. The G, 501(c6) orgniztion, dministers ll membership nd public policy ctivities, while the G Institute, 501(c3) orgniztion, runs the orgniztion’s prctice, reserch nd eductionl progrms. On monthly bsis, the G Institute publishes two highly respected journls, Gstroenterology nd Clinicl Gstroenterology nd Heptology. The orgniztion's nnul meeting is Digestive Disese Week®, which is held ech My nd is the lrgest interntionl gthering of physicins, reserchers nd cdemics in the fields of gstroenterology, heptology, endoscopy nd gstrointestinl surgery. The G Reserch Foundtion provides digestive disese reserch grnts on behlf of the G Institute.
Wenner-Gren Foundtion
The Wenner-Gren Foundtion for nthropologicl Reserch, Inc. is privte operting foundtion dedicted to the dvncement of nthropology throughout the world. Locted in New York City, it is one of the mjor funding sources for interntionl nthropologicl reserch nd is ctively engged with the nthropologicl community through its vried grnt, fellowship, networking, conference nd symposi progrms. It founded nd continues to publish the interntionl journl Current nthropology, nd dissemintes the results of its symposi through open-ccess supplementry issues of this journl. The Foundtion works to support ll brnches of nthropology nd closely relted disciplines concerned with humn biologicl nd culturl origins, development, nd vrition.
Instruct is prt of the Biologicl nd Medicl Sciences (BMS) projects on the ESFRI rodmp (Europen Strtegy Forum on Reserch Infrstructures). Instruct is the dynmic hub of structurl biology providing n integrted infrstructure of cutting-edge technology, scientific expertise nd pioneering trining.University of Oxford The fostering of truly integrted structurl biologists with ccess to the most dvnced technology vilble will help mke Europe the leding force in structurl biology. Reserchers working from smll groups or institutes will be ble to tke on bigger scientific chllenges thnks to Instruct. The new res of reserch opened by integrtion nd collbortion will generte scientific brekthroughs. We lso believe tht promoting high-impct reserch will ttrct the best scientists to Europe. We believe tht we cn rise the stndrd of scientific work by mking integrted pproches to science more ccessible. Structurl biology is not the only field tht requires investment in expensive technology infrstructures nd risks developing reserchers with specilist but overly nrrow skills. We know more integrted pproches cn deliver significnt dvnces in structurl biology. The sme should be true in wide rnge of sciences. Frgmenttion of reserch inhibits Europe’s potentil for innovtion, mkes investment less effective, nd reduces our bility to solve problems such s geing popultions, pndemics nd climte chnge. Prt of the solution is the estblishment of the Europen Reserch re. This will foster greter coopertion nd collbortion cross Europen Union member sttes nd encourge the region’s sustinble development nd competitiveness. Instruct is one of the biomedicl sciences projects tht contributes to mking the Europen Reserch re relity.
The Rothschild Cesre Foundtion
The Rothschild Cesre Foundtion is promoting vision of just nd thriving Isreli society, cting to reduce socil inequlities through higher eduction nd the development of socil responsibility. The Rothschild Cesre Foundtion opertes with the im of leding the drem of just nd thriving Isreli society working to reduce socil gps through higher eduction nd the encourgement of socil responsibility mong youths.Since its inception, the Rothschild Cesre Foundtion hs donted hundreds of millions of shekels to estblishing nd leding innovtive progrms throughout the country. Tens of thousnds of youths nd children, Jewish nd rb, religious nd seculr, ntive-born Isrelis nd new immigrnts, hve gined the dvntges of higher eduction through the rnge of progrms funded by the Foundtion.Besides scholrship progrms, progrms to mke higher lerning more ccessible, nd innovtive progrms for t-risk youth, the Foundtion lso promotes cdemic excellence by supporting pioneering reserch nd returning scientists. Over the yers the Foundtion hs founded reserch centers t universities nd colleges, s well s librries nd other public buildings. In ddition to ctivities in higher eduction, the Rothschild Cesre Foundtion mkes n nnul dontion to the locl uthorities in the vicinity of Cesre, ermrked to dvnce brod spectrum of eduction-oriented projects.
Moetzet he'Hlv
המועצה לענף החלב בישראל, יצור ושיווק (חל"צ) משמשת שולחן משותף לכל הגורמים בענף החלב – הממשלה, ארגוני החקלאים, מגדלי הבקר, צרכנים ומחלבות, שבמסגרתו מתקבלות ההסכמות החיוניות לפעילותו התקינה של ענף מורכב זה. מועצת החלב מזמינה הצעות לתוכניות מחקר הענף החלב, בהתאם ליעדי הענף המשתנים מעת לעת.
Pul G. llen Fmily Foundtion
The Pul G. llen Fmily Foundtion, founded in 1988 by Pul llen nd his sister Jody llen, hs invested nerly hlf of billion dollrs into improving communities throughout the Pcific Northwest nd beyond.Our purpose is to light up the world with meningful chnge, strting close to home nd moving round the globe. We wnt our work to fund field-chnging reserch. To give first-time entrepreneurs the tools to rewrite their futures. To enble rtists to mke sense of the complexities of our world.But this kind of chnge is unmpped. It requires willingness to tke chnces, nd tke them often. We lredy know wht proven ides cn do. It’s the unproven ones we’re interested in. Unrelized potentil is the difference between predictbly good results nd powerful ripple effect.This is why we re dedicted to tking risks, both big nd smll. We prtner with orgniztions tht hve brve, cretive ledership. We thoughtfully seek cuses tht ren’t the obvious ones. The curious inititives. The unconventionl perspectives. The incredible nd unexpected ides. We prtner with exceptionl nonprofits who re bold enough to not only chnge the world—but reinvent it.
mericn Chemicl Society (CS) Green Chemistry Institute (GCI)
The concept of greening chemistry is reltively new ide which developed in the business nd regultory communities s nturl evolution of pollution prevention inititives. In our efforts to improve crop protection, commercil products, nd medicines, we lso cused unintended hrm to our plnet nd humns.
Toyot Motor Corportion Environmentl ctivities Grnt Progrm
The Toyot Environmentl ctivities Grnt Progrm ws inugurted in 2000, commemorting TOYOT's receipt of the prestigious Globl 500 wrd, to further demonstrte TOYOT's responsibility for the environment nd sustinble development. Since then, s prt of its corporte philnthropic ctivities, TOYOT hs been conducting the Grnt Progrm to support environmentl ctivities implemented by NPOs nd other non-profit privte groups.
Cisco Security Grnd Chllenge
The Cisco Security Grnd Chllenge is globl, industry-wide inititive to bring the security community together to ddress securing the Internet of Things (IoT). Smrt, internet-enbled devices re growing t n exponentil pce with werble devices, kitchen pplinces, connected crs or helthcre devices more nd more commonplce, nd expected to grow to 50 billion by 2020. For these devices to deliver on the promise of connected future, we need strong security for “thing-bsed” solutions. With IoT s significnt prt of lrger Internet of Everything (IoE) tht brings together connected devices with people, process nd dt, it’s even more impertive tht we ensure the things we connect re secure.
Cutneous Lymphom Foundtion
The Cutneous Lymphom Foundtion is n independent, non-profit ptient dvoccy orgniztion dedicted to supporting every person with cutneous lymphom by promoting wreness nd eduction, dvncing ptient cre, nd fcilitting reserch. We exist to mke sure tht ech person with cutneous lymphom gets the best cre possible.
Interntionl OCD Foundtion (IOCDF)
The Interntionl OCD Foundtion is donor-supported nonprofit orgniztion. Founded in 1986 by smll group of individuls with OCD, the Foundtion hs grown into n interntionl membership-bsed orgniztion serving brod community of individuls with OCD nd relted disorders, their fmily members nd loved ones, nd mentl helth professionls nd reserchers. We hve ffilites in 22 sttes nd territories in the US, in ddition to prtnerships with other OCD orgniztions round the world. The Foundtion ims to improve outcomes for individuls with OCD nd relted disorders by: Providing resources nd support for those ffected by OCD, including individuls with OCD nd relted disorders, their fmily members, friends, nd loved ones.Incresing ccess to effective tretment through: Educting mentl helth professionls bout evidence-bsed tretments.Providing forum for professionl collbortion nd networking.Supporting reserch into the cuses of nd tretments for OCD nd relted disorders. Promoting wreness bout OCD nd relted disorders to the OCD community nd the generl public.
Post-Polio Helth Interntionl (PHI)
Post-Polio Helth Interntionl (PHI), incorported s 501(c)3 – non-profit – in 1960, lso "does business s" Interntionl Ventiltor Users Network (IVUN). Post-Polio Helth Interntionl is governed by Bord of Directors nd hs pid stff of two. ccounting, design nd editoril services re provided by independent contrctors. Mission Sttement:Post-Polio Helth Interntionl's mission is to enhnce the lives nd independence of polio survivors nd home ventiltor users through eduction, dvoccy, reserch nd networking.
Strtegic Helth Innovtion Prtnerships (SHIP)
Mission The mission of SHIP is to bring life-sving drugs, vccines nd medicl devices to mrket by cting s ctlyst in the product development of new innovtive interventions. ct s funding gency for leding multidisciplinry projects.MRC fund the infrstructure nd slriesctively mnge nd coordinte helth innovtion in South fric within the strtegic disese nd technology focus res.Provide strtegic nd scientific ledership Seek to ugment gps in the innovtion pipeline by leverging non-finncil resourcesUse funds flexibility between disese focus res bsed on project needs.Ensure tht SHIP reserch is globlly ligned nd competitive through collbortion with other PDPs, such s MMV, ERS etc.
Interntionl Essentil Tremor Foundtion (IETF)
Founded in 1988 s 501(c)3 non-profit membership orgniztion, the Interntionl Essentil Tremor Foundtion (IETF) is guided by n executive bord of directors, medicl dvisory bord nd n executive director with stff of three. The orgniztion consists of ptients, physicins, eductors, helth cre workers, prents, reltives, friends nd volunteers.The IETF funds reserch to find the cuse of essentil tremor (ET) tht leds to tretments nd cure, increses wreness, nd provides eductionl mterils, tools, nd support for helthcre providers, the public, nd those ffected by ET.
mericn ssocition of Physicists in Medicine (PM)
The mission of the mericn ssocition of Physicists in Medicine is to dvnce the science, eduction nd professionl prctice of medicl physics, which is brodly-bsed scientific nd professionl discipline encompssing physics principles nd pplictions in biology nd medicine. The PM hs estblished Medicl Physics s its primry scientific nd informtionl journl. The PM is Member of the mericn Institute of Physics. PM membership informtion nd ppliction forms my be obtined from the Executive Officer. The PM is scientific, eductionl, nd professionl orgniztion of 8309 medicl physicists. Hedqurters re locted t the mericn Center for Physics in College Prk, MD, with stff of 26, nnul budget is 10.5M. Publictions include scientific journl (Medicl Physics), n pplied clinicl journl (JCMP), technicl reports, nd symposium proceedings.
mericn Institute of Ultrsound in Medicine (IUM)
The mericn Institute of Ultrsound in Medicine is multidisciplinry medicl ssocition of more thn 9000 physicins, sonogrphers, scientists, students, nd other helth cre providers. Estblished more thn 50 yers go, the IUM is dedicted to dvncing the sfe nd effective use of ultrsound in medicine through professionl nd public eduction, reserch, development of guidelines, nd ccredittion.
Icocc Fmily Foundtion
The Icocc Fmily Foundtion ws creted to fund innovtive nd promising dibetes reserch progrms nd projects tht will led to cure for the disese nd llevite complictions cused by it. To everyone living with type 1 dibetes, it hs brought new hope nd promise. Lee Icocc estblished the Foundtion in 1984 in honor of his lte wife, Mry K. Icocc, who died from complictions of type 1 dibetes. Since its inception, the Foundtion hs funded more thn $40 million in promising reserch projects.
Exiqon opertes in two business res, Life Sciences nd Dignostics, which shre: One vision - pursue new scientific discoveries to improve helthcreOne focus - the promise of microRN s biologicl mrkersOne technology pltform - our proprietry LN™ (Locked Nucleic cid) detection technology.Exiqon Life Sciences is leding supplier of products for microRN reserch. Reserchers round the world in cdemi, the biotechnology industry nd the phrmceuticl industry re using our reserch products to mke groundbreking discoveries bout the correltion between gene ctivity nd the development of cncer nd other diseses.Exiqon is listed on the NSDQ OMX in Copenhgen.
Ntionl Science Foundtion (NSF)
The Ntionl Science Foundtion (NSF) is n independent federl gency creted by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to dvnce the ntionl helth, prosperity, nd welfre; to secure the ntionl defense…" With n nnul budget of bout $7.0 billion (FY 2012), we re the funding source for pproximtely 20 percent of ll federlly supported bsic reserch conducted by meric’s colleges nd universities. In mny fields such s mthemtics, computer science nd the socil sciences, NSF is the mjor source of federl bcking.NSF is tsked with keeping the United Sttes t the leding edge of discovery in wide rnge of scientific res, from stronomy to geology to zoology. So, in ddition to funding reserch in the trditionl cdemic res, the gency lso supports "high risk, high py off" ides, novel collbortions nd numerous projects tht my seem like science fiction tody, but which the public will tke for grnted tomorrow. nd in every cse, we ensure tht reserch is fully integrted with eduction so tht tody's revolutionry work will lso be trining tomorrow's top scientists nd engineers.
Hirshberg Foundtion For Pncretic Cncer Reserch
Founded in 1997, the Hirshberg Foundtion for Pncretic Cncer Reserch is ntionl, nonprofit orgniztion dedicted to dvncing pncretic cncer reserch, nd providing informtion, resources, nd support to pncretic cncer ptients nd their fmilies.To dte, the Foundtion hs:Funded Seed Grnt wrd Recipients who hve received $50 million dollrs in NIH grntsRised more thn $14 million for pncretic cncer reserchGrnted over $800,000 in finncil id for ptientsProvided ssistnce to thousnds of ptients nd their fmilies
Swiss Reserch Foundtion for Electricity nd Mobile Communiction (FSM)
The Swiss Reserch Foundtion for Electricity nd Mobile Communiction (FSM) is non-profit-mking foundtion with the purpose of promoting scientific reserch into the chnces nd risks of rdio nd electric power technologies tht produce nd use electromgnetic fields. Further ims of the FSM re the publiction of the results of this reserch in scientific orgns nd the dissemintion of the reserch findings nd specilist knowledge bout electromgnetic fields within the broder community.
Cncer Reserch UK
number of bodies work together to ensure tht we mke the best use of the funds we receive nd continue to crry out world-clss reserch.We fund scientists, doctors nd nurses to help bet cncer sooner. We lso provide cncer informtion to the public. Our policy development tem develops evidence-bsed policy to inform Government decisions relted to cncer nd reserch.
lport Syndrome Foundtion
The lport Syndrome Foundtion (SF) is volunteer-led orgniztion formed in 2007 by fmilies ffected by this disese. We re 501(c)(3) non-profit corportion, but re essentilly group of concerned fmilies nd friends tht wnt to mke difference. The lport Syndrome Foundtion hs been built on the pst efforts of the lte Dr. Curtis tkin of the University of Uth nd the Hereditry Nephritis Foundtion (HNF). The lport Syndrome Foundtion is lso registerd with Guidestr, n orgniztion dedicted to providing informtion on non-profits.
Msschusetts Generl Hospitl Center for Globl Helth (CGH)
Our Mission:To improve the helth of the most vulnerble in our globl community by leverging Mss Generl’s 200-yer legcy of innovtion in medicl cre, eduction, nd scientific discovery.The Center for Globl Helth is dedicted to excellence nd innovtion in ptient cre, teching nd reserch.
Ntionl Prkinson Foundtion
For over hlf century, the Ntionl Prkinson Foundtion (NPF) hs focused on meeting the needs in the cre nd tretment of people with Prkinson’s disese (PD). NPF hs funded more thn $172 million in cre, reserch nd support services.Tody, NPF hs creted globl network serving the needs of the Prkinson’s community including:39 Centers of Excellence t top medicl centers cross the globe, including 24 in the U.S. nd 15 interntionlly;Cre Centers t leding community hospitls in North meric;U.S. chpters nd support groups serving 100,000 people with Prkinson’s nd their fmilies.
Lung Cncer Reserch Foundtion
Lung Cncer Reserch Foundtion (LCRF) is nonprofit orgniztion tht supports reserch on innovtive strtegies for better tretments, screening, nd prevention of ll cncers of the lung. Our gol is to fund promising scientific nd clinicl reserch inititives tht will led to more positive outcomes nd improved qulity of life for ll lung cncer ptients.
plstic nemi & MDS Interntionl Foundtion
The plstic nemi &; MDS Interntionl Foundtion (&;MDSIF) is the world's leding nonprofit helth orgniztion dedicted to supporting ptients nd fmilies living with plstic nemi, myelodysplstic syndromes (MDS), proxysml nocturnl hemoglobinuri (PNH), nd relted bone mrrow filure diseses. &;MDSIF provides nswers, support nd hope to thousnds of ptients nd their fmilies round the world.
The Getty Foundtion
The Getty Foundtion fulfills the philnthropic mission of the Getty Trust by supporting individuls nd institutions committed to dvncing the greter understnding nd preservtion of the visul rts in Los ngeles nd throughout the world. Through strtegic grnt inititives, it strengthens rt history s globl discipline, promotes the interdisciplinry prctice of conservtion, increses ccess to museum nd rchivl collections, nd develops current nd future leders in the visul rts. It crries out its work in collbortion with the other Getty Progrms to ensure tht they individully nd collectively chieve mximum effect.
Rheumtology Reserch Foundtion
The Rheumtology Reserch Foundtion's mission is to dvnce reserch nd trining to improve the helth of people with rheumtic disese. Since its estblishment s 501(c)(3) in 1985, the Foundtion hs promoted nd dvnced the field of rheumtology by funding reserch, trining nd eduction opportunities in order to dvnce ptient cre nd ccelerte discoveries.
Rescle offers softwre pltform nd hrdwre infrstructure for compnies to perform scientific nd engineering simultion. Rescle's mission is to provide highly powerful simultion pltform tht empowers the world's engineers nd scientists to develop the most innovtive products nd perform groundbreking reserch nd development.
SM Europe
The purpose of SM Europe is to provide frmework to stimulte collbortion nd ccelerte trnsltionl reserch pthwys in SM nd promote ptient cre. Coopertion between Europen orgnistions is ment to enhnce nd support the existing efforts of ech ssocition by identifying res for collbortion tht re mutully dvntgeous.SM Europe ims to chieve the following objectives:to improve the qulity of life of individuls with Spinl Musculr trophy;to promote the interests of SM ptients in Europen helth policy;to rise wreness of Spinl Musculr trophy (SM) with the generl public, helthcre prctitioners, scientists nd industry;to identify, develop, promote nd implement the best prctice for SM;to promote nd sustin scientific nd medicl reserch in ll fields of Spinl Musculr trophy;to increse collbortion between member countries.
The hron Ktzir-Ktchlsky Center
The hron Ktzir-Ktchlsky Center of the Weizmnn Institute of Science ws estblished in 1972, following the trgic deth of hron Ktzir-Ktchlsky t the hnds of terrorists. The Center, set up s living memoril to him, is dministered through Bord of Trustees supported by n Interntionl dvisory Committee.The Center ctivites: Student Trvel Fellowships, Interntionl Lectures, nnul Conferences
The McGovern Institute for Brin Reserch t MIT
The McGovern Institute for Brin Reserch t MIT is led by tem of world-renowned neuroscientists committed to meeting two gret chllenges of modern science: understnding how the brin works nd discovering new wys to prevent or tret brin disorders. The McGovern Institute ws estblished in 2000 by Ptrick J. McGovern nd Lore Hrp McGovern, who re committed to improving humn welfre, communiction nd understnding through their support for neuroscience reserch. The director is Robert Desimone, formerly the hed of intrmurl reserch t the Ntionl Institute of Mentl Helth.
Berthold Leibinger Stiftung
The Berthold Leibinger Stiftung hs the following foundtion gols: To promote science nd reserch To mintin nd promote the culturl heritge of our people To support religious community tht is corportion under public lwTo support the needy These re fulfilled by promoting clssic nd contemporry literture, theter, song nd chorl singing s well s with scientific projects. The gols re lso reched by our support for orgniztions tht help the needy s well s for restoring nd mintining churches nd community centers.
The cdemy of Medicl Sciences
Founded in 1998, the cdemy of Medicl Sciences is the independent body in the UK representing the diversity of medicl science.The cdemy pursues n interdisciplinry pproch to medicl science, bringing together the biologicl, physicl, engineering nd socil sciences to ddress opportunities for innovtion nd brriers to progress.Registered Chrity No. 1070618Registered Compny No. 3520281
Swiss Ntionl Science Foundtion (SNSF)
It is Switzerlnd’s foremost institution in the promotion of scientific reserch. One of its core tsks is the evlution of reserch proposls nd, every yer, the SNSF wrds over 700 million Swiss frncs to the best pplictions. By distributing public reserch money bsed on competitive system, the SNSF contributes to the high qulity of Swiss reserch. To ensure its independence in reserch, the SNSF ws estblished s privte foundtion in 1952. Mndted by the federl uthorities, the SNSF supports bsic science in ll cdemic disciplines, from history to medicine nd engineering sciences. In close collbortion with higher eduction institutions nd other prtners, the SNSF works towrds creting the best possible conditions for the development nd interntionl integrtion of Swiss reserch. The SNSF is pying prticulr ttention to the support of young scientists.
PDI Foundtion
The PDI FOUNDTION encourges nd supports underwter science, environmentl projects, nd eduction. The Foundtion will fund nd ssist worthwhile projects tht will enrich mnkind's understnding of the qutic environment nd encourge sensitivity to nd protection of the delicte ecologicl blnce of underwter life. The Foundtion will lso fund worthwhile projects to increse understnding of sport diving physics nd physiology tht will benefit the generl diving public nd dd to the scientific understnding of mn's reltionship nd bility to survive in the underwter environment. The PDI Foundtion is n IRC Section 501 (c)(3) non-profit, tx exempt orgniztion. It is seprte nd distinct orgniztion, corportely unrelted to PDI, Inc. nd its ffilites, but funded through Interntionl PDI, Inc.
Merck Serono
Merck Serono is the biophrmceuticl division of Merck KG. With hedqurters in Drmstdt, Germny, Merck Serono offers leding brnds in 150 countries to help ptients with cncer, multiple sclerosis, infertility, endocrine nd metbolic disorders s well s crdiovsculr diseses. In the United Sttes nd Cnd, EMD Serono opertes s seprtely incorported subsidiry of Merck Serono. Merck Serono discovers, develops, mnufctures nd mrkets prescription medicines of both chemicl nd biologicl origin in specilist indictions. We hve n enduring commitment to deliver novel therpies in our core focus res of oncology, neurology nd immunology.
Hruv Institute
The Hruv Institute ws estblished by the Schustermn Foundtion - Isrel in 2007, with the mission to enhnce the knowledge-bse, s well s to develop dvnced eductionl progrms, for professionls nd llied cre-givers who work with bused nd neglected children, nd their fmilies. The Institute is committed to high qulity nd excellence, nd endevors to find solutions to the myrid chllenges fcing professionls who work with this popultion.
Gzit-Globe Rel Estte Institute
The Gzit-Globe Rel Estte Institute ws estblished with the spirtion of serving s the min cdemic pltform in Isrel for the study nd reserch of the field of rel estte. The institute begn operting t IDC Herzliy in October 2011 thnks to generous dontion from Gzit-Globe. The institute cts in the spirit of cdemic excellence, innovtion nd entrepreneurship tht hs erned IDC Herzliy renown. The institute strives to chieve the following gols in the field of rel estte in Isrel: Promote cdemic reserchDevelop cdemic progrmsDevelop executive eduction progrmsStrengthen ties between cdemi nd the industryInfluence public discourse
Cooley’s nemi Foundtion
The Cooley’s nemi Foundtion is dedicted to serving people fflicted with vrious forms of thlssemi, most notbly the mjor form of this genetic blood disese, Cooley’s nemi/thlssemi mjor.Our mission is dvncing the tretment nd cure for this ftl blood disese, enhncing the qulity of life of ptients nd educting the medicl profession, trit crriers nd the public bout Cooley’s nemi/thlssemi mjor.
lign Technology
lign Technology designs, mnufctures nd mrkets Invislign, proprietry method for treting mlocclusion, or the mislignment of teeth. Invislign corrects mlocclusion using series of cler, nerly invisible, removble pplinces tht gently move teeth to desired finl position. Becuse it does not rely on the use of metl or cermic brckets nd wires, Invislign significntly reduces the esthetic nd other limittions ssocited with brces. Invislign is pproprite for treting dults nd teens.
Interstitil Cystitis ssocition (IC)
The Interstitil Cystitis ssocition (IC) dvoctes for interstitil cystitis (IC) reserch dedicted to discovery of cure nd better tretments, rises wreness, nd serves s centrl hub for the helthcre providers, reserchers nd millions of ptients who suffer with constnt urinry urgency nd frequency nd extreme bldder pin clled IC. (IC is lso referred to s pinful bldder syndrome, bldder pin syndrome, nd chronic pelvic pin.)
Wrren lpert Foundtion
The Wrren lpert Foundtion supports innovtive individuls nd orgniztions dedicted to understnding nd curing disese through groundbreking reserch, scholrship nd service. Ech fll the foundtion hosts signture symposium t which some of the world's foremost physicin-scientists nd reserchers receive one of the most prestigious wrds in biomedicine.
Wellcome Trust
We re globl chritble foundtion dedicted to chieving extrordinry improvements in humn nd niml helth.We support the brightest minds in biomedicl reserch nd the medicl humnities. Our bredth of support includes public enggement, eduction nd the ppliction of reserch to improve helth. We re independent of both politicl nd commercil interests.
Enhncing Lerning nd Res. for Humnitrin ssist.(ELRH)
ELRH ims to see globl humnitrin community where humnitrin ctors ctively collborte with higher eduction institutes to develop highly professionl responders, shre expertise nd crry out reserch tht noticebly reduces risk nd ensures tht those suffering from the impct of dissters receive more timely, relevnt nd sustinble ssistnce.
Europen Synchrotron Rdition Fcility (ESRF)
The ESRF is n X-ry light source for Europe. It is locted in Grenoble, Frnce, nd supported nd shred by 20 countries.The Europen Synchrotron Rdition Fcility (ESRF) is the most powerful synchrotron rdition source in Europe. Ech yer severl thousnd reserchers trvel to Grenoble, where they work in first-clss scientific environment to conduct exciting experiments t the cutting edge of modern science.
Ntionl Foundtion for Cncer Reserch
The Ntionl Foundtion for Cncer Reserch (NFCR) ws founded in 1973 to support cncer reserch nd public eduction relting to the prevention, erly dignosis, better tretments nd ultimtely, cure for cncer. NFCR promotes nd fcilittes collbortion mong scientists to ccelerte the pce of discovery from bench to bedside. NFCR is committed to Reserch for Cure – cures for ll types of cncers.
The Jewish Guild Helthcre
The Guild is leding not-for-profit, nonsectrin, helthcre orgniztion. We provide wide rnge of progrms nd services tht include clinicl services, low vision rehbilittion, dult dy helth cre, mentl helth services, eduction nd progrms for individuls with developmentl disbilities s well s vision loss, ll designed to help people live s independently s possible. We lso offer helth plns, in which we provide, mnge nd coordinte helthcre services so tht people with long term cre nd other specil needs cn live sfely t home.
Europen Soc. of Clin. Microb. nd Infect. Dis.(ESCMID)
The Europen Society of Clinicl Microbiology nd Infectious Diseses is non-profit orgniztion whose mission is to improve the dignosis, tretment nd prevention of infection-relted diseses. This is chieved by promoting nd supporting reserch, eduction, trining, nd good medicl prctice.
JSPS- Jpn Society for the Promotion of Science
The Jpn Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), or Gkushin for short, is n independent dministrtive institution, estblished by wy of ntionl lw for the purpose of contributing to the dvncement of science in ll fields of the nturl nd socil sciences nd the humnities. JSPS's opertion is supported in lrge prt by nnul subsidies from the Jpnese Government. Its min functions re:To foster young reserchers,To promote interntionl scientific coopertion,To wrd Grnts-in-id for Scientific Reserch,To support scientific coopertion between the cdemic community nd industry, ndTo collect nd distribute informtion on scientific reserch ctivities.
The Skolkovo Institute of Science nd Technology (SkTech)
The Skolkovo Institute of Science nd Technology (Skoltech) is privte grdute reserch university in Skolkovo, Russi, suburb of Moscow. Estblished in 2011 in collbortion with MIT, Skoltech will educte globl leders in innovtion, dvnce scientific knowledge, nd foster new technologies to ddress criticl issues fcing Russi nd the world
Stockholm Interntionl Wter Institute (SIWI)
The Stockholm Interntionl Wter Institute (SIWI) is Stockholm-bsed policy institute tht genertes knowledge nd informs decision-mking towrds wter wise policy. Founded in 1991, SIWI performs reserch, builds institutionl cpcity nd provides dvisory services in five themtic res: wter governnce, trnsboundry wter mngement, climte chnge nd wter, the wter-energy-food nexus, nd wter economics. SIWI orgnises the nnul World Wter Week in Stockholm nd hosts the Stockholm Wter Prize, the Stockholm Junior Wter Prize nd the Stockholm Industry Wter wrd. SIWI lso hosts severl flgship progrmmes, including the UNDP Wter Governnce Fcility t SIWI.
U.S. Dep. of Helth nd Humn Serv.-Biomed. dv. R&D uthority (BRD)
The Biomedicl dvnced Reserch nd Development uthority (BRD), within the Office of the ssistnt Secretry for Prepredness nd Response in the U.S. Deprtment of Helth nd Humn Services, provides n integrted, systemtic pproch to the development nd purchse of the necessry vccines, drugs, therpies, nd dignostic tools for public helth medicl emergencies.
utism Speks
world's leding utism science nd dvoccy orgniztion, dedicted to funding reserch into the cuses, prevention, tretments nd cure for utism; incresing wreness of utism spectrum disorders; nd dvocting for the needs of individuls with utism nd their fmilies. We re proud of wht we've been ble to ccomplish nd look forwrd to continued successes in the yers hed.
Foundtion for the Ntionl Institutes of Helth (FNIH)
The Foundtion for the Ntionl Institutes Of Helth Estblished by the United Sttes Congress to support the mission of the NIH—improving helth through scientific discovery in the serch for cures—the Foundtion for the NIH is leder in identifying nd ddressing complex scientific nd helth issues. The Foundtion is non-profit, 501(c)(3) chritble orgniztion tht rises privte-sector funds for brod portfolio of unique progrms tht complement nd enhnce NIH priorities nd ctivities.
Founded in 1995, XPRIZE Foundtion, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is the leding orgniztion solving the world’s “Grnd Chllenges” by creting nd mnging lrge-scle, high-profile, incentivized prize competitions tht stimulte investment in reserch nd development worth fr more thn the prize itself. The orgniztion motivtes nd inspires brillint innovtors from ll disciplines to leverge their intellectul nd finncil cpitl for the benefit of humnity. The XPRIZE Foundtion conducts competitions in five Prize Groups: Eduction; Globl Development; Energy &; Environment; Life Sciences; nd Explortion (Ocen nd Deep Spce).
Globl Helth Innovtive Technology Fund (GHIT Fund)
The Globl Helth Innovtive Technology Fund (GHIT Fund) is non-profit orgniztion imed t promoting the discovery nd development of new helth technologies, including drugs, vccines nd dignostic, for infectious diseses prevlent in developing countries. The first prtnership of its kind in Jpn, the GHIT Fund is public-privte prtnership (PPP) estblished by the Government of Jpn, consortium of Jpnese phrmceuticl compnies, nd the Bill &; Melind Gtes Foundtion.
Ntionl Infrstructure Forum for Reserch nd Development (Telem)
פורום תל"מ הוקם ביזמת האקדמיה בשלהי שנת תשנ"ז (1997). משנת תשס"ו הפורום פועל בסיוע השירותים המִנהליים של משרד התעשייה, המסחר והתעסוקה (התמ"ת). בפורום שותפים יו"ר ות"ת במועצה להשכלה גבוהה, המדען הראשי במשרד התמ"ת, מנכ"ל משרד המדע והטכנולוגיה, ראש מפא"ת במשרד הביטחון, סגן ראש אגף התקציבים במשרד האוצר ונציג האקדמיה, המשמש כיו"ר הפורום. ב-2013 סיים פרופ´ יעקב זיו את תפקידו כיו"ר המייסד של פורום תל"מ, ונשיאת האקדמיה פרופ´ רות ארנון ממלאת את מקומו. מטרות הפורום הן לתאם בין הגופים המרכיבים אותו בנושאי מחקר ופיתוח, לקיים התייעצויות, לְאַגֵּם משאבים מתקציבי הגופים האלה ולקבוע אחריות ביצוע של אחד או יותר מגופי הפורום בנוגע לפיתוח תשתיות מחקר ופיתוח לאומיות. ערוצי התמיכה במחקר ופיתוח (מו"פ) ממקורות לאומיים בישראל קיימים בעיקר במסגרות אלה: מחקר בסיסי איכותי המנוהל ומתוקצב על יסוד עקרונות תחרותייםמו"פ מגזרי (חקלאות, תעשייה, ביטחון ועוד) המנוהל ומתוקצב על יסוד צרכים וצפי ליישומים מוגדרים
United Sttes-Isrel Eductionl Foundtion (USIEF)
The US Government’s Fulbright Progrm is one of the world’s most prestigious nd widely-known cdemic exchnge progrms. The min gol of the Fulbright Progrm, initited in 1946 by Sentor J. Willim Fulbright, is to strengthen the bsis for pece by strengthening mutul understnding between the people of the United Sttes nd the peoples of prtner countries round the world. Student nd fculty exchnges t the highest possible level of cdemic excellence re the principl mens employed by the Fulbright Progrm to chieve this gol.
Globl Foundtion for Peroxisoml Disorders (GFPD)
The mission of The Globl Foundtion for Peroxisoml Disorders is to help children nd fmilies fced with dignosis of Peroxisoml Biogenesis Disorder (in the Zellweger Spectrum of Disorders) nd to ssist fmily members nd professionls through eductionl progrms, reserch, nd support services.
BIRX-Britin Isrel Reserch nd cdemic Exch. Prtnership
The BIRX Regenertive Medicine Inititive is 5 yer progrmme building on the success of the originl BIRX inititive, to deepen nd promote collbortion between the UK nd Isrel in regenertive medicine.The scheme will give generous support to joint high qulity nd ground-breking UK-Isrel reserch projects. These projects should offer the prospect of significnt impct on globl helth, enhnce joint reserch between British nd Isreli cdemic institutions nd invest in erly stge collbortion between reserchers, including PhD nd Postdoctorl students.
Rmbm Helth Cre Cmpus
Our mission is to deliver ptient-oriented, stte-of-the-rt helth cre nd preventive medicine with wrm humn touch. We implement this gol with scientific expertise nd commitment to extending nd improving life.Rmbm's vision is unique perspective embodying the linkge of technologicl progress, interdisciplinry interction, nd compssion for the benefit of humnkind.t Rmbm Helth Cre Cmpus, our top priority is to ensure development nd utiliztion of the most dvnced scientific resources for dignosis, tretment, nd reserch.
Ntionl Contest for Life Foundtion (NCL)
The non-profit NCL Foundtion ws founded on ugust 7th 2002 by Dr. Frnk Husemnn fter his son Tim ws dignosed with NCL t the ge of six. The bbrevition NCL stnds for the mission of the foundtion – Ntionl Contest for Life – s well s for the rre children’s disese (Neuronl Ceroid Lipofuscinosis / Btten Disese). Every yer bout 15 to 20 children develop NCL in Germny. The NCL Foundtion’s im is to fight this dedly disese with trgeted reserch. longside reserch initition nd funding, the Foundtion’s work is predominntly imed t educting relevnt medicl groups, ffected prents, nd the public.
Brth Syndrome Foundtion, Inc. (BSF)
We re the only world-wide volunteer orgniztion dedicted to sving lives through eduction, dvnces in tretment nd pursuit of cure for Brth syndrome (BTHS). We strted in 2000, fter the first interntionl conference held in Bltimore, MD (US) where fmilies from round the world met to discuss BTHS. s result, we mde unnimous decision to work together to find cure for this multi-system disorder. Our Foundtion strives to ccelerte progress through collbortion between fmilies nd scientists.
Isrel Lnd dministtion (IL)
93% of the lnd in Isrel is in the public domin; tht is, either property of the stte, the Jewish Ntionl Fund (JNF) or the Development uthority. The Isrel Lnd dministrtion (IL) is the government gency responsible for mnging this lnd which comprises 4,820,500 cres (19,508,000 dunms). "Ownership" of rel estte in Isrel usully mens lesing rights from the IL for 49 or 98 yers.
Wter Environment Reserch Foundtion (WERF)
The Wter Environment Reserch Foundtion, formed in 1989, is meric’s leding independent scientific reserch orgniztion dedicted to wstewter nd stormwter issues. For more thn 20 yers we hve produced hundreds of reserch reports, vlued t more thn $100 million.
Mekorot: Isrel Ntionl Wter Compny
Mekorot is one of the world’s most technologiclly dvnced wter compnies. Seventy yers of innovtion in the fce of Isrel’s significnt environmentl nd security chllenges hve mde Mekorot world leder in deslintion, wter reclmtion, wter project engineering, wter sfety nd wter qulity. Through continul reserch, experimenttion nd field innovtion, Mekorot provides stedy flow of clen wter to rpidly growing popultion despite the region’s limited freshwter resources, rid climte nd difficult geopoliticl relities. Mekorot’s uniqueness s wter utility lies in its unprlleled experience, know-how, technologies nd innovtive processes for the mngement, opertion nd tretment of ll types of wter resources, whether surfce wter, underground wter, brckish wter, sewter or effluents.
Grhm Foundtion
Founded in 1956, the Grhm Foundtion for dvnced Studies in the Fine rts mkes project-bsed grnts to individuls nd orgniztions nd produces public progrms to foster the development nd exchnge of diverse nd chllenging ides bout rchitecture nd its role in the rts, culture, nd society.
Vsculitis Foundtion
The Vsculitis Foundtion is the interntionl orgniztion for ptients with vsculitis, their fmilies, friends nd the helth cre professionls who cre for them. The Vsculitis Foundtion dvoctes for erly dignosis nd leding edge tretment for ll ptients, no mtter where they live.In ddition, the Vsculitis Foundtion prtners with reserchers round the world to determine the cuse nd discover the cure for vsculitis.
Histiocytosis ssocition
The Histiocytosis ssocition is globl nonprofit orgniztion dedicted to ddressing the unique needs of ptients nd fmilies deling with the effects of histiocytic disorders while leding the serch for cure. It is the only orgniztion of its kind, connecting the ptient nd medicl communities to:-Grow nd shre knowledge of histiocytic disorders,-Provide criticl emotionl nd eductionl support to ptients nd fmilies, nd-Identify nd fund key reserch inititives tht will led to world free of histiocytic disorders.
The New York Stem Cell Foundtion (NYSCF)
The New York Stem Cell Foundtion (NYSCF) is non-profit orgniztion whose mission is to ccelerte cures for the mjor diseses of our time through stem cell reserch. Our progrms re focused in four res:1. NYSCF Reserch - Supporting nd enbling the unrestricted pursuit of the most dvnced stem cell reserch, both in our own lbortory nd through collbortions with mjor medicl reserch institutions. 2. NYSCF Postdoctorl Fellowship Progrm nd Investigtor wrds - Supporting nd trining the next genertion of scientists, both t the postdoctorl level s Fellows, nd s Erly Creer Investigtors pursuing innovtive trnsltionl stem cell reserch in their own lbortories.3. NYSCF Conference nd Symposi - Convening the preeminent nnul trnsltionl stem cell reserch conference nd n on-going series of progrms for scientists, policymkers, nd the public.4.NYSCF - Robertson Prize - Honoring the most significnt chievement in stem cell reserch ech yer by scientist under the ge of 40.
The Sskw Pece Foundtion (SPF)
Our mission is to contribute to the welfre of humnkind nd the sound development of the interntionl community, nd thus to world pece, by conducting ctivities fostering interntionl understnding, exchnge, nd coopertion, s well s efforts to promote these ctivities
CHEST Foundtion
Ech yer, The CHEST Foundtion offers CCP members more thn $500,000 in grnts for clinicl nd trnsltionl reserch, ledership, nd volunteer community service. Nerly 800 recipients worldwide hve received more thn $9 million to support nd recognize outstnding work in chest medicine.
Mx vn Berchem Foundtion
The Mx vn Berchem Foundtion ws estblished in 1973 in honour of Mx vn Berchem (1863-1921), the founding scholr of rbic epigrphy s its own discipline. In recent yers, the Foundtion hs finnced rcheologicl excvtions, reserch projects nd studies in Islmic rt nd rchitecture in Egypt, Syri, Jordn, Spin, Hungry, Bulgri, Turkey, Tunisi, Morocco, Irn, Sudn, Irq, Turkmenistn nd Indi. It hs lso provided finncil support for epigrphicl projects in Frnce (the Thesurus d'Epigrphie Islmique), Spin, Itly, Plestine, Chin, Yemen, Irn, Sudi rbi nd Bengl.
Ntionl Institute of Stndrds nd Technology (NIST)
For more thn century, the Ntionl Institute of Stndrds nd Technology (NIST), formerly known s the Ntionl Bureu of Stndrds (NBS), hs strengthened the U.S. economy nd improved the qulity of life by working with industry to develop nd pply mesurements, stndrds, nd technology. From utomted teller mchines nd tomic clocks to mmmogrms nd semiconductors, innumerble products nd services rely in some wy on technology, mesurement, nd stndrds provided by NIST.
Climte Chnge nd Emissions Mngement (CCEMC) Corp.
The CCEMC is n lbert-bsed not-for-profit orgniztion tht opertes independently of government. It provides ongoing, dedicted funds to support the discovery, development nd deployment of trnsformtive technology tht will reduce greenhouse gs emissions (GHGs).
Interntionl Osteoporosis Foundtion (IOF)
The Interntionl Osteoporosis Foundtion (IOF) is registered not-for-profit, non-governmentl foundtion bsed in Switzerlnd. IOF functions s globl llince of ptient societies, reserch orgniztions, helthcre professionls nd interntionl compnies working to promote bone, muscle nd joint helth.
Interntionl ssocition for the Study of Pin (ISP)
Vision Sttement: Working together for pin relief throughout the world.Mission: ISP brings together scientists, clinicins, helth cre providers, nd policy mkers to stimulte nd support the study of pin nd to trnslte tht knowledge into improved pin relief worldwide.
Ernst bbe Fund
The Crl Zeiss Foundtion with its two foundtion compnies Schott Glswerke nd Crl Zeiss estblished the Ernst bbe Fund nmed fter its benefctor in 1989. The proceeds from the welth of the foundtion flow into two seprte reserch wrds tht ech hve vlue of EUR 25,000 nd hve been wrded on n lternting bsis ech yer since 1990 s the “Crl Zeiss Reserch wrd” nd the “Otto Schott Reserch wrd” to motivte nd promote minly young scientists. Both reserch wrds re governed by the Stifterverbnd für die Deutsche Wissenschft nd presented on n interntionl bsis. For this reson, the list of distinguished wrd winners includes the nmes of reserchers from the U.S.., Russi, Jpn, Chin nd other Europen countries, s well s physicists nd chemists from Germny.
Isrel Txonomy Inititive
The Isrel Txonomy Inititive (ITI) is joint project of the higher eduction system of Isrel, government ministries nd gencies, nd reserch institutions. It ws estblished to promote the trining of new genertion of txonomists nd to enrich the bsic knowledge of the biodiversity of Isrel. The min gol of the inititive is to revive txonomic studies in Isrel nd improve our understnding of biodiversity, thus expnding the contribution of science to the study, conservtion nd sustinble use of ecosystems in Isrel. The inititive furthers its ims by: wrding doctorl nd post-doctorl fellowships.Providing trvel grnts for trining of grdute students overses with expert txonomists.Providing grnts for biodiversity surveys.Hosting expert txonomists from overses to tech short courses in Isrel on vrious locl txes.
Keren Kyemeth LeIsrel - Jewish Ntionl Fund (KKL-JNF)
Keren Kyemeth LeIsrel - Jewish Ntionl Fund nd our friends worldwide, together for over 110 yers; developing the lnd with loving touch, strengthening the bond between the Jewish people nd its homelnd, responding to the needs of the country nd preserving our nturl nd culturl heritge.
Osteogenesis Imperfect Foundtion
Osteogenesis imperfect (OI) is genetic disorder chrcterized by frgile bones tht brek esily. It is lso known s “brittle bone disese.” person is born with this disorder nd is ffected throughout his or her life time.The mission of the OI Foundtion is to improve the qulity of life for people ffected by OI through reserch to find tretments nd cure, eduction, wreness, nd mutul support.
Srcom Foundtion of mericn (SF)
The mission of the Srcom Foundtion of meric (SF) is to dvocte for srcom ptients by funding reserch nd by incresing wreness bout the disese. The orgniztion rises money to privtely fund grnts for srcom reserchers nd conducts eduction nd dvoccy efforts on behlf of srcom ptients.
Nestlé is the world's leding nutrition, helth nd wellness compny.We contribute to improvements in griculturl production, the socil nd economic sttus of frmers, rurl communities nd in production systems to mke them more environmentlly sustinble. We re committed to the sustinble use of wter nd continuous improvement in wter mngement. We recognise tht the world fces growing wter chllenge nd tht responsible mngement of the world’s resources by ll wter users is n bsolute necessity.
Cerebrl Plsy Interntionl Reserch Foundtion (CPI)
The Cerebrl Plsy Interntionl Reserch Foundtion (CPIRF) is not for profit 501(c)3 orgniztion dedicted to funding reserch nd eductionl ctivities directly relevnt to discovering the cuse, cure nd evidence bsed cre for those with cerebrl plsy nd relted developmentl disbilities.
LS ssocition
Estblished in 1985, The LS ssocition is the only ntionl non-profit orgniztion fighting Lou Gehrig’s Disese on every front. By leding the wy in globl reserch, providing ssistnce for people with LS through ntionwide network of chpters, coordinting multidisciplinry cre through certified clinicl cre centers, nd fostering government prtnerships, The ssocition builds hope nd enhnces qulity of life while ggressively serching for new tretments nd cure.
Mcrthur Foundtion
The John D. nd Ctherine T. Mcrthur Foundtion supports cretive people nd effective institutions committed to building more just, verdnt, nd peceful world. In ddition to selecting the Mcrthur Fellows, the Foundtion works to defend humn rights, dvnce globl conservtion nd security, mke cities better plces, nd understnd how technology is ffecting children nd society.Mcrthur is one of the ntion's lrgest independent foundtions. Through the support it provides, the Foundtion fosters the development of knowledge, nurtures individul cretivity, strengthens institutions, helps improve public policy, nd provides informtion to the public, primrily through support for public interest medi.
Hrvey L. Neimn Helth Policy Institute
The Hrvey L. Neimn Helth Policy Institute, under the uspices of the mericn College of Rdiology (CR), is one of the ntion’s leding medicl imging socioeconomic reserch orgniztions. The Neimn Institute studies the role nd vlue of rdiology nd rdiologists in evolving helth cre delivery nd pyment systems nd the impct of medicl imging on the cost, qulity, sfety, nd efficiency of helth cre.
InnoCentive is the globl leder in crowdsourcing innovtion problems to the world’s smrtest people who compete to provide ides nd solutions to importnt business, socil, policy, scientific, nd technicl chllenges. Our globl network of millions of problem solvers, proven chllenge methodology, nd cloud-bsed technology combine to help our clients trnsform their economics of innovtion through rpid solution delivery nd the development of sustinble open innovtion progrms.
s the world’s leding provider of science nd helth informtion, Elsevier serves more thn 30 million scientists, students nd helth nd informtion professionls worldwide. We prtner with globl community of 7,000 journl editors, 70,000 editoril bord members, 300,000 reviewers nd 600,000 uthors to help customers dvnce science nd helth by providing world-clss informtion nd innovtive tools tht help them mke criticl decisions, enhnce productivity nd improve outcomes.
Isrel Institute for dvnced Studies (IS)
The Institute for dvnced Studies (IS) of Jeruslem is ntionl science institution devoted to cdemic reserch. It is self-governing body, both in its dministrtive function s well s its cdemic pursuit. It is locted t The Hebrew University of Jeruslem, on the Edmond J. Sfr cmpus t Givt Rm, where the Ntionl Librry of the Stte of Isrel is locted s well. The Institute ws founded in 1975 to provide nurturing nd stimulting cdemic environment, chmpioning outstnding scholrly reserch in wide rnge of disciplines. It brings together scholrs from round the world to engge in collbortive reserch projects for periods of five, six nd ten months. Interntionl collbortion is lso fostered through our mny conferences nd our five nnul dvnced Schools. The Institute is similr in concept to severl existing Institutes of dvnced Study, yet lso unique in its sponsoring unrestricted cdemic reserch nd hosting collbortive tems throughout the more thn thirty yers since its estblishment.
Friedreich's txi Reserch llince (FR)
The Friedreich's txi Reserch llince (FR) is ntionl, public, non-profit, tx-exempt orgniztion dedicted to curing Friedreich’s txi (F) through reserch. FR grnts nd ctivities provide support for bsic nd trnsltionl F reserch, phrmceuticl/ biotech drug development, clinicl trils, nd scientific conferences. FR lso serves s ctlyst, between the public nd scientific community, to crete worldwide exchnges of informtion tht drive medicl dvnces.
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
Boehringer Ingelheim is globl group of compnies embrcing mny cultures nd diverse societies.Reserch &; development hs been the foundtion of Boehringer Ingelheim's success nd continues to be the mjor driver of innovtive, new medicines for the tretment of diseses with n unmet therpeutic need. Furthermore, in our constnt quest for phrmceuticl innovtion we hve successful ongoing collbortions nd re ctively seeking new collbortions with externl prtners, rnging from cdemic institutions to biophrmceuticl enterprises nd strt-up compnies.
Gerd Henkel Foundtion
Hedqurtered in Düsseldorf, the Gerd Henkel Foundtion is chritble orgnistion under privte lw tht is independent of tody's Henkel Group. The Foundtion supports ntionl nd interntionl cdemic projects in the following subjects: rcheology, History, Historicl Islmic Studies, rt History, History of Lw, nd Pre- nd Protohistory.
llen Foundtion
To mke grnts to fund relevnt nutritionl reserch.To support progrms for the eduction nd trining of mothers during pregnncy nd fter the birth of their children, so tht good nutritionl hbits cn be formed t n erly ge.To ssist in the trining of persons to work s eductors nd demonstrtors of good nutritionl prctices.To encourge the dissemintion of informtion regrding helthful nutritionl prctices nd hbits.In limited situtions to mke grnts to help solve immedite emergency hunger nd mlnutrition problems. The connections between diet nd helth remin bsic nd primry priority, nd considertion hs lwys been given to projects tht benefit nutritionl progrms in the res of eduction, trining, nd reserch. Low priority hs trditionlly been given to proposls tht help solve immedite or emergency hunger nd mlnutrition problems. The foundtion does not under ny circumstnces sponsor professionl conferences, seminr tbles, discussion pnels, or similr events. One specific hope of the bord of trustees in the future is to encourge the inclusion of mndtory courses in nutrition in medicl schools. nother desire is to bring the promise of nutrigenomics or nutritionl genomics to reliztion, thus creting the possibility for empowering individuls to mke informed choices bsed on genetic informtion for their diet in order to influence the blnce between helth nd disese.
The Brnco Weiss Fellowship
Through scientific dvncements n rry of economic, socil, politicl nd culturl chnges re provoked nd fcilitted. Likewise, socil processes nd vlues impct the evolution of science nd technology. The gol of this fellowship is to fcilitte the new opportunities mde vilble by science nd technology nd the socil nd culturl dimensions tht these chnges ignite.The fellowship is designed for postdocs t home in physicl sciences, engineering nd socil sciences who re willing to move between different socil nd scientific contexts.
lgille Syndrome llince - LGS
The purpose of the llince is to serve s the min networking resource nd source ofinformtion for people with GS, their fmilies, friends, nd helth cre providers.The llince is dedicted to incresing public wreness of GS nd supporting reserch efforts on behlf of the GS community.
Multiple Sclerosis Foundtion - MSF
The Multiple Sclerosis Foundtion provides comprehensive pproch to helping people with MS mintin their helth nd well-being. We offer progrmming nd support to keep them self-sufficient nd their homes sfe, while our eductionl progrms heighten public wreness nd promote understnding bout the disese.
Ptient-Centered Outcomes Reserch Institute (PCORI)
The Ptient-Centered Outcomes Reserch Institute (PCORI) is uthorized by Congress to conduct reserch to provide informtion bout the best vilble evidence to help ptients nd their helth cre providers mke more informed decisions. PCORI’s reserch is intended to give ptients better understnding of the prevention, tretment nd cre options vilble, nd the science tht supports those options.
cid Mltse Deficiency ssocition (MD)
The cid Mltse Deficiency ssocition ws estblished in 1995 to ssist in funding reserch nd to promote public wreness of Pompe disese. Pompe disese is one of fmily of 49 rre genetic disorders known s Lysosoml Storge Diseses or LSDs. Pompe disese is lso known s cid Mltse Deficiency or Glycogen Storge Disese type II.
Terumo BCT
Terumo BCT, globl leder in blood component, therpeutic pheresis nd cellulr technologies, is the only compny with the unique combintion of pheresis collections, mnul nd utomted whole blood processing, nd pthogen reduction coupled with leding technologies in therpeutic pheresis nd cell processing. We believe in the potentil of blood to do even more for ptients thn it does tody. This belief inspires our innovtion nd strengthens our collbortion with customers.
Lymphom Reserch Foundtion (LRF)
The Lymphom Reserch Foundtion (LRF) is the ntion's lrgest non-profit orgniztion devoted exclusively to funding innovtive lymphom reserch nd providing people with lymphom nd helthcre professionls with up-to-dte informtion bout this type of cncer. LRF's mission is to erdicte lymphom nd serve those touched by this disese.
Colition to Cure Clpin 3
Colition to Cure Clpin 3 (C3) ws founded for the specific purpose of funding reserch efforts focused on understnding the biology of nd finding cure for LGMD2/Clpinopthy. This orgniztion ws creted by people with LGMD2 for people with LGMD2 s both founders hve this progressive disese.
British cdemy for the humnities nd socil sciences
The British cdemy is the UK’s ntionl body for the humnities nd socil sciences. Our purpose is to inspire, recognise nd support excellence in the humnities nd socil sciences, throughout the UK nd interntionlly, nd to chmpion their role nd vlue.
Institut Mérieux
Drwing on long trdition nd renowned expertise in tckling helth nd biology issues, the mission of the Institut Merieux is to improve ptient cre worldwide with innovtive solutions derived from biologicl knowledge nd sound technologies ( Mérieux is holding merging four min compnies involved in in vitro dignostics, immunotherpy/vccines (both preventive nd therpeutic), nd food nd wter sfety/nutrition/helth. Institut Mérieux includes bioMérieux (in vitro dignostics nd industril microbiology control), Trnsgene (immunotherpy, therpeutic vccines, oncolytic viruses), dvnced Bioscience Lbortories, Inc. (BL), (bioengineering nd CMO), nd Mérieux Nutrisciences (food sfety/nutrition/helth).The ctivities of Institut Mérieux re lso closely ssocited with those of Fondtion Mérieux which promotes sustinble reserch nd helth cre development in the field of infectious diseses in emerging nd developing countries.Institut Merieux’ strtegic fields of interest re : infectious diseses, cncer, crdiovsculr diseses nd food nd wter sfety/nutrition/helth.
Strtegic Environmentl Reserch nd Development Progrm - SERDP
SERDP is DoD’s environmentl science nd technology progrm, plnned nd executed in prtnership with DOE nd EP, with prticiption by numerous other federl nd non-federl orgniztions. SERDP invests cross brod spectrum of bsic nd pplied reserch, s well s dvnced development.
Ntionl Institute for Testing nd Evlution - NITE
Objectives:- The development nd dministrtion of stndrdized tests to be used for dmissions nd plcement purposes by institutions of higher eduction.- The provision of dmissions nd plcement services for other institutions.- Reserch nd follow-up studies pertining to the dmissions nd plcement prctices employed by institutions of higher eduction.- The development of plcement nd ssessment tools for the eduction system in generl.- The promotion of professionl development in res of testing, mesurement nd evlution in Isrel.
Ntionl Orgniztion for Rre Disorders - NORD
The Ntionl Orgniztion for Rre Disorders (NORD), 501(c)(3) orgniztion, is unique federtion of voluntry helth orgniztions dedicted to helping people with rre "orphn" diseses nd ssisting the orgniztions tht serve them. NORD is committed to the identifiction, tretment, nd cure of rre disorders through progrms of eduction, dvoccy, reserch, nd service.
Mccbi Institute for Helth Services Reserch
Mccbi Institute for Helth Services Reserch ws founded in 2005. Its mission is to provide n orgniztionl frmework which encourges nd supports helth services reserch in the environment of helthcre orgniztion with the gol of furthering the helth nd well being of its members nd of the popultion t lrge.
mericn Epilepsy Society - ES
The mericn Epilepsy Society is one of the oldest neurologicl professionl orgniztions in this country. The Society seeks to promote interdisciplinry communictions, scientific investigtion nd exchnge of clinicl informtion bout epilepsy.Membership consists of clinicins, scientists investigting bsic nd clinicl spects of epilepsy, nd other professionls interested in seizure disorders. Members represent both peditric nd dult spects of epilepsy.
Schlumberger Foundtion
Schlumberger is the leding oilfield services provider, trusted to deliver superior results nd improved E&;P performnce for oil nd gs compnies round the world. Through our well site opertions nd in our reserch nd engineering fcilities, we re working to develop products, services nd solutions tht optimize customer performnce in sfe nd environmentlly sound mnner
Melnom Reserch Foundtion (MRF)
The Melnom Reserch Foundtion (MRF) is the lrgest independent, ntionl orgniztion devoted to melnom in the United Sttes. Committed to the support of medicl reserch in finding effective tretments nd eventully cure for melnom, the MRF lso eductes ptients nd physicins bout prevention, dignosis nd the tretment of melnom
INP - Isrel Prks nd Nture uthority
The Isrel Nture nd Prks uthority (INP) is governmentl body chrged with the protection of nture, lndscpe nd heritge in Isrel. To crry out these functions properly, the INP hs three min gols: 1. Protection of biodiversity, ecosystems nd lndscpes in ntionl prks, nture reserves nd open spces. 2. Protection of heritge sites in ntionl prks nd nture reserves nd fostering them for the benefit of visitors. 3. Eduction to instill the vlues of protection of nture, lndscpe nd heritge sites nd to increse public wreness of these issues. The INP conducts surveys nd studies on n on-going bsis to ssess the sttus of flor nd fun throughout the country. Ech yer count is mde of gzelles, qutic birds nd rptors, nd other nimls, nd INP field personnel tke smples of wild plnts for ssessment. In the dullm reserve, the INP mintins n ecologicl reserch sttion for long-term studies, which is connected to network of interntionl sttions.
The Frdy Institute for Science nd Religion
The Frdy Institute for Science nd Religion is n interdisciplinry reserch enterprise bsed t St Edmund's College, Cmbridge. In ddition to cdemic reserch, the Institute engges in the public understnding of science nd religion by mens of Courses, Conferences, Lectures, Seminrs nd the Medi.
mericn Foundtion for Suicide Prevention - FSP
FSP is investing in groundbreking reserch, new eductionl cmpigns, innovtive demonstrtion projects nd criticl policy work. nd they re expnding our ssistnce to people whose lives hve been ffected by suicide, reching out to offer support nd offering opportunities to become involved in prevention.
Crdinl Helth Foundtion
Crdinl Helth, Inc. is Fortune 19 compny tht improves the cost-effectiveness of helthcre. s the business behind helthcre, Crdinl Helth helps phrmcies, hospitls nd mbultory cre sites focus on ptient cre while reducing costs, improving efficiency nd qulity, nd incresing profitbility. Crdinl Helth employs more thn 30,000 people worldwide.
Foundtion Fighting Blindness
The mission of the foundtion is to ccelerte the trnsltion of lbortory bsed reserch into clinicl trils for tretments nd cures of retinl degenertive diseses. The gol of the foundtion is to develop bridge between scientific, clinicl, governmentl, phrmceuticl nd finncil communities to dvnce clinicl trils of cndidte phrmceuticl nd genetic therpies nd delivery systems for orphn retinl degenertive diseses (RDD’s). In this regrd, the foundtion wishes to educte the scientific nd clinicl communities of opportunities nd processes of drug discovery. s medicl reserch institute, the foundtion will serch for cndidte therpies nd explore new pthogenetic pthwys of retinl diseses to further the drug discovery process. The foundtion will rise funds to support Phse I nd Phse II clinicl trils in order to expedite the commerciliztion of cndidte therpies for RDD ptients. The foundtion will lso provide ssistnce to the mngement of clinicl trils nd subsequent commerciliztion.
Gilbert Foundtion
The Gilbert Foundtion is ntionl non-profit orgniztion whose mission is to support nd dvnce helthy ging through biomedicl reserch.Key Inititives* The foundtion focuses its ctivities on these mjor inititives:* Identifying nd funding brod rnge of cutting-edge reserch most likely to increse knowledge bout helthy ging.* ttrcting more physicins to specilize in geritric medicine to meet the demnds of n ging popultion with expert helth cre.* Creting opportunities for scientists nd clinicins to shre knowledge nd exchnge ides to drive innovtion in ging reserch.* Providing informtion to the public on new medicl findings tht cn help people live longer lives, less susceptible to disese nddisbility.
Medicl Foundtion, division of Helth Resources in ction (HRi)
The Klrmn Fmily Foundtion is interested in providing strtegic investment in trnsltionl reserch tht will ccelerte progress in developing effective tretments for norexi nervos, bulimi nervos nd binge eting disorder. The Progrm's short-term gol is to support the most outstnding science nd expnd the pool of scientists whose reserch explores the bsic biology of eting disorders. The long-term gol is to improve the lives of ptients suffering from these conditions.
Russell Sge Foundtion
The Russell Sge Foundtion is the principl mericn foundtion devoted exclusively to reserch in the socil sciences. Locted in New York City, it is reserch center, funding source for studies by scholrs t other cdemic nd reserch institutions, nd n ctive member of the ntion's socil science community. The foundtion lso publishes, under its own imprint, the books tht derive from the work of its grntees nd visiting scholrs.
Foundtion for Ichthyosis & Relted Skin Types - FIRST
FIRST is vibrnt, growing foundtion connected to its members nd fmilies by the specil skin nd unique mngement needs of individuls nd fmilies with ichthyosis nd relted skin types. Its mission is to educte, inspire, nd connect those touched by ichthyosis nd relted disorders through emotionl support, informtion, dvoccy, nd reserch funding for better tretments nd eventul cures.
United Ntions Eductionl, Scientific nd Culturl Orgniztion - UNESCO
UNESCO works to crete the conditions for dilogue mong civiliztions, cultures nd peoples, bsed upon respect for commonly shred vlues. It is through this dilogue tht the world cn chieve globl visions of sustinble development encompssing observnce of humn rights, mutul respect nd the llevition of poverty, ll of which re t the hert of UNESCO’S mission nd ctivities.
Interntionl gency for Reserch on Cncer - IRC
The objective of the IRC is to promote interntionl collbortion in cncer reserch. The gency is inter-disciplinry, bringing together skills in epidemiology, lbortory sciences nd biosttistics to identify the cuses of cncer so tht preventive mesures my be dopted nd the burden of disese nd ssocited suffering reduced.
Rdiologicl Society of North meric (RSN)
Rdiologicl Society of North meric is professionl membership society committed to excellence in ptient cre through eduction nd reserch. More thn 40,000 medicl imging professionls re members of RSN, including rdiologists, rdition oncologists, medicl physicists nd llied scientists.RSN hosts the world's lrgest nnul rdiology meeting, publishes two highly respected peer-reviewed journls, offers opportunities to ern CME, nd provides reserch nd eduction grnts to young investigtors.
IBR - Interntionl Bone Reserch ssocition
IRB is finncilly independent, interntionlly oriented non-profit orgnistion, for specilised clinicins nd reserch scientists. IBR’s core ctivity is the future-oriented dvncement of bone- tissue reserch nd mngement focusing prticulrly on:• Mxillofcil nd orthopedic rehbilittion;• Surgicl procedures nd clinicl mngement;• Mterils reserch including hrdwre development;• Biomechnics;• Osteointegrtion, bone genertion, soft-tissue rection nd bone biology;• Tissue engineering. Ides nd know-how from science nd industry in the fields of reserch, development nd eduction ssocite within the IBR through networking nd without interest in finncil gin. This provides n excellent bse of expertise for ground-breking innovtion.
Interntionl nesthesi Reserch Society - IRS
The IRS mission is to encourge, stimulte, nd fund ongoing nesthesi-relted reserch projects tht will enhnce nd dvnce the specilty, nd to disseminte current, stte-of-the rt, bsic nd clinicl reserch dt in ll res of clinicl nesthesi, including periopertive medicine, criticl cre, nd pin mngement. The IRS is focused solely on the dvncement nd support of eduction nd scientific reserch relted to nesthesiology.
Cellulr Dynmics Interntionl - CDI
CDI is the world's lrgest producer of fully functionl humn cells derived from induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. In field only few decdes old, CDI scientists tout more thn 300 yers combined of stem cell experience. Building on this expertise, our iCell® products provide industrilized quntities of terminlly differentited humn cells enbling bsic reserch, efficient drug discovery progrms, nd relibly predictive toxicity nd efficcy screening through in vitro clinicl trils.
ssocition for Reserch in Vision nd Ophthlmology-RVO-FER
The RVO Foundtion for Eye Reserch exists to provide ongoing support for innovtive nd novel vision reserch, prticulrly work with trnsltionl impct tht fosters collbortion between clinicins nd bsic scientists. The Foundtion lso encourges the development of new scientists in the field of vision reserch nd reserchers in developing countries. FER complementry RVO's mission of furthering its globl vision of reserch for prevention nd therpy for eye diseses.
Leverhulme Trust
The Leverhulme Trust ws estblished in 1925 under the Will of the First Viscount Leverhulme with the instruction tht its resources should be used to support “scholrships for the purposes of reserch nd eduction.” The Trust plces specil weight on:the originlity of the projects put to them;the significnce of the proposed work;the bility to judge nd tke pproprite risk in the project;the removl of brriers between trditionl disciplines.
mericn cdemy of Neurology Foundtion - N Foundtion
TThe Foundtion exists to further the gols of the mericn cdemy of Neurology by supporting eduction nd reserch in neurology, nd is dedicted to improving ptient cre, qulity of life nd public understnding of brin nd other neurologicl disorders.
Chordom Foundtion
The Chordom Foundtion is n interntionl nonprofit orgniztion working to improve the lives of chordom ptients by ccelerting the development of effective tretments, nd by helping ptients to get the best cre possible. Guided by comprehensive reserch rodmp, the Foundtion initites nd funds reserch, fcilittes informtion exchnge nd collbortion mong reserchers, nd provides scientific resources needed for reserch.
Federtion of Europen Neuroscience Societies - FENS
FENS, the Federtion of Europen Neuroscience Societies, represents lrge number of ntionl Europen neuroscience societies nd severl monodisciplinry societies. FENS ws founded in 1998 t the Forum of Europen Neuroscience in Berlin nd is the successor orgnistion of EN, the Europen Neuroscience ssocition.
ZiF - Center for Interdisciplinry Reserch
The ZiF is Bielefeld University's Institute for dvnced Study nd fosters outstnding nd innovtive interdisciplinry reserch projects. The ZiF is n independent themticlly open reserch institution nd is open to scholrs from ll disciplines nd ll countries.
Cretive nd Novel Ides in HIV Reserch - CNIHR
The purpose of the Cretive nd Novel Ides in Reserch wrds progrm (CNIHR) is to crete mechnism vi the stblished Centers for IDS Reserch (CFRs) to fund developmentl projects to bring insight nd new ides to the HIV/IDS field of study from erly stge investigtors with expertise in other disciplines.
Toronto CF Society
Toronto CF Society (formerly Toronto Society of Finncil nlysts Inc.) is not-for-profit orgniztion supporting the professionl development nd dvncement of CF® chrterholders. The society provides member services including eductionl progrms, sponsored events, employment postings, nd networking opportunities.
Wter Reserch Foundtion
Devoted to dvncing the science of wter, our reserch gives drinking wter utilities nd suppliers prcticl solutions to tody’s most complex chllenges. Our stff works with the wter supply community to identify, prioritize, fund, mnge, nd communicte reserch cross the globe.
Epilepsy Therpy Project
The Epilepsy Therpy Project is 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corportion dedicted to singulr focus: overcoming the funding gps nd rodblocks tht slow the progress of new therpies from the lb to the ptient. Epilepsy Therpy Project seeks to improve incentives nd encourge commercil investment in new therpies.
The Society for Hemtology nd Stem Cells - ISEH
The mission of ISEH is to promote the scientific knowledge nd clinicl ppliction of bsic hemtology, immunology, stem cell reserch, cell nd gene therpy, nd ll relted spects through reserch, publictions, discussion, support of young investigtors nd orgniztion of scientific meetings. In order to chieve the stted purpose, the Society shll undertke ctivities such s:- Sponsor interntionl meetings, emphsizing the highest qulity science;- Publish first rte scientific journl;- Sponsor Fellowships nd wrds to promote eduction nd trining;- ssume responsibility for ny other ctivities pproved by the Bord of Directors.
Ntionl Institute of Helth - NIH
The Ntionl Institutes of Helth (NIH), prt of the U.S. Deprtment of Helth nd Humn Services, is the ntion’s medicl reserch gency—mking importnt discoveries tht improve helth nd sve lives. NIH’s mission is to seek fundmentl knowledge bout the nture nd behvior of living systems nd the ppliction of tht knowledge to enhnce helth, lengthen life, nd reduce the burdens of illness nd disbility.
Europen Leukodystrophy ssocition - EL
Mission:- to help nd support fmilies ffected by leukodystrophy,- to stimulte the development of reserch thnks to the EL Foundtion creted in 2005,- to rise public wreness,- to develop its work t interntionl level. EL is thus bridge between ll forms of leukodystrophy nd fmily solidrity network.
Interntionl llince of LS/MND ssocitions
myotrophic lterl sclerosis, or motor neurone disese, is muscle wsting condition which ffects individuls nd those who cre for them cross the world. To help people with the disese, groups of people hve come together to form ssocitions.The llince functions primrily s forum for the exchnge of informtion on ll spects of the disese, reserch nd mngement of cre s well s the provision of support through networking nd shring the development of ides on good prctice. Its developing role is the dvncement of the ptients' views in discussions ffecting the well-being of people with LS/MND. s prt of this ctivity, llince members host the nnul Interntionl Symposium on LS/MND, which is the preeminent event bringing together leding reserchers nd helth cre professionls worldwide to present nd debte key innovtions in their fields.
Ymd Bee Frm
Ymd Bee Frm hs been producing honey nd royl jelly for over hlf century. Currently, we produce over 100 products, such s royl jelly, propolis, mny types of honey, nd the RJ skin cre series feturing royl jelly extrct, ll met with wide cclim from mny individuls. It is our gol to mke contribution to the helthy living of every individul.
Children’s Hert Foundtion - CHF
Motivted by the needs of our children, the gol of The Children’s Hert Foundtion is to bring helth, hope nd hppiness to children impcted by congenitl hert defects, the number one birth defect in the United Sttes. We ccomplish this gol by funding the most promising reserch to dvnce the dignosis, tretment nd prevention of congenitl hert defects.
NETSPR - Network for Studies on Pensions, ging nd Retirement
Netspr endevors to bring the pension debte to high level of sophistiction nd to crete high-qulity solutions for present nd future chllenges with respect to n ging society. Furthermore, Netspr ims to position the Netherlnds s center of knowledge on pensions nd socil security both in- nd outside Europe, both in the cdemic nd the finncil world nd in policy circles.
Institute for Reserch on Gmbling Disorders
The Institute for Reserch on Gmbling Disorders is n independent progrm of the Ntionl Center for Responsible Gming chrged with mnging nd dministering competitive reserch grnts progrm, nd conducting public wreness nd eduction bout gmbling disorders.
3R Reserch Foundtion Switzerlnd
The im of the 3R Foundtion is to promote lterntive reserch methods to niml experimenttion through grnts for reserch projects. The orgnistion supports first nd foremost projects imed t developing new methods or refining ccepted methods (vlidtion) which offer prcticl improvements vis-à-vis stndrd niml experimenttion in line with the 3R motto Reduce, Refine, Replce. Reserch projects re selected for support ccording to periodiclly defined principl res for finncil support.
Jmes S. McDonnell Foundtion - JSMF
JSMF believes tht privte philnthropic support for science is most effective when it invests in the cquisition of new knowledge nd in the responsible ppliction of knowledge for solving the rel world problems. pplicnts re encourged to keep this in mind when prepring proposls. Projects supported through the 21st Century Science Inititive re expected to meet highly selective intellectul stndrds. JSMF Funds in three progrm res: • Studying Complex Systems - Reserch wrds nd Collbortive wrds• Brin Cncer Reserch - Reserch wrds nd Collbortive wrds• Understnding Humn Cognition - Scholr wrds (by nomintion only) nd Collbortive wrds
Lesbin Helth Fund - LHF
LHF is especilly interested in pplictions tht ddress the diversity of sexul minority women's communities nd studies of helth promotion nd helth improvement in lesbin nd bisexul women, s well s studies tht re potentilly publishble nd which re conducted s first steps towrd lrger grnt.
Society for Neuroscience - SFN
The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) is nonprofit membership orgniztion of scientists nd physicins who study the brin nd nervous system. Since its inception in 1969, the Society hs grown from 500 members to over 40,000. Tody, SfN is the world's lrgest orgniztion of scientists nd physicins devoted to dvncing understnding of the brin nd nervous system.
vney Rosh, the Isreli Institute for School Ledership
The Institute seeks to help school principls in their complex role s leders on the bsis of their responsibility for promoting processes of teching nd lerning; to develop commitment to vlues; nd to strive to secure cler eductionl chievements.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundtion
Since 1955, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundtion hs been the driving force behind the pursuit of cure. Thnks to the dediction nd finncil bcking of our supporters - ptients, fmilies nd friends, clinicins, reserchers, volunteers, individul donors, corportions nd stff - we re mking difference.
Toyot Foundtion
The Toyot Foundtion hs provided grnts to reserch nd projects in wide vriety of res relting to humn nd nturl environments, socil welfre, nd eduction nd culture, in line with our founding philosophy of “contributing to the reliztion of humn-oriented society for the ske of greter humn hppiness.
The Mnof Fund is one of the min chnnels through which the NII prticiptes in the funding of ctivities imed t sfety nd the prevention of ccidents in fctories or in other workplces. The Mnof Fund supports wide rnge of projects, but the principle for receiving the Fund’s ssistnce is the sme: the ctivity promotes sfety in the workplce.
lph-1 Foundtion
The lph-1 Foundtion is not-for-profit Florid corportion founded in 1995 by John Wlsh, Susn Stnley nd Sndy Lindsey, three individuls dignosed with lph-1 ntitrypsin Deficiency (T Deficiency or lph-1). The Foundtion is dedicted to providing the ledership nd resources tht will result in incresed reserch, improved helth, worldwide detection, nd cure for lph-1. The mjority of the Bord of Directors re either dignosed with lph-1 or hve fmily member dignosed with lph-1. The Foundtion hs relized continuous growth since its inception nd hs developed solid infrstructure to promote reserch nd the development of new therpies for improving the qulity of life for those dignosed with T Deficiency. It hs fostered collbortions with investigtors throughout the United Sttes nd Europe, working closely with the Ntionl Institutes of Helth (NIH), the Food nd Drug dministrtion (FD), individuls ffected with T Deficiency, nd the phrmceuticl industry to expedite the development of improved therpies, including erosol delivery for ugmenttion therpy. The lph-1 Foundtion prticiptes in industry nd government liison groups nd prticiptes in strtegic llinces with government, industry nd other ntionl nd interntionl helth nd reserch orgniztions.
Roche Orgn Trnsplnttion Reserch Foundtion - ROTRF
The ROTRF supports importnt nd innovtive reserch projects relevnt to orgn trnsplnttion, prticulrly where there is n unmet medicl need.The ROTRF priority is to support cliniclly oriented reserch projects, such s observtionl clinicl studies or studies tht use humn trnsplnt smples for lbortory exmintions, nd focusing on understnding the pthogenesis nd prevention of humn trnsplnttion diseses, including orgn injury nd rejection, virl infection, nd lte grft deteriortion. Furthermore, the ROTRF my consider funding reserch tht ddresses relted clinicl issues in non-trnsplnt ptients, including heptitis C infection nd other virl infections, nd inflmmtory processes relevnt to humn orgn trnsplnttion. These relted clinicl issues should demonstrte their relevnce to disese phenotypes in orgn trnsplnt ptients. The Trustees will lso consider funding studies tht investigte trnsplnt popultions, ethics, orgn preservtion nd lloction, nd helthcre delivery. Moreover, the ROTRF will welcome reserch in new emerging technologies tht exmine the pthogenesis of humn disese sttes in orgn trnsplnttion. If niml models re used to complement the clinicl reserch, higher priority will be given to those tht simulte pthologicl sttes nd mechnisms operting in humn orgn trnsplnttion.
MD - Musculr Dystrophy ssocition
MD is nonprofit helth gency dedicted to curing musculr dystrophy, LS nd relted diseses by funding worldwide reserch. MD combts neuromusculr diseses through progrms of worldwide reserch, comprehensive medicl nd support services, nd fr-reching professionl nd public helth eduction. MD scientists re in the forefront of gene therpy reserch nd hve uncovered the genetic defects responsible for severl forms of musculr dystrophy, Chrcot-Mrie-Tooth disese, form of myotrophic lterl sclerosis (LS, or Lou Gehrig's disese) nd childhood spinl musculr trophy.
Isrel Myelom ssocition - MEN
MEN Foundtion ws estblished by Multiple Myelom ptients for the ske of MM ptients in Isrel nd their fmilies.MEN opertes minly in Hebrew lnguge, but we strive to enble support to MM ptients who don't spek in Hebrew fluently, but their min lnguge is English.mong MEN's trgets re the following:• Distribution of informtion bout Multiple Myelom to ll the ptients.• Communictions nd coopertion with ll the medicl centers for the benefit of the ptients.• ctivity for the welfre of the MM ptients nd their fmilies.• ccompnying new ptients in their first steps with MM.• Reserch ctivity in the re of MM.
Helth Effects Institute- HEI
• Identifies the highest priority res for helth effects reserch; • Funds nd oversees the conduct of reserch projects; • Provides intensive independent review of HEI-supported nd relted reserch; • Integrtes HEI’s reserch results with those of other institutions into broder evlutions; nd • Communictes the results of HEI reserch nd nlyses to public nd privte decision mkers.
Prkinson's Disese Foundtion - PDF
Designed to promote innovtive reserch tht hs high potentil to significntly dvnce the knowledge of Prkinson’s disese (PD) but little likelihood of securing funding through more trditionl sources. Bsic, trnsltionl nd clinicl reserch proposls re eligible for support. Funding: $75K/yer for 2 yers. There re lso vilble Fellowship nd Creer Development Progrms.
Ntionl MS Society - NMSS
MS Society providesfinncil support for reserch to stop multiple sclerosis progression, restore function, nd end MS forever. Funding progrms fuel novel ides, foster collbortions nd provide trining opportunities in these nd other res of reserch emphsis: Immunologic bsis of MS CNS repir nd neuroprotection Biology of gli/myelin Genetics nd gender differences Understnding nd preventing disese progression Infectious triggers nd risk fctors Cognitive nd psychosocil issues Ptient mngement, cre nd rehbilittion Pthology of MS Clinicl trils Helth cre delivery nd policy Mesures of disese ctivity, imging, surrogte nd biomrkers
Migrine Reserch Foundtion
The Migrine Reserch Foundtion is dedicted to ending the debilitting pin of migrine. We fund innovtive reserch to further the understnding of the cuses nd mechnisms of migrine, to develop improved tretments for sufferers, nd to find the cure. mong the progrms we fund re:- nnul reserch grnts- specil wrd to encourge young investigtors to enter the field of migrine reserch- For Our Children inititives to combt childhood migrine.
Orgniztion for utism Reserch - OR
OR funds pilot studies nd trgeted reserch within specific modlities nd issues ffecting the utism community, primrily for studies whose outcomes offer new insights into the behviorl nd socil development of individuls with utism with n emphsis on communictions, eduction, nd voctionl chllenges.The identifiction of priorities for OR’s reserch will be undertken with focus groups comprised of prents, eductors, clinicins, nd leding uthorities whose life work is the promotion of utism reserch nd the dissemintion of informtion to the utism community.
McGill University
McGill University is one of Cnd's best-known institutions of higher lerning nd one of the country's leding reserch-intensive universities. With students coming to McGill from bout 150 countries, McGill student body is the most interntionlly diverse of ny medicl-doctorl university in Cnd.
Morton Cure Prlysis Fund
MCPF supports cutting-edge ides, enbling reserchers to gther the proof-of-concept dt needed to pursue multimillion-dollr grnts from lrge finnciers such s the Ntionl Institutes of Helth (NIH), the Christopher Reeve Foundtion, nd the Ntionl Science Foundtion. MCPF lso plces emphsis on collbortive efforts. Further, ll scientific lerning s result of funding must be brodly communicted to the rest of the scientific community.
Medicines for Mlri Venture
MMV is dedicted to developing drugs for the millions of people in developing countries t risk from this dedly disese. To chieve its objectives, MMV hs built substntil portfolio of discovery nd development projects tht it mnges with prtners from cdemic nd public reserch institutes s well s the phrmceuticl industry.
Mnpei Suzuki Dibetes Foundtion - MSDF
The purpose of the Foundtion is to promote reserch on dibetology by supporting interntionl contct mong reserchers in this field. Encourging young reserchers in Jpn will undoubtedly led to improved helth cre nd the development of science nd technology in this field.Functions:- Help to send reserchers overses nd invite reserchers from brod who re working in the field of dibetes;- Holding nd supporting interntionl conferences nd symposi on dibetes;- Supporting interntionl joint reserch on dibetes;- Presenting prizes for outstnding reserch results on dibetes;- cting s n informtion center for dibetes;- wrding for Mnpei Suzuki Prize for dibetes cre nd eduction;- wrding for Mnpei Suzuki Interntionl Prize for Dibetes Reserch- nd other tsks.
Europen Foundtion for the Study of Dibetes - EFSD
In 1999, the Europen ssocition for the Study of Dibetes (ESD) incresed its commitment to stimulte dibetes reserch in Europe by creting the Europen Foundtion for the Study of Dibetes (EFSD). The Foundtion is closely relted to the ESD; it is governed exclusively by the Executive Committee of the ESD, which itself is under the close supervision of the ESD Council nd the Generl ssembly of the ESD. EFSD opertes on strictly non-profit bsis under the control of the relevnt uthorities for chrity nd txtion in order to support dibetes reserch. The ESD, s n cdemic non-profit ssocition, benefits from the possibilities offered by the legl sttus of its Foundtion to dvnce dibetes reserch by vrious methods.
United Sttes Institute of Pece - USIP
bout Us USIP provides the nlysis, trining nd tools tht prevent nd end conflicts, promotes stbility nd professionlizes the field of pecebuilding. Pecebuilding: Globl Impertive It is essentil tht the United Sttes, working with the interntionl community, ply n ctive prt in preventing, mnging, nd resolving conflicts. Frgile sttes, ethnic nd religious strife, extremism, competition for scrce resources nd the prolifertion of wepons of mss destruction ll pose significnt chllenges to pece. The resulting suffering nd destbiliztion of societies mke effective forms of mnging conflict impertive. The United Sttes Institute of Pece (USIP) is dedicted to meeting this impertive in new nd innovtive wys. USIP's Mission nd Gols The United Sttes Institute of Pece is n independent, nonprtisn, ntionl institution estblished nd funded by Congress. Its gols re to help: Prevent nd resolve violent interntionl conflicts Promote post-conflict stbility nd development Increse conflict mngement cpcity, tools, nd intellectul cpitl worldwide The Institute does this by empowering others with knowledge, skills, nd resources, s well s by directly engging in pecebuilding efforts round the globe.
Hope For Vision - HFV
Millions of mericns re slowly losing vision every dy due to retinl degenertive diseses, group of genetic blinding diseses including retinitis pigmentos, Usher syndrome, mculr degenertion, nd mny others. They re our friends, reltives, neighbors nd collegues. The cost of this vision loss is extrordinry; ccording to the most recent Ntionl Eye Institute study, the ntion spends over $67 billion nnully due to the direct nd indirect costs of vision loss, which is more thn 100 times the nnul budget of the Ntionl Eye Institute t the Ntionl Institutes of Helth. Recent, groundbreking successes in vision reserch – including the restortion of vision in humn trils employing gene therpies nd biotechnology prosthetics – give us hope tht we cn erdicte blinding diseses nd their gret costs. The sole limiting fctor in delivering these tretments to the people who need them is the vilbility of reserch funding. Hope For Vision provides the tools necessry for people like you to come together to shre our common interest in this cuse nd to work together to rise funds for this criticl reserch. HFV is comprised of thousnds of dedicted volunteers nd vision dvoctes in Communities of Hope cross the country, who rise funds through specil events nd other ctivities. Guided by its Bord of Visionry Scientists, HFV then distributes over 90 percent of funds rised directly to reserchers t leding medicl institutions ntionwide. Since 2005, HFV Communities of Hope hve hosted over 30 events rising millions for sight-sving reserch.
Gndyr Foundtion - GF
bout Us Gndyr Foundtion ws founded s fmily foundtion by Yehudit Yovel Recnti in 2004. Gndyr Foundtion's purpose is to strengthen Isreli society, with specil emphsis on support of civil society orgniztions tht chmpion socil cuses nd ntionl vlues of the Stte of Isrel. Guiding Principles Support tht cn hve substntil nd qulittive effect on the Foundtion's fields of interest. ctive involvement nd guidnce of supported progrms to ensure successful outcome, on need-be bsis. Collbortions with orgniztions of similr interests nd promotion of coopertion mong supported orgniztions. Principle is bsed on the Foundtion's strong conviction tht coopertion is mndtory step in strengthening the sector itself nd incresing the probbility of success. Fields of Interest in Coming Yers Youth movements Progrms tht support young people, ges 18 to 30, in their integrtion into society s useful nd contributing citizens Estblishment of Isreli center for civil society Eligible Orgniztions Non-profit orgniztions nd "compnies for the benefit of society" tht work in the Foundtion's fields of interest, re lwfully registered, nd hve been in opertion for t lest one yer.
Girdner Foundtion - GF
The Girdner Foundtion ws creted in 1957 by Jmes rthur Girdner to recognize nd rewrd the chievements of medicl reserchers whose work contributes significntly to improving the qulity of humn life. Since the first wrds were mde in 1959, the Girdner wrds hve become Cnd's foremost interntionl wrd. They hold up the pinncle of chievement s mirror to Cndins, nd in so doing, ply role in helping Cnd chieve its gols of excellence.The Girdner Foundtion is proud of its 50 yer history of wrding the world's most cretive nd ccomplished biomedicl scientists. The wrds recognize scientific discoveries from every field of bioscience. We re lso proud of the Cnd Girdner Wightmn wrd, which identifies for prticulr recognition, Cndin leders in medicl science. Our core mndte is to select the nnul Cnd Girdner Interntionl wrdees. Over the pst 50 yers, the Foundtion hs gined superb interntionl reputtion, for recognizing nd rewrding erly the work of the world's leding scientists. n externl mesure of their stture is the fct tht of the 298 individuls from 13 countries, including 42 Cndins, who hve received Girdner wrds, 79 hve subsequently gone on to win the Nobel Prize. Scientists worldwide recognize the Girdner Interntionl wrds rigorous, two-prt, rms' length selection process. The Medicl Review Pnel (MRP) composed of leding mid-creer scientists from cross Cnd, reviews ll nomintions. Their recommendtions re pssed to the second stge, Medicl dvisory Bord (MB), composed of 20 senior scientists from cross Cnd, nd round the world. ll djudiction is done on voluntry bsis, for which we re extremely grteful. The wrdees re chosen by secret bllot of the MB every yer. The second mndte of the Girdner Foundtion is to increse wreness of the vlue of helth reserch, shre the vision of excellence represented by the winners, nd build the culture of science in Cnd. The Girdner Ntionl Progrm, estblished 15 yers go, which tkes plce in 16-18 cdemic centres cross the country, is unique in the world of wrds. Current nd pst Girdner wrdees trvel cross the country, from St. John's to Vncouver, to present their work nd meet with biomedicl reserchers, fculty, postgrdute nd grdute students, medicl students, senior high school/CEGEP students nd the public. In ddition, free Public Lecture is given in severl cities ech yer. The Girdner Ntionl Progrm hs become week-long celebrtion of science excellence cross Cnd.
Cystinosis Reserch Foundtion - CRF
Mission Sttement The mission of the Cystinosis Reserch Foundtion is two-fold nd focused: to support bench nd clinicl cystinosis reserch for better tretments nd find cure for cystinosis. Reserch The Cystinosis Reserch Foundtion is dedicted to finding better tretments to improve the qulity of life for those with cystinosis nd to ultimtely find cure for this devstting disese. Through our ggressively funded reserch gend, the Cystinosis Reserch Foundtion issues grnts for bench nd clinicl reserch studies bi-nnully in order to ccelerte reserch progress nd ensure tht cystinosis reserch is on-going nd focused on novel tretments nd cure. Eduction The Cystinosis Reserch Foundtion is dedicted to educting the public nd the medicl community bout cystinosis to ensure erly dignosis nd proper tretment.
Progeri Reserch Foundtion - PRF
the mission of the progeri reserch foundtion: to discover the cure nd effective tretment for progeri nd its ging relted disorders. bout progeri : Hutchinson-Gilford Progeri Syndrome ("Progeri", or "HGPS") is rre, ftl genetic condition chrcterized by n ppernce of ccelerted ging in children. Its nme is derived from the Greek nd mens "premturely old." While there re different forms of Progeri*, the clssic type is Hutchinson-Gilford Progeri Syndrome, which ws nmed fter the doctors who first described it in Englnd; in 1886 by Dr. Jonthn Hutchinson nd in 1897 by Dr. Hstings Gilford. HGPS is cused by muttion in the gene clled LMN (pronounced, lmin - ). The LMN gene produces the Lmin protein, which is the structurl scffolding tht holds the nucleus of cell together. Reserchers now believe tht the defective Lmin protein mkes the nucleus unstble. Tht cellulr instbility ppers to led to the process of premture ging in Progeri. lthough they re born looking helthy, children with Progeri begin to disply mny chrcteristics of ccelerted ging t round 18-24 months of ge. Progeri signs include growth filure, loss of body ft nd hir, ged-looking skin, stiffness of joints, hip disloction, generlized therosclerosis, crdiovsculr (hert) disese nd stroke. The children hve remrkbly similr ppernce, despite differing ethnic bckground. Children with Progeri die of therosclerosis (hert disese) t n verge ge of thirteen yers (with rnge of bout 8 - 21 yers).
Interntionl Foudtion for Reserch in Prplegi - IRP
The Interntionl Foudtion for Reserch in Prplegi IRP in Genev nd its sister Foundtion IFP in Zurich re two privte reserch foundtions with the exclusive im to promote bsic nd clinicl reserch relted to spinl cord injury. Reserch projects my ddress ll spects of CNS nd spinl cord lesions, nerve regenertion, trophic support of lesioned neurons, nd functionl chnges induced by lesions, preferentilly in mmmls. Clinicl reserch projects cn be situted in the fields of dignosis, cute lesion mngement including surgery, neurology, urology, rehbilittion, nd other res relted to prplegi.
Cure Pncretic Cncer - Lustgrten Foundtion - CPCLF
The Lustgrten Foundtion is meric's lrgest privte supporter of pncretic cncer reserch. We support world-clss reserch imed t finding erlier detection methods, better tretments nd cure for pncretic cncer.Thnks to Cblevision's multi-yer commitment to underwrite ll of The Lustgrten Foundtion's dministrtive expenses, 100% of every dontion goes directly to pncretic cncer reserch.Mission:The Lustgrten Foundtion is dedicted to dvncing the scientific nd medicl reserch relted to the dignosis, tretment, cure nd prevention of pncretic cncer. In ddition, we fcilitte nd enhnce the dilogue mong members of the medicl nd scientific communities; heighten public wreness of pncretic cncer; nd provide informtionl support for pncretic cncer ptients, their fmilies, nd friends.
WteReuse Reserch Foundtion - WRRF
The WteReuse Reserch Foundtion is n eductionl, nonprofit public benefit corportion tht serves s centrlized orgniztion for the wter nd wstewter community to dvnce the science of wter reuse, recycling, reclmtion, nd deslintion. The Foundtion's reserch covers brod spectrum of issues, including chemicl contminnts, microbiologicl gents, tretment technologies, slinity mngement, public perception, economics, nd mrketing.
Interntionl Mentl Helth Reserch Orgniztion - IMHRO
The mission of the Interntionl Mentl Helth Reserch Orgniztion (IMHRO) is to llevite suffering from psychitric disorders. Our min effort is to support reserch on schizophreni, depression nd bipolr disorders.To fulfill this mission, IMHRO:• Rises nd distributes funds for unique reserch with the potentil for significnt brekthroughs for psychitric disorders. The emphsis is on venture-oriented, innovtive science.• Encourges shring of scientific results nd communiction mong scientists.• Publicizes dvnces in mentl helth reserch to demonstrte the tremendous impct nd need for continued funding from current nd future donors.• Reduces the stigm of psychitric illness by eduction imed t emphsizing the biologicl bsis nd high incidence of these physicl diseses.Hedqurtered in Rutherford, Np Vlley, C, the Interntionl Mentl Helth Reserch Orgniztion’s Bord of Directors is guided by its Scientific dvisory Bord, group of leders in the key disciplines of psychitric brin disorders, who provide their time nd tlent to develop reserch policy nd review grnt proposls. IMHRO is 501(c)(3), tx ID 68-0359707. For dditionl detils bout IMHRO, visit the website or emil
U.S. Deprtment of Homelnd Security - DHS
The Deprtment of Homelnd Security hs vitl mission: to secure the ntion from the mny threts we fce. This requires the dediction of more thn 230,000 employees in jobs tht rnge from vition nd border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity nlyst to chemicl fcility inspector. Our duties re wide-rnging, but our gol is cler – keeping meric sfe. The Science nd Technology Directorte's mission is to improve homelnd security by providing to customers stte-of-the-rt technology tht helps them chieve their missions. S&;T customers include the operting components of the Deprtment, nd stte, locl, tribl nd territoril emergency responders nd officils.
Lowe Syndrome ssocition - LS
The LS is n interntionl, voluntry, non-profit orgniztion mde up of prents, friends, professionls, nd others who re interested in Lowe syndrome (LS), rre genetic condition tht ffects boys. We've been working since 1983 to develop community of support nd encourgement for fmilies ffected by LS. Our work is guided by our purposes: to foster communiction mong fmilies to promote better understnding of the syndrome to provide medicl nd eductionl informtion to encourge nd support reserch.
John Templeton Foundtion - JTF
The John Templeton Foundtion serves s philnthropic ctlyst for discoveries relting to the Big Questions of humn purpose nd ultimte relity. We support reserch on subjects rnging from complexity, evolution, nd infinity to cretivity, forgiveness, love, nd free will. We encourge civil, informed dilogue mong scientists, philosophers, nd theologins nd between such experts nd the public t lrge, for the purposes of definitionl clrity nd new insights.Our vision is derived from the lte Sir John Templeton's optimism bout the possibility of cquiring “new spiritul informtion” nd from his commitment to rigorous scientific reserch nd relted scholrship. The Foundtion's motto, "How little we know, how eger to lern," exemplifies our support for open-minded inquiry nd our hope for dvncing humn progress through brekthrough discoveries.
Gtes Foundtion - GF
The Grnd Chllenges inititive is modeled fter the grnd chllenges formulted more thn 100 yers go by mthemticin Dvid Hilbert. His list of importnt unsolved problems hs encourged innovtion in mthemtics reserch ever since. Similrly, the Grnd Chllenges in Globl Helth focuses on 14 mjor globl helth chllenges with the im of engging cretive minds cross scientific disciplines — including those who hve not trditionlly tken prt in helth reserch — to work on solutions tht could led to brekthrough dvnces for those in the developing world.
mericn Chemicl Society - Petroleum Reserch Fund - PRF
The gols of the mericn Chemicl Society Petroleum Reserch Fund re: To support fundmentl reserch in the petroleum nd energy fields To develop the next genertion of engineers nd scientists through support of dvnced scientific eduction The New Directions Grnts Progrm ims to stimulte new direction of reserch for estblished fculty, nd to support the creers of their student scientists nd engineers.
mericn sthm Foundtion - F
Develop importnt new pthwys of investigtion in bsic reserch regrding sthm. ims: Support highly innovtive reserch. Drw outstnding investigtors from other fields into the study of sthm. Support sthm reserch by excellent investigtors who re erly in their fculty creers. nother importnt objective of the Progrm is to promote scientific interction between wrdees. To fcilitte this, wrdees re required to ttend the nnul Meeting in My, which promotes scientific exchnge mong the wrdees s well s experts in the field.
Rolex wrds for Enterprise - RE
The Rolex wrds recognise pioneers whose work contributes to the betterment of mnkind. In 2012, Rolex will give generous support to five Luretes for their projects tht improve life on our plnet. Estblished in 1976 to commemorte the 50th nniversry of the Oyster chronometer, the world’s first-ever wterproof wtch, the Rolex wrds hve in the pst three decdes provided funding nd recognition to 115 outstnding individuls whose projects hve brought mjor benefits to their communities nd beyond.
Institute for New Economic Thinking - INET
Founded in October 2009 with $50 million pledge by George Soros, the New York City-bsed Institute for New Economic Thinking is nonprofit orgniztion providing fresh insight nd thinking to promote chnges in economic theory nd prctice through conferences, grnts nd eduction inititives. The Institute recognizes problems nd indequcies within our current economic system nd the modes of thought used to comprehend recent nd pst ctstrophic developments in the world economy. The Institute embrces the professionl responsibility to think beyond these indequte methods nd models nd will support the emergence of new prdigms in the understnding of economic processes. The Institute firmly believes in empowering the next genertion, providing the proper guidnce s we chllenge outdted pproches with innovtive nd ethicl economic strtegy. The Institute’s objective is to expnd the converstion to crete n open discussion for wider rnge of people. Some would sy tht present dy dilogue is closed nd polrizing. We recognize the need for n environment tht is nourished nd supported by discourse, discussion tht spns much wider spectrum of thinking nd incorportes the insights of other intellectul disciplines in both the nturl nd socil sciences. The Institute ws conceived during the first hlf of 2009 through series of discussions tht culminted t summit in July of 2009 in Bedford, NY.
Semiconductor Reserch Corportion - SRC
Reserch in ction Semiconductor Reserch Corportion (SRC) is the world's leding technology reserch consortium. With member compnies nd university reserch progrms spnning the globe, SRC plys n indispensble prt in the R&;D strtegies of the industry's most influentil entities. SRC-sponsored university reserch is of the highest cliber nd cretes knowledge brekthroughs tht will invent the industries of tomorrow. Mking n Impct For qurter century nd more, members of SRC progrms hve invested millions in cutting-edge semiconductor reserch supporting thousnds of elite students nd hundreds of fculty members t scores of universities worldwide. The diverse progrms engge nd chllenge the most tlented students in science, engineering nd technology. While SRC grdutes possess definitive dvntge over their peers, SRC member compnies nd funding orgniztions secure ccess to the industry's next big thing - nd to big nd smll innovtions still witing to be discovered.
LM Foundtion
The LM Foundtion urgently seeks n effective tretment, nd ultimtely cure, for lymphngioleiomyomtosis (LM) through dvoccy nd the funding of promising reserch. We re dedicted to serving the scientific, medicl nd ptient communities by offering informtion, resources nd worldwide network of hope nd support. Our History: The LM Foundtion is the globl leder in the fight ginst Lymphngioleiomyomtosis (LM). The Foundtion begn in 1995 s grss roots effort nd hs evolved into n orgniztion tht is described by the Ntionl Hert, Lung, nd Blood Institute (NHLBI) s " model for voluntry helth gencies." Hedqurtered in Cincinnti, Ohio, the Foundtion embodies ll of the elements required to move LM reserch from the lbortory to the clinic. The Foundtion embrces women with LM nd their fmilies, provides support nd eduction, engges doctors nd scientists, nd rises funds for the study of LM. With reserch s its centrl mission, the Foundtion hs elevted LM from the rnks of rre nd forgotten diseses to the forefront of pulmonry medicine. The LM Foundtion funded the first LM reserch tht resulted in the fundmentl understnding of the genetic cuse of LM nd the first-ever LM tretment tril. Core Vlues: The LM Foundtion is committed to serving the unique needs of women with LM. In fulfilling our mission, we re guided by the following principles: We vlue cring, personl response to LM ptients nd their loved ones. We believe trust nd credibility re erned by pplying the highest stndrds of excellence. We re responsible to the LM community through strong ledership. We vlue inclusiveness. Hope is vitl.
Wiley Foundtion
The Wiley Prize in Biomedicl Sciences is intended to recognize brekthrough reserch in pure or pplied life science reserch tht is distinguished by its excellence, originlity nd impct on our understnding of biologicl systems nd processes. The wrd my recognize specific contribution or series of contributions tht demonstrte the nominee’s significnt ledership in the development of reserch concepts or their clinicl ppliction. Prticulr emphsis will be plced on reserch tht chmpions novel pproches nd chllenges ccepted thinking in the biomedicl sciences. This interntionl wrd is presented nnully nd consists of $35,000 prize nd luncheon in honor of the recipient. The wrd is presented t ceremony t The Rockefeller University, where the recipient delivers n honorry lecture s prt of The Rockefeller University Lecture Series.
Europen Moleculr Biology Orgniztion - EMBO
Estblished in 1964, the founders of EMBO showed n incredible vision when they estblished the orgnistion. They were true motors of chnge, even revolutionries, who rised the level of biologicl reserch in Europe by dhering to the highest stndrds of scientific excellence. Keeping fith with their vision, their principles nd stndrds re guide to our ctivities tody. "....projects nd persons be chosen, regrdless of ntionlity, nd ll ctivities be guided by scientific excellence, coupled with usefulness to moleculr biology." Investigting the origins of EMBO lso llows us to explore the history of moleculr biology in Europe nd how it chnged from mrginl specilty into well-estblished prctice. Our origin dtes bck to 1963, when group of leding Europen biologists met in Rvello, Itly to propose the estblishment of n orgniztion for co-opertion in moleculr biology nd Europen lbortory. Both suggestions were endorsed nd in 1964, the Europen Moleculr Biology Orgniztion (EMBO) ws officilly born. EMBO hd two initil gols – cretion of centrl moleculr biology lbortory nd the estblishment of networking ctivities to enhnce interctions between Europen lbortories. Networking ctivities strted with the provision of fellowships nd the election of 200 biologists s the orgniztion’s first members. Permnent support for EMBO ctions cme in 1969 with the estblishment of the Europen Moleculr Biology Conference (EMBC), the intergovernmentl funding body of EMBO. EMBC ccepted the EMBO proposl to estblish Europen lbortory nd in 1974 the Europen Moleculr Biology Lbortory (EMBL) ws founded. EMBC hs since grown to 27 member sttes including mny Europen Union countries nd beyond. EMBO ctivities expnded drmticlly over the decdes in response to chnges in moleculr biology. This growth dictted the need for lrger, more permnent bse. In 2000, n EMBO building ws constructed on site donted by EMBL nd in 2001, EMBO moved from its offices t EMBL to its new premises. Tody EMBO hs more thn 1400 members in Europe nd close to 90 ssocite members worldwide – providing dedicted focl point for the vst network of moleculr biology. The orgniztion runs n extended progrmme of ctivities rnging from fellowships, courses nd workshops to science &; society ctivities nd scientific publictions. In looking bck on the gret strt to n orgniztion we lso look forwrd to one tht is robust nd well-structured, such tht it cn continue to ply mjor role in the future of science in Europe.
Hrry Frnk Guggenheim Foundtion - HFG
The Hrry Frnk Guggenheim Foundtion (HFG) welcomes proposls from ny of the nturl nd socil sciences nd the humnities tht promise to increse understnding of the cuses, mnifesttions, nd control of violence, ggression, nd dominnce. Highest priority is given to reserch tht cn increse understnding nd meliortion of urgent problems of violence, ggression, nd dominnce in the modern world. Prticulr questions tht interest HFG concern violence, ggression, nd dominnce in reltion to socil chnge, the sociliztion of children, intergroup conflict, interstte wrfre, crime, fmily reltionships, nd investigtions of the control of ggression nd violence. Reserch with no useful relevnce to understnding humn problems will not be supported, nor will proposls to investigte urgent socil problems where the foundtion cnnot be ssured tht useful, sound reserch cn be done. Priority will lso be given to res nd methodologies not receiving dequte ttention nd support from other funding sources. HFG wrds reserch grnts to individuls for individul projects nd does not wrd grnts to institutions for institutionl progrms. s discussed in the bove section on "Budgeting &; Txtion," individuls who receive reserch grnts my be subject to txtion on the funds wrded, depending on loclity, tx sttus, timing, nture of the wrd, nd other fctors. For dministrtive convenience, grntee my choose for the foundtion to py grnt funds to n institution on behlf of the grntee, rther thn to the grntee directly. If the grntee so directs, the grnt will be dministered nd ccounted for by the institution on behlf of the grntee in ccordnce with the budget prepred by the grntee nd included with the ppliction (subject to revisions pproved by the foundtion). pplictions must clerly specify whether the funds requested will be dministered through n institution or will be pid to the grntee directly. dministrtion of grnt funds through n institution does not chnge the grnt's tx sttus s grnt mde to the individul resercher. HFG ordinrily mkes wrds in the rnge of $15,000 to $30,000 yer for periods of one or two yers. pplictions for lrger mounts nd longer durtions must be very strongly justified. The originl proposl should contin the budget for the entire period of the project—not to exceed three yers in ny cse—nd requests for support in future yers will be limited to the mount projected for tht yer. ll wrds, however, re for one-yer terms initilly. Further funding of projects tenttively pproved for more thn one yer will require nnul pplictions for continution nd will depend upon evidence of stisfctory progress nd n ccount of expenditures during the previous yer. ny substntil chnge in the distribution of funds within the budget of grnt wrded must be pproved in dvnce by the foundtion. Requests will be considered for slries, employee benefits, reserch ssistntships, supplies nd equipment, field work, essentil secretril nd technicl help, nd other items necessry to the successful completion of project. The foundtion does not supply funds for overhed costs of institutions, trvel to professionl meetings, self-eduction, elborte fixed equipment, or support while completing the requirements for dvnced degrees (prt from tht indirectly involved in reserch ssistntships or wrded through our Disserttion Fellowship). The foundtion will not ccept pplictions for the support of meetings nd conferences or trvel costs for prticipnts.
Citizens United for Reserch in Epilepsy - CURE
CURE, Citizens United for Reserch in Epilepsy, is volunteer-bsed nonprofit orgniztion founded by prents of children with epilepsy who were frustrted with their inbility to protect their children from the devsttion of seizures nd the side effects of medictions. Unwilling to sit bck nd ccept the debilitting effects of epilepsy, these prents joined forces to sperhed the serch for cure. dministrtive costs re kept to minimum so tht money rised cn go directly towrd epilepsy reserch imed t finding cure. Our MissionCitizens United for Reserch in Epilepsy (CURE) is nonprofit orgniztion dedicted to finding cure for epilepsy by rising funds for reserch nd by incresing wreness of the prevlence nd devsttion of this disese. CURE Reserch GrntsSince its inception in 1998, CURE hs rised $10 million to fund epilepsy reserch nd other inititives tht will led the wy to cure. CURE funds seed grnts to young nd estblished investigtors to explore new res nd collect the dt necessry to pply for further funding by the Ntionl Institutes of Helth (NIH). To dte, CURE hs wrded over 85 cutting-edge projects.
The im of the HFSP is to support bsic reserch focused on complex mechnisms of living orgnisms; fields supported rnge from moleculr nd cellulr pproches to biologicl functions to systems nd cognitive neuroscience. Reserch Grnts re now designed to bring together scientists from fields such s physics, mthemtics, chemistry, computer science, bioinformtics, nnoscience, engineering nd biology to open up new pproches to understnding complex biologicl systems. Fellowship Progrms re imed specificlly to support young scientists who wish to chnge their field of reserch either within the life sciences or cross mjor disciplines HFSP previously supported 2 scientific progrms focused on neuroscience nd moleculr biology. With the dissolving of boundries seprting trditionl biologicl fields, nd the need to involve disciplines outside biology in life science reserch, these seprte progrms hve been unified into single scientific progrm. single committee now reviews ll grnt pplictions, while second committee reviews ll long-term fellowship pplictions. Both committees re composed of interntionlly-leding scientists. Reserch in methodology in the bove res, or the study of nlogs or models of biologicl ctivity, is lso eligible for support. Projects which involve only high-throughput pproches to dt collection (e.g. lrge-scle, systemtic genome mpping or sequencing) re not eligible to receive HFSP funding. However, this does not exclude functionl studies bsed upon use of such dt.
Children's Tumor Foundtion
The Children's Tumor Foundtion is non-profit 501(c)(3) medicl foundtion, dedicted to improving the helth nd well being of individuls nd fmilies ffected by the neurofibromtoses (NF). The mission of The Children's Tumor Foundtion is to: Encourge nd support reserch nd the development of tretments nd cures for neurofibromtosis types 1 nd 2, schwnnomtosis nd relted disorders (herefter collectively referred to s "NF"); Support persons with NF, their fmilies nd cregivers by providing thorough, ccurte, current nd redily ccessible informtion; ssist in the development of clinicl centers, best prctices nd other ptient support mechnisms (but not including direct medicl cre) to crete better ccess to qulity helthcre for ffected individuls; nd, Expnd public wreness of NF to promote erlier nd ccurte dignoses by the medicl community, increse the non-ffected popultion's understnding of the chllenges fcing persons with NF, nd encourge finncil nd other forms of support from public nd privte sources.
Isrel cdemy of Sciences nd Humnities
The Isrel cdemy of Sciences nd Humnities cts s ntionl focl point for Isreli scholrship in both the nturl sciences nd the humnities. The cdemy consists of pproximtely 100 of Isrel's most distinguished scientists nd scholrs, who, with the help of the cdemy's stff nd committees, monitor nd promote Isreli intellectul excellence, dvise the government on scientific plnning, fund nd publish reserch of lsting merit, nd mintin ctive contct with the broder interntionl scientific nd scholrly community.
ssocition for Frontotemporl Dementis - FTD
The ssocition for Frontotemporl Dementis (FTD) is not-for-profit orgniztion creted in 2002 to dvocte for more funding into the cuses nd tretments for frontotemporl dementis (FTD), s well s to provide cregivers nd ptients with centrl plce to find informtion nd support. Mounting evidence tht these debilitting disorders re more prevlent thn ws originlly thought nd the limited informtion nd support vilble for cregivers nd fmilies, long with the lck of funding for reserch, inspired group of dedicted cregivers, clinicins, nd reserchers to crete n orgniztion to ddress these unmet needs. We hope you will use these pges to get to know the ssocition nd join with us in opening the gtewy to help nd cure.
CONCEPT OF THE FOUNDER, Dr. Shigeyoshi MTSUME, OF MIF TOWRDS GRETER UNDERSTNDING OF JPN ND LSTING WORLD PECE I see the condition of the world tody s consisting of conflict between the different ntionl egoism. The Club of Rome hs identified three crises tht endnger the future of mnkind: lck of energy, lck of food supplies, nd burgeoning world popultion. Unless mnkind lerns to overcome these crises, there will be no lsting pece. The truth of the sttement is undenible, but in the conflict of ntionl egoism tht surround us tody, the rod to pece is still long one. Therefore we re clled upon to do more thn stnd side from the current of history. In order for Jpn to coexist pecefully with the other ntions of the world, nd to fcilitte the tsks tht wit our young people in the 21st century, we re now trying to prepre forum for Jpn's interntionl ctivities. In this wy, I believe, we will be ble to open up pth to the future tht will preserve our ntion nd mnkind. Following the trgic experience of the Second World Wr, Jpn firmly resolved to reject ll ttempts to enhnce ntionl prestige by force of rms nd insted to follow policy of peceful reconstruction s n industril ntion. More thn thirty yers hve pssed since then, nd it is now fct tht considerble friction hs risen between Jpn nd severl foreign countries, especilly in the fields of trde nd economics. We Jpnese re now mking ernest efforts to fce up to this problem nd re studying how to open pth to pece nd prosperity on the bsis of mutul understnding. My serch for enduring pece nd friendship mong ll ntions of the world, nd for n effective reminder of the pth to which we, s peceful ntion, re committed, led to the decision to crete this Foundtion. s will be cler from the sttement of the purpose of the Foundtion, I hope to invite ctive young reserch workers of outstnding chrcter, without regrd to sex, rce, religion, ideology or ntionlity, to Jpn. By deepening their understnding of Jpn, nd estblishing links of trust nd friendship, I seek to mke rel contribution to permnent pece throughout the world. I shll therefore welcome from the bottom of my hert pplictions from promising young men nd women who sympthize with our ims nd wish to undertke reserch in Jpn. t this point let me cknowledge the deep impression mde upon me t the time of the estblishment of this Foundtion by the inspiring idels nd prctice of the lexnder von Humboldt Foundtion, which opertes under the sponsorship of the Federl Republic of Germny, nd the fr-reching influence it hs exerted. I would like to tke this opportunity to express my deep grtitude nd t the sme time to sy tht I intend to mke every effort to ccomplish the purpose nd mission of the Foundtion. June 1979 Dr. Shigeyoshi MTSUME (1901-1991)
USID´s MERC Progrm is peer-reviewed, competitive reserch grnts progrm. MERC focuses on promoting scientific coopertion between rb nd Isreli reserchers, students, nd communities. MERC-funded projects must be relevnt to development in the Middle Est. While MERC is n open-topic progrm tht funds mny types of projects, most projects focus on reserch fields such s griculture, wter resources, helth nd the environment. Presently, MERC hs ctive grnts in Isrel, Jordn, Egypt, West Bnk/Gz, Morocco, Tunisi, nd Lebnon.
Royl Ntionl Institute for Def People - RNID
Our vision Our vision is of world where defness or hering loss do not limit or determine opportunity, nd where people vlue their hering. We im to chieve this vision by: ensuring the rights nd opportunities for def nd hrd of hering people to led full life promoting hering helth, preventing hering loss nd curing defness removing the stigm of defness. We seek to work in prtnership with those who shre our vision.
X Reserch Fund
The X Reserch Fund ws creted in 2008 to encourge scientific reserch tht would contribute to understnding nd preventing environmentl, life, nd socio-economic risks. The Fund supports world clss reserch in these res by providing institutions with the mens of ttrcting nd retining the leding scientists of tody nd of the next genertion. The Fund seeks to support innovtive nd cutting-edge trnsdisciplinry projects, prticulrly s such projects my encounter difficulties in gining support elsewhere.
קרן של"ם
קרן של"ם הוקמה בשנת תשל"ד- 1983 על ידי מרכז השלטון המקומי בשיתוף עם משרד הרווחה ופועלת מאז כשותפה מרכזית לעשייה החברתית של המדינה. הקרן מסייעת בתחומים רבים, זאת מתוך הבנת מורכבות הצרכים הטיפוליים של האדם עם פיגור שכלי; מבין תחומי הסיוע העיקריים ניתן לציין: סיוע לפיתוח מסגרות בקהילה, בכל תחומי החיים עבור האדם עם הפיגור השכלי לאורך כל שנות חייו, שיפור התנאים הקיימים במסגרות אלו, פיתוח תוכניות השתלמות לאנשי מקצוע, סיוע בהפקות אומנותיות של אנשים עם פיגור שכלי והענקת מענקים כספיים למחקרים בתחום. קרן של"ם מסייעת מדי שנה ללמעלה ממאה פרוייקטים בכל רחבי הארץ, תוך שיתוף פעולה מלא עם מפקחי משרד הרווחה, עם מנהלי ועובדי אגפי הרווחה ברשויות המקומיות, נציגי אגפים נוספים על פי הצורך ועם נציגי גופים מממנים שלקחו חלק בתהליך ועדות ההיגוי. קרן של"ם פועלת בנחישות למיצוי הפוטנציאל של כל אדם בעל פיגור שכלי בקהילה וזאת במטרה לממש איכות חיים מיטבית עבורו. הקרן מעודדת למצויינות בעשייה בתחום הפיגור השכלי ומעניקה, מדי שנה, אותות הוקרה לראשי רשויות, אישי ציבור ומתנדבים ופרסי הצטיינות לרשויות, למסגרות, לצוותים, לאנשים עם פיגור שכלי התורמים לחברה ולפרויקטים ייחודים
Europen Science Foundtion - ESF
The Europen Science Foundtion (ESF) is n ssocition of 79 member orgnistions devoted to scientific reserch in 30 Europen countries. Since we were estblished in 1974, we hve coordinted wide rnge of pn-Europen scientific inititives, nd our flexible orgnistion structure mens we cn respond quickly to new developments. ESF's core purpose is to promote high qulity science t Europen level. The ESF is committed to fcilitting coopertion nd collbortion in Europen science on behlf of its principl stkeholders (Member Orgnistions nd Europe's scientific community). This cross-border ctivity combines both 'top-down' nd 'bottom-up' pproches in the long-term development of science. The Foundtion is committed to providing scientific ledership through its networking expertise nd by ensuring tht there is Europen dded vlue to ll of its inititives nd projects.
Wter Environment Reserch Foundtion
The Wter Environment Reserch Foundtion, formed in 1989, is meric’s leding independent scientific reserch orgniztion dedicted to wstewter nd stormwter issues. WERF funds wter qulity reserch on behlf of its subscribers, nd fcilittes collbortion mong orgniztions seeking funding prtners for high-priority issues. The subscribers include wstewter tretment plnts, stormwter utilities, nd regultory gencies. Industry, equipment compnies, engineers nd environmentl consultnts lso lend their support nd expertise s subscribers.
Friends For n Erlier Brest Cncer Test
Friends For n Erlier Brest Cncer Test requests pplictions for pilot projects tht focus on new methods to improve detection of erly brest cncer nd re especilly interested in the development of new techniques in the res of biologicl or immunologic methods of erly detection.
Prostte Cncer Reserch Foundtion
The Prostte Cncer Reserch Foundtion hs two ims, the first to promote independent worldwide reserch into ll spects of prostte cncer; nd the second to spred the crucil knowledge gthered from tht reserch s fr field s possible, vi interntionlly recognised Forum, ttended by the world’s top prostte cncer experts. Our objectives re s follows: To fund the best qulity reserch. To fund reserch tht contributes towrds finding the cuse or cuses. To fund reserch tht helps to find more effective tretments forprostte cncer. To fund reserch tht offers better outcomes to men tht re dignosed with prostte cncer. To enble prostte cncer specilists to shre informtion on regulr bsis vi our Interntionl Forum.
Congressionlly Directed Medicl Reserch Progrms
The gol of the PRCRP is to improve qulity of life by decresing the impct of cncer on service members, their fmilies, nd the mericn public. The PRCRP fosters groundbreking nd collbortive reserch to ccelerte progress in cncer prevention, detection, nd therpeutic interventions.
Benign Essentil Blephrospsm Reserch Foundtion
The Benign Essentil Blephrospsm Reserch Foundtion ws estblished by Blephrospsm-Meige ptient, Mttie Lou Koster. The Foundtion ws grnted its chrter in 1981. Its purpose is " undertke, promote, develop nd crry on the serch for the cuse nd cure for benign essentil blephrospsm nd other relted disorders nd infirmities of the fcil musculture..."
Google Reserch
t its core, Google’s mission is to orgnize the world’s informtion nd mke it universlly ccessible nd useful. The chllenges of relizing this mission spn the bredth of Computer Science nd Engineering – including the study of lgorithms, rtificil intelligence, computer vision, cryptogrphy, dt mining, distributed nd prllel computing, humn-computer interction, hypertext nd the Web, informtion retrievl, mchine lerning, mchine trnsltion, mrket lgorithms/economics, nturl lnguge processing, networks, optimiztion, progrmming lnguges, robotics, security nd privcy, softwre engineering, speech nd uditory processing, video processing, nd virtul relity. The enormous scle of Google’s opertion lso leds to fundmentl questions in the development, deployment nd evolution of plnetry-scle systems. The technicl excitement of ll this nd the rel nd prcticl benefit we cn bring to Google’s users contribute to the excitement of doing reserch t Google.
O Foundtion
For hlf century, O hs been t the forefront of trum nd musculoskeletl surgery, driven by joint commitment to innovtion nd excellence in ptient cre. The O Foundtion is mediclly guided nonprofit orgniztion led by n interntionl group of surgeons specilized in the tretment of trum nd disorders of the musculoskeletl system. It offers ffilited surgeons nd operting room personnel (ORP) globl networking opportunities nd knowledge services. O surgeons, ORP, nd stff re dedicted to chieving more effective ptient cre worldwide by fostering nd expnding n interdisciplinry network of currently more thn 10,000 helthcre professionls in reserch, development, clinicl investigtion, nd eduction.
Interntionl Myelom Foundtion
Since 1990, the Interntionl Myelom Foundtion (IMF) hs supported reserch through demogrphic nlysis of risk fctors to determine wht cuses myelom. In 1994, the IMF estblished the Brin D. Novis Reserch Grnt progrm to support investigtors conducting cutting-edge studies to provide better tretment, mngement, prevention, nd ultimtely, cure for myelom.The IMF offers grnts to doctors nd reserchers working in the field of myelom.
SCO Cncer Foundtion
s the philnthropic ffilite of the mericn Society of Clinicl Oncology (SCO), The SCO Cncer Foundtion funds reserch nd eduction progrms both in the U.S. nd brod. By hrnessing the knowledge of more thn 28,000 oncology professionls in the mericn Society of Clinicl Oncology (SCO), we help deliver physicin-pproved informtion directly to those in need. Through these efforts, we improve the lives of those ffected by cncer.
Europen ssocition for the Study of Dibetes (ESD)
The Europen ssocition for the Study of Dibetes (ESD) ws founded in Montectini, Itly in 1965 with Dr. Joseph Hoet s Founding President. The ssocition is bsed on individul membership nd embrces scientists, physicins, lbortory workers, nurses nd students from ll over the world who re interested in dibetes nd relted subjects. n ctive Member is n individul holding medicl degree or scientific worker with n cdemic degree who hs pid the current nnul membership fee. Members re entitled to vote t the Generl ssembly, which is held during the nnul Meeting nd re eligible for election to the Council nd to the Executive Committee. Membership lso provides the possibility of ttending the nnul Meetings of the ssocition t considerbly reduced registrtion fee. ctive members receive monthly the officil journl of the ssocition, Dibetologi, which publishes rticles on clinicl nd experimentl dibetes nd metbolism. In ddition there re rpid communictions nd review rticles on selected topics of current interest by leding experts in the field.
Glucom Foundtion - TGF
The mission of The Glucom Foundtion (TGF) is to fund groundbreking reserch nd to educte the public bout the disese nd the importnce of erly detection to prevent blindness. Founded in1984 by Dr. Robert Ritch, TGF is one of the premier not-for-profit orgniztions dedicted to erdicting blindness from glucom through vitl reserch nd eduction. The Foundtion works to encourge nd support bsic nd pplied reserch in glucom, to gin nd disseminte new informtion bout the cuses nd tretment of glucom, nd to further efforts to identify nd develop novel pproches to preserve visul function nd reverse blindness cused by glucom.
Crohn's & Colitis Foundtion
To cure Crohn's disese nd ulcertive colitis, nd to improve the qulity of life of children nd dults ffected by these diseses. CCF sponsors bsic nd clinicl reserch of the highest qulity. The foundtion lso offers wide rnge of eductionl progrms for ptients nd helth-cre professionls, nd provides supportive services to help people cope with these chronic intestinl diseses. These progrms re supported solely by contributions from the public. Our res of focus re: Reserch ProgrmsCCF hs provided more thn $150 million for reserch on the tretment nd cure of IBD. Most recently, we hve contributed to the identifiction of two regions on chromosomes tht contin genes for IBD, nd to the discovery of NOD2, the first gene for Crohn's disese. Red more bout our reserch progrms. Eduction ProgrmsCCF provides informtion nd eduction for the more thn one million IBD ptients nd their fmilies through vriety of periodicls (Tke Chrge, Under the Microscope), books, wreness cmpigns, locl chpters, our Webcsts, nd through this web site. We lso rech CCF's members with exclusive milings. CCF lso offers professionl eduction through Inflmmtory Bowel Diseses, our professionl journl, nd helth professionl workshops. Support ServicesCCF support services re delivered through its chpters ntionwide which offer more thn 300 support groups nnully, summer cmps for children with IBD, nd rnge of eductionl nd trining progrms for locl communities. Red more bout our chpters or view our webcsts. Fundrising InititivesEssentil to CCF's mission, our ongoing fundrising efforts enble us to fund further reserch, s well s eductionl nd support ctivities. CCF rises more thn $30 million nnully through memberships, fundrising events, sponsorships, nd other progrms. Find out how you cn support CCF
FRX Reserch Foundtion
FRX's mission is to ccelerte progress towrd effective tretments nd ultimtely cure for Frgile X, by directly funding the most promising reserch. FRX lso supports fmilies ffected by Frgile X nd rises wreness of this importnt but virtully unknown disese. FRX ws founded in 1994 by three prents of children with Frgile X, Ktie Clpp, Michel Trnfgli MD, nd Kthy My, to support scientific reserch imed t finding tretment nd cure for Frgile X. Frgile X reserch is drsticlly underfunded, considering its high prevlence, prospects for cure, nd the promise tht this reserch holds for dvncing understnding of other disorders like utism, lzheimer's disese, nd X-linked mentl retrdtion.
mericn Psychologicl ssocition - P
P seeks to dvnce psychology s science, profession, nd s mens of promoting helth, eduction, nd humn welfre. We do this by: Encourging the development nd ppliction of psychology in the brodest mnner Promoting reserch in psychology, the improvement of reserch methods nd conditions, nd the ppliction of reserch findings Improving the qulifictions nd usefulness of psychologists by estblishing high stndrds of ethics, conduct, eduction, nd chievement Incresing nd disseminting psychologicl knowledge through meetings, professionl contcts, reports, ppers, discussions, nd publictions
U.S. Civilin Reserch & Development Foundtion - CRDF
CRDF is nonprofit orgniztion uthorized by the U.S. Congress nd estblished in 1995 by the Ntionl Science Foundtion. This unique orgniztion promotes interntionl scientific nd technicl collbortion through grnts, technicl resources, nd trining. CRDF is bsed in rlington, Virgini with offices in Moscow, Russi; Kyiv, Ukrine; lmty, Kzkhstn; Bku, zerbijn (opening 2010); nd mmn, Jordn (opening 2010). Our VisionTo promote pece nd prosperity through interntionl science collbortion. Our Mission Provide coopertive reserch nd development (R&;D) opportunities tht enble scientists nd engineers to ddress criticl security, economic, eduction nd other societl needs. dvnce pece nd prosperity by funding civilin reserch nd development projects tht contribute to globl nonprolifertion objectives. Promote the ppliction of science nd technology to economic growth through interntionl prtnerships nd trining tht foster invention, innovtion, entrepreneurship nd the commerciliztion of technology. Strengthen university reserch nd eduction in science nd engineering.
Ntl. llince for Res. on Schizophreni nd Depression-NRSD
NRSD invests in the best nd brightest scientific minds throughout the world to unrvel the complexities of schizophreni, depression, nxiety nd mny other psychitric diseses. Then, NRSD continues to support the reserchers s they use their findings to develop the next-genertion of dignostics nd tretments for these conditions.
Ntionl Institute for Psychobiology in Isrel-NIPI
NIPI is pioneering institute tht supports Isrel’s finest scientific minds in conducting cutting edge psychobiologicl reserch. NIPI’s efforts enble importnt scientific discoveries nd help combt the emigrtion of Isreli scientists to institutions brod.The NIPI is dedicted to dvncing bsic nd pplied investigtion into degenertive, behviorl, nd development disorders of the nervous system by supporting cutting-edge brin reserch in Isrel.
Isrel Ntionl Institute for Helth Policy nd Helth Services Reserch-NIHP
The Isrel Ntionl Institute for Helth Policy nd Helth Services Reserch (NIHP) is n independent orgniztion, whose gols re:To ct s forum nd meeting plce for professionl nd public discussions bout the orgniztion, mngement nd helth policy in Isrel.To promote nd fund reserch of the economics, qulity of services nd decision-mking processes in the helth system.To encourge interdisciplinry scientific coopertion on the ntionl level between ll plyers, cdemic nd mngeril, whose interest is the promotion of the Isreli helth system.To follow nd ssess the influence of the Ntionl Helth Insurnce Lw on thehelth services in Isrel, their qulity, effectiveness nd cost. The NIHP gthers together reserchers, mngers nd policy mkers from the different sectors of the helth ren: the Ministry of Helth, HMOs, hospitls, universities nd reserch institutes. Its ctivities include rnge of prticipnts: physicins, nurses, other helth professionls, helth-system-mngers, helth economists, reserchers, scientists from the helth services, the Knesset, government ministries nd cdemi.
Isrel Rn Nor Foundtion for the dvncement of Rod Sfety Reserch
מטרת קרן רן נאור היא הפחתה משמעותית של מספר הנפגעים בתאונות דרכים ונזקיהן באמצעות קידום המחקר והבירור המדעי של סוגיות הנוגעות לבטיחות בדרכים בישראל.הקרן יוזמת ותומכת במחקרי איכות אשר יביאו ליצירת תשתית מדעית שתכלול הרחבת בסיס המידע, העשרת הידע ותוספת בינה בכל הנושאים שעניינם הבטיחות בדרכים ומניעת תאונות. הקרן עוסקת בהטמעה בתודעת הציבור של הצורך במחקר מלווה את הפעילויות הקשורות במניעת תאונות דרכים בישראל ועידודו של מחקר כזה ע"י כל הגורמים העוסקים בבטיחות בדרכים כולל משרדי הממשלה, מערכת החינוך, מכוני מחקר והמוסדות להשכלה גבוהה, וכן בהפצת פירות המחקר בקרב קהילות המדע והעשייה בארץ ובעולם וטיפוח קשרים בילטרליים עם מדענים ומוסדות מחקר בחו"ל.
Ministry of Construction nd Housing-MOCH
The Ministry of Construction nd Housing – both its nme nd its im. On the one hnd the Ministry dels with creting the infrstructure for construction nd the construction itself, in other words – the economic spect. nd on the other hnd, it is concerned with the humn level – providing housing solutions in public housing projects nd subsidizing mortgges for purchsing prtments.
Volkswgen Foundtion
The Volkswgen Foundtion is non-profit-mking foundtion estblished under privte lw bsed in Hnnover. Its objective is to support science, the humnities nd technology in reserch nd university teching. Under the terms of its sttutes it my support ny field of science, but in prctice it concentrtes on funding inititives tht it develops itself. The funding inititives re grouped into four res: "Support of Persons nd New Structures", "Interntionl Focus", "Themtic Impetus" nd "Socil nd Culturl Chllenges". In exceptionl cses, the Foundtion lso supports projects outside these res.
Foundtionl Questions Institute-FQXi
FQXi's mission is To ctlyze, support, nd disseminte reserch on questions t the foundtions of physics nd cosmology, prticulrly new frontiers nd innovtive ides integrl to deep understnding of relity but unlikely to be supported by conventionl funding sources. FQXi therefore ims to support reserch tht is both foundtionl (with potentilly significnt nd brod implictions for our understnding of the deep or "ultimte" nture of relity) nd unconventionl (enbling reserch tht, becuse of its specultive, non-minstrem, or high-risk nture, would otherwise go unperformed due to lck of funding).
North tlntic Trety Orgniztion-NTO
The Science for Pece nd Security Progrmme offers grnts to scientists in NTO, Prtner nd Mediterrnen Dilogue countries to collborte on priority reserch topics, which include NTO priorities nd dditionl Prtner country priorities. Grnts re lso offered to ssist the cdemic community in Prtner countries to set up computer networking infrstructure nd to optimize their use of electronic communiction. pplictions for support on topics in the priority res re prepred jointly by working scientists in eligible countries of the Euro tlntic Prtnership Council (EPC) nd countries of the Mediterrnen Dilogue. The collbortion must be between scientists in NTO countries on the one hnd, nd scientists in eligible Prtner countries or Mediterrnen Dilogue countries on the other.
Ministry of Interior-Division of Plnning-MOI
תפקידי המינהל כוללים גיבוש המלצות למדיניות בתחום התכנון והבניה במדינת ישראל ומעקב אחר מימושה, סיוע והנחיה מקצועית לשר הפנים ולמוסדות התכנון, ייזום תכניות מתאר ארציות, מחוזיות ומקומיות, טיפול בתכניות מפורטות, טיפול בהכנת תקנות מתוקף חוק התכנון והבניה וביצוע תפקידים נוספים הנגזרים מהחוק.
British Council
The United Kingdom’s interntionl orgnistion for culturl reltions nd eductionl opportunities.We crete prtnerships between individuls nd institutions in the UK nd Isrel. Our science progrmme supports the exchnge of ides, knowledge nd the cretion of new opportunities, nd rises wreness bout the impct of science on our lives. In prtnership with governmentl nd non-governmentl orgnistions we orgnise wide rnge of ctivities designed to promote wreness bout the relevnce of science to culture.
Cpit Foundtion
The Cpit Foundtion is privte 501(c)3 chritble orgniztion dedicted to the support of innovtive hering reserch. The Cpit Foundtion chieves this mission by serving two criticl roles: Through the direct funding of innovtive reserch nd byencourging the support of newer pproches to hering reserch by shring knowledge nd connecting people nd ides.
Epiderml nd Sensory Reserch nd Investigtion Center (CERIES)
The CE.R.I.E.S. Reserch wrd is n nnul inititive whose purpose is to honor resercher in dermtology with proven trck record in the field of fundmentl or clinicl reserch into the physiology or biology of helthy skin, nd to help fund future project.
mfR - Foundtion for IDS Reserch
mfR is dedicted to ending the globl IDS epidemic through innovtive reserch. With the freedom nd flexibility to respond quickly to emerging res of scientific promise, mfR plys ctlytic role in ccelerting the pce of HIV/IDS reserch nd chieving rel brekthroughs. mfR-funded reserch hs incresed our understnding of HIV nd hs helped ly the groundwork for mjor dvnces in the study nd tretment of HIV/IDS.
Ministry of Helth-MOH
במטרה לתמוך ולקדם את המחקר הרפואי והביו-רפואי בארץ, מעניקה קרן המחקר בלשכת המדען הראשי של משרד הבריאות מענקים למחקרים, לחקרי היתכנות, מלגות השתלמות ומלגות לרופאים חוקרים. לשם כך, מפרסמת קרן המחקר הראשי "קול קורא" להגשת בקשות למענקים אלה. במענה לקול הקורא יתקבלו לשיפוט והערכה בקשות למימון מחקרים שלהם זיקה למחלות ולבריאות (Helth- nd Disese-relted) וכאלה המתייחסים להבנת האטיולוגיה, המהלך ודרכי הטיפול במחלות. וועדות השיפוט לא ימליצו לממן ניסויים קליניים (פאזה I והלאה), מחקרים בעלי אופי בסיסי בעליל או מחקרים שבהם היישום המסחרי נראה לעין והשופטים רואים אפשרות לתמיכה מחברות מסחריות.
Environment nd Helth Fund-EHF
קרן המחקרים הבין-תחומית של הקרן לבריאות וסביבה תומכת במחקר העוסק ברצף התרחשויות, שראשיתו פליטת מזהמים סביבתיים וחשיפה לזיהום, ואחריתו בהשפעותיהם על הבריאות. הקרן מממנת מחקר העוסק בהיבטים האפידמיולוגים, הטוקסיקולוגים, הגיאוגרפיים והסביבתיים של בריאות וסביבה בישראל. הקרן מעוניינת גם במחקרים בעלי היבטים חברתיים, פוליטיים, כלכליים, אתיים ומשפטיים בתחום זה. הקרן לבריאות וסביבה מחפשת מחקר חדשני שבוחן את הבעיות המרכזיות בתחום בריאות וסביבה בישראל.
Ministry of griculture-MO
לשכת המדען הראשימשרד החקלאות ופיתוח הכפרקרן המדען הראשי נועדה ליזום ולהפעיל מחקרים המיועדים להחדיר חדשנות טכנולוגית ומדעית ולהשלים פערי ידע בתחומים בעלי חשיבות לאומית הדורשים שנוי או שיפור, ובתחומים בעלי פוטנציאל ליצירת מגזרי עיסוק חדשים וכלכליים בחקלאות ובהתיישבות הכפרית. יעדי המחקר והפיתוח של הקרן מתמקדים בין היתר בהגברת היצוא החקלאי, חיסכון בכח אדם, חיסכון וייעול השימוש במים, שיפור איכות תוצרת חקלאית, פיתוח חקלאות בת-קיימא וחיזוק ההתיישבות הכפרית בפריפריה, ומציאת פתרונות לאיומים הצפויים ממשבר המזון והמשבר הכלכלי-פיננסי שהתעצמו בשנה האחרונה וכן מהמשברים המתמשכים בתחומי האנרגיה ושנויי האקלים העולמיים; כל זאת לשם הגדלת יכולת הפרנסה של חקלאי ישראל ולמען צרכני השוק החקלאי.קביעת יעדי המו"פ המועדפים, ומיון ההצעות ההקדמיות, על פי יכולתן להתמודד עם דרישות המו"פ של יעדים אלה, מתבצעת באמצעות צוותי ההיגוי השונים.
Ministry of Industry, Trde nd Lbor-MOITL
The Ministry of Industry, Trde nd Lbor focuses on the promotion of economic growth in Isrel. The Ministry is engged in the encourgement nd support of export nd interntionl commerce, in order to ssist Isreli businesses in enhncing their exports nd entering new mrkets brod.
Komen Foundtion
Susn G. Komen fought brest cncer with her hert, body nd soul. Throughout her dignosis, tretments, nd endless dys in the hospitl, she spent her time thinking of wys to mke life better for other women bttling brest cncer insted of worrying bout her own sitution. Tht concern for others continued even s Susn nered the end of her fight. Moved by Susn’s compssion for others nd committed to mking difference, Nncy G. Brinker promised her sister tht she would do everything in her power to end brest cncer forever. Tht promise is now Susn G. Komen for the Cure®, the globl leder of the brest cncer movement, hving invested nerly $1.5 billion since inception in 1982. s the world’s lrgest grssroots network of brest cncer survivors nd ctivists, we’re working together to sve lives, empower people, ensure qulity cre for ll nd energize science to find the cures. Thnks to events like the Susn G. Komen Rce for the Cure®, nd generous contributions from our prtners, sponsors nd fellow supporters, we hve become the lrgest source of nonprofit funds dedicted to the fight ginst brest cncer in the world.
Sfed Scientific Workshop Progrm
The Sfed Scientific Workshop progrm ws estblished to encourge scientists to hold interntionl workshops in Sfed. Scientific conferences include (1) mjor interntionl meetings; (2) workshops designed to promote informl exchnge on frontier scientific problems; (3) schools focused on mking stte-of-the-rt reserch problems nd methods ccessible to grdute students nd postdocs. Number of prticipnts is normlly be between 30 nd 80. The durtion is normlly for 5-6 dys, but innovtive proposls for longer progrms re welcome.Scientific res for sponsored conferences includes physics, chemistry, mterils, mthemtics, computer science, biology nd science teching.
Ded Se Preservtion Government Compny Ltd
החברה הממשלתית להגנות ים המלח בע"מ (חל"י) הוקמה בשנת 2008, במטרה לרכז את התכנון והביצוע של ההגנה על מלונות ים המלח ותשתיות החוף מפני הצפה. ייעוד החברה, תחומי פעילותה ותפקידיה:• החברה הממשלתית להגנות ים המלח בע"מ הינה חברה ממשלתית בבעלות מלאה של מדינת ישראל, והחלה לפעול במחצית השנייה של שנת 2008 • החברה משמשת גוף ביצועי של הממשלה לעניין הגנות ים המלח, ומתפקידה להוציא אל הפועל את מדיניות הטיפול בבעיות כפי שמותווים על ידי צוות היגוי בראשות מנכ"ל משרד התיירות ויאושרו על ידי ממשלת ישראל.• החברה מרכזת את הטיפול בנושא תכנון וביצוע פעולות שנועדו להיות פתרונות קצרי טווח וארוכי טווח מפני עלית מפלס המים בחוף המערבי של בריכה הידועה בשם בריכה מספר 5 של מפעלי ים המלח כפי שמאושרות על ידי הממשלה.• החברה פועלת בשיתוף פעולה ותאום מרביים עם כלל הגופים השותפים והנוגעים לפרויקט ההגנות • החברה מרכזת את ההתקשרות עם חברות, קבלנים, מומחים ויועצים בכפוף לשריון תקציבי ובהתאם לדיני המכרזים ונהלי החברה.פעילות החברה: ניהול, תכנון וביצוע פרויקטים הנדסיים אשר מתבצעים בעיקר באמצעות חברות חיצוניות, יועצים, קבלני משנה – מיקור חוץ וכן הכנת תוכניות סטטוטוריות להתקדמות פרויקט הגנות ים המלח.
Europen Coop in Scientific nd Technicl reserch-COST
Europen COopertion in the field of Scientific nd Technicl reserch - is n intergovernmentl Europen frmework for interntionl co-opertion between ntionlly funded reserch ctivities. COST brings together reserch tems in different countries working on specific topics, supporting networking, conferences, short-term scientific exchnges nd publictions (NOT R&;D).
Nekudt Hen
Nekudt Hen's min objective is to estblish n inter-disciplinry professionl knowledge bse focusing on multi-functionl lndscpe griculture, thus helping ttin the bove-mentioned gol. The progrmme invites proposls for projects with the potentil to dvnce the development of profitble, multi-functionl, nd sustinble lndscpe griculture. The progrmme encourges proposls from different cdemic disciplines - griculture, biology, ecology, environmentl sciences, economics, plnning &; rchitecture, lw, nd socil sciences - from both the public nd reserch communities nd the privte sector (e.g. plnners, environmentl consultnts).
ILC - Interntionl rid Lnds Consortium
The Interntionl rid Lnds Consortium (ILC) strives to be the cknowledged leding interntionl orgniztion supporting ecologicl sustinbility of rid nd semirid lnds.The ILC works to chieve reserch nd development, eductionl nd trining inititives, demonstrtion projects, workshops, nd other technology-trnsfer ctivities pplied to the development, mngement, restortion, nd reclmtion of rid nd semirid lnds in the U.S., the Middle Est, nd elsewhere in the world. ll ctivities re supported by the ILC's Member Institutions through their ongoing pplied reserch imed t sustining rid nd semirid lnd ecologicl systems, implicitly including humnkind.In pursuit of its vision, the ILC dheres to these guiding principles:• Use n ecologicl pproch to multiple-use mngement nd sustinble use of rid nd semirid lnds;• Use the best scientific knowledge in developing nd recommending pproprite technologies for the mngement of rid nd semirid lnds;• Strive for qulity nd excellence in everything done nd be sensitive to the effects of our recommendtions on resources, people, nd ntions;• Form collbortive prtnerships to chieve shred gols of the ILC Member Institutions;• Recognize tht some conflict exists in humnkind nd strives to del with it in professionl mnner;• Mintin the highest professionl nd ethicl stndrds. Member InstitutionsThe University of rizonDesert Reserch Institute – NevdHigher Council for Science &; Technology – JordnThe University of IllinoisJewish Ntionl FundMinistry of griculture &; Lnd Reclmtion – EgyptNew Mexico Stte UniversitySouth Dkot Stte UniversityTexs &;M University-Kingsville
BRD - Bintionl griculture Reserch & Development Fund
BRD is competitive funding progrm for mutully beneficil, mission-oriented, strtegic nd pplied reserch of griculturl problems, jointly conducted by mericn nd Isreli scientists. Most BRD projects focus on incresing griculturl productivity, prticulrly in hot nd dry climtes, nd emphsize plnt nd niml helth, food qulity nd sfety, nd environmentl issues. BRD lso supports interntionl workshops. BRD offers fellowships for postdoctorl reserch, senior reserch scientists nd grdute students. BRD is empowered to fund scientists ffilited with public or not-for-profit, privte entities nd to encourge the exchnge of griculturl scientists, engineers or other griculturl experts.
ICRF-Isrel Cncer Reserch Fund
The Isrel Cncer Reserch Fund/ICRF is voluntry chritble orgniztion tht receives its totl income from privte dontions. ICRF ws founded in 1975 by group of mericn nd Cndin reserchers, oncologists, nd ly people determined to hrness Isrel's eductionl nd scientific resources in the fight ginst cncer. Its initil purpose ws to stem the "brin drin" of Isreli reserchers by providing funds for postdoctorl fellowships for young Ph.D.'s. ICRF is the only U.S.-bsed chrity solely devoted to supporting cncer reserch in Isrel. Since its inception, ICRF hs provided more thn $33 million to support innovtive studies by Isreli scientists. Our wrdees re selected through rigorous peer-review process tht is conducted by world-clss scientific pnel. We support individuls t ll of the mjor reserch institutions in Isrel. ICRF-funded reserchers hve been mking significnt progress nd hve been ble to develop improved chemotherpies, dvnced techniques in bone mrrow trnsplnttion, nd n enhnced understnding of tumor suppressor genes. By continuing to support cncer reserch in Isrel for the benefit of ll mnkind, the ICRF: mkes it possible for scientists to utilize Isrel's unique popultion of diverse ethnic groups which fford unequlled opportunities to study genetic nd environmentl dt tht contribute to cncer; plces strong emphsis on young scientists pioneering in new directions with fresh pproches to res of reserch tht hve chllenged the experts; respects nd drws upon Isrel's unprlleled convergence of some of the finest scientists nd physicins in the free world - resource tht must not
Isrel Ntionl Rod Sfety uthority-RS
יחידת המדען הראשי של הרשות הלאומית לבטיחות בדרכים מקיימת מחקרים רבים ומקיפים על הפעולות והאמצעים שננקטו בנושא הבטיחות בדרכים. פעולות אלו הופכות את ישראל לאחד ממרכזי המחקר הראשיים והמובילים בעולם בתחום מחקר תאונות הדרכים. מדינת ישראל משתייכת לארגון IRTD , ארגון בינלאומי למדינות המדווחת על מצב תאונות הדרכים ומקיימת שיח מקצועי בכל נושאי בטיחות בדרכים.ביחידת המדען הראשי פועל אגף טכנולוגיה, אשר עוקב וחוקר אחר התפתחות הטכנולוגיה לבטיחות רכב ותשתיות בעולם כולו.
Isrel Science Foundtion-ISF
מטרת הקרן היא לתמוך בהצעות למחקר בסיסי בכל התחומים של המדעים המדויקים והטכנולוגיה, מדעי החיים והרפואה, ומדעי הרוח והחברה, הראויות למענקי מחקר, על בסיס האיכות המדעית וללא קשר להשתייכות המוסדית. רשימת התחומים מתפרסמת בנוהל הקרן המופיע באתר האינטרנט של הקרן. על פי הנחיות הקרן, רשאים להגיש בקשות חוקרים בארץ בעלי תואר שלישי או MD - באמצעות הרשות למחקר ולפיתוח של מוסדם, או באמצעות גוף מוסדי מקביל, שיש להם הרשאה, יכולת והאמצעים הנחוצים להוביל מחקר מדעי באופן עצמאי לאורך כל תקופת המענק.ברצונינו להבהיר כי מבחינת הקרן אם חוקר אינו יכול להגיש בקשה עצמאית הוא אינו רשאי להגיש כלל
BSF-US-Isrel Bintionl Science Foundtion
The U.S.-Isrel Bintionl Science Foundtion (BSF) promotes scientific reltions between the U.S. nd Isrel by supporting collbortive reserch projects in wide re of bsic nd pplied scientific fields, for peceful nd non-profit purposes. Founded in 1972 by n greement between the United Sttes nd Isrel, the BSF is n independent body, directed by bord of governors consisting of five mericn nd five Isreli members. Its bse of opertion is in Isrel. Funding for reserch derives from the nnul interest on n endowment contributed in equl prts by the two countries. Grnts re mde on competitive, peer reviewed bsis, juried by leding scientists from the U.S., Isrel nd round the world. Eligible projects must demonstrte outstnding scientific merit nd cler collbortion between Isreli nd mericn reserchers from institutions throughout the two countries. Since its inception, the BSF hs wrded some $480 million to over 4,000 reserch projects of the highest qulity. Mny of these hve led to importnt scientific, medicl nd technologicl brekthroughs with wide-rnging prcticl pplictions. The BSF is highly regrded funding source mong reserchers in both countries. Numerous scientists prticipting in BSF progrms hve won prestigious wrds such s the Nobel , Lsker ,nd Wolf prizes. For exmple, six out of the eight 2004 Nobel Prize Luretes in science were recipients of t lest one BSF grnt, nd severl of them hve received extensive support from the BSF - most notbly Profs. vrm Hershko, ron Ciechnover (Technion) nd Irwin Rose (UC Irvine), who were wrded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their joint discovery of the ubiquitin system for protein degrdtion. The coopertion between the Isreli nd U.S. reserch groups tht led to this discovery ws mde possible by continuous support by the BSF over more thn two decdes. Throughout the yers, the BSF hs hd very importnt impct on science in Isrel. BSF grnts hve been mjor source of funding for Isreli scientists, nd hve fcilitted ccess to leding U.S. investigtors nd to the unrivled infrstructure of mericn science. BSF-sponsored visits to Isrel by top U.S. reserchers benefit the entire Isreli scientific community. Moreover, coopertion with top Isreli scientists hs gretly benefitted mny U.S. prticipnts, who re typiclly from the most prestigious mericn universities nd government reserch institutes. The BSF mkes gret effort to minimize dministrtive expenses. smll nd efficient stff distributes some $15 million per yer in grnt monies, with bout 93% of the nnul budget llocted for science. The BSF is highly successful in chieving its two min gols: strengthening the U.S.–Isrel prtnership through science, nd promoting world-clss scientific reserch for the benefit of the two countries nd ll mnkind. The gret chllenge fcing the BSF tody is to continue to meet the ever-rising costs of innovtive reserch nd the growing needs of Isreli nd mericn scientists, with n endowment tht hs not been incresed since 1984. To tht end, the BSF hs lunched, for the first time, n effort to rise funds to increse its finncil resources nd further strengthen the prtnership between the two countries.
GIF - Germn-Isreli Foundtion for Scientific Reserch nd Development
GIF - Germn-Isreli Foundtion for Scientific Reserch nd DevelopmentGIF supports coopertive reserch projects of mutul interest to the Federl Republic of Germny nd the Stte of Isrel. The projects shll concern science nd technology for peceful purposes only. Both bsic nd pplied reserch projects in ll res will be considered eqully with no predetermined quots.pplicnts should be wre tht the Foundtion is only ble to fund reltively smll number of new projects every yer. Regulr progrm Submission Cycles:pplictions in the GIF Regulr Progrm re ccepted in lternting submission cycles. Next clls will be:2012: Life Sciences, Medicine, Socil Sciences;2013: Exct Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Mteril Sciences, Technology (Engineering), Mthemtics, Computer sciences, Geo-Erth nd Environmentl Sciences. Humnities: History, rcheology, Literture, Philosophy nd relted fields. GIF projects shll concern science nd technology for peceful purposes only. Both bsic nd pplied reserch projects in ll res will be considered eqully with no predetermined quots. The Young Scientists Progrm is open for submissions in ll cdemic fields ech yer.
Foundtion Bnque de Frnce
Fondtion Bnque de Frnce is Bnk of Frnce’s sponsor for reserch in Money, Finnce nd Bnking. It cts s ctlyst for reserch, focusing on relevnt policy issues nd implementing competitive selection processes.Fondtion Bnque de Frnce fosters the potentil synergy between the cdemic community nd the Bnk of Frnce. It encourges interctions, with view to ssociting the Bnk with the deepening of knowledge nd the production of reserch s public good.
mericn Federtion for ging Reserch (FR)
The mericn Federtion for ging Reserch (FR) is ntionl non-profit orgniztion whose mission is to support nd dvnce helthy ging through biomedicl reserch.FR focuses its ctivities on these mjor inititives:- Identifying nd funding brod rnge of cutting-edge reserch most likely to increse knowledge bout helthy ging.- ttrcting more physicins to specilize in geritric medicine to meet the demnds of n ging popultion with expert helth cre.- Creting opportunities for scientists nd clinicins to shre knowledge nd exchnge ides to drive innovtion in ging reserch.- Providing informtion to the public on new medicl findings tht cn help people live longer lives, less susceptible to disese nd disbility.
Plteforme Muttions
High throughput sequencing nd Rre Diseses "Plteforme Muttions" inititive. Understnding the moleculr bsis of humn diseses of genetic origin is fr from being chieved. It remins, in prticulr, to identify the genes tht re the most rrely involved. Identifiction of these genes is of prmount importnce to elucidte the pthogenic mechnisms of the diseses nd for the development of dignostic tools nd of innovtive therpeutics.
Murice Flk Institute for Economic Reserch in Isrel Ltd.
The Murice Flk Institute for Economic Reserch in Isrel Ltd. ws founded in Jnury 1964 s the successor of the Flk Project for Economic Reserch in Isrel. The institute's min gol is to encourge economic reserch in Isrel, with prticulr emphsis on the economy of Isrel. In ddition, the institute publishes scientific rticles on the economy of Isrel nd orgnizes conferences on this topic.
Spencer Foundtion
The primry mission of the Foundtion is to investigte wys in which eduction cn be improved, round the world. To chieve this gol, the Foundtion is committed to supporting high-qulity investigtion of eduction through its reserch progrms nd to strengthening nd renewing the eductionl reserch community through its fellowship nd trining progrms nd relted ctivities.
Interntionl Council on mino cid Science
The Interntionl Council on mino cid Science (ICS) is non-profit ssocition registered in the Kingdom of Belgium. It iscomprised of vrious orgnistions hving interests in mino cidscience.ICS ws estblished in the yer 2000 in Tokyo, Jpn. Since then,ICS hs sponsored series of interntionl workshops on thessessment of dequte intkes of mino cids in response to recentglobl movements towrd setting dietry reference intkes fornutrients.For the further enhncement of its ctivities in the interntionl ren,ICS chnged its governing structure, nd moved its registered officeto Brussels. It ws officilly recognised s n interntionl non-profitorgnistion by the Belgin uthorities in 2008.Wht re ICS gols?To explore nd resolve scientific concerns relted to ll spects of sfety, qulity nd use of mino cids with prticulr emphsis on dietry use in humns. To estblish frmework for ssessing nd predicting the consequences ofdiffering levels of mino cid intkes in humns under vrious conditions. To develop ICS qulity specifictions for mino cid products vilblein the mrket in order to ensure consumer sfety.Wht is the scope of ICS ctivities? Holding interntionl workshops on the ssessment of dequte nd sfe intkes of dietry mino cids. Implementing reserch studies. Presenting expert opinions nd scientific informtion to regultory uthorities. Devising common legl nd regultory responses concerning vrious mino cid-relted issues. Disseminting beneficil informtion on mino cids to the public.
Reserch Fund on Insurnce Mtters
The Reserch Fund on Insurnce Mtters ffilited with the Isrel Insurnce ssocition (R) The Reserch Fund on Insurnce Mtters, ffilited with the ssocition of Isrel Insurnce ssocition (R) (hereinfter: “the Reserch Fund ssocition”), ws founded in 1997 for the mintennce nd mngement of fund intended to provide support for reserch on compulsory vehicle insurnce, including coverge under the Compenstion to Victims of Trffic ccidents, 1975.
Defense dvnced Reserch Projects gency - DRP
DRP funds unique nd innovtive reserch through the privte sector, cdemic nd other non-profit orgniztions s well s government lbs.DRP reserch runs the gmut from conducting scientific investigtions in lbortory, to building full-scle prototypes of militry systems. DRP funds reserch in biology, medicine, computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, mthemtics, mteril sciences, socil sciences, neuroscience, nd more.
Cncer Reserch Institute - CRI
CRI is dedicted exclusively to the support nd coordintion of lbortory nd clinicl efforts tht will led to the immunologicl tretment, control, nd prevention cncer.Cncer vccines nd ntibody therpies re giving new hope to cncer ptients; these innovtive pproches promise to extend the lives of cncer ptients nd keep them cncer free longer.
Leukemi & Lymphom Society - LLS
The Leukemi &; Lymphom Society (LLS) is the world's lrgest voluntry helth orgniztion dedicted to funding blood cncer reserch, eduction nd ptient services. The LLS mission: Cure leukemi, lymphom, Hodgkin's disese nd myelom, nd improve the qulity of life of ptients nd their fmilies.
lzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundtion - DDF
DDF funds drug discovery reserch by domestic nd interntionl investigtors in cdemi nd in biotechnology compnies. DDF seeks to fill the criticl trnsltionl funding gp between bsic reserch nd lter stge drug development. Funding priorities: Erly identifiction; Prevention of D nd cognitive decline; Tretment of D nd cognitive ging.
United Cerebrl Plsy Reserch
UCP funds pilot studies on prevention nd tretment of cerebrl plsy, including improvement in the qulity of life of persons with disbilities due to CP nd relted developmentl brin disorders. This includes bsic, clinicl nd pplied reserch in the biomedicl nd bioengineering sciences.
Brod Foundtion
BF funds the following: Reserch grnts re vilble for innovtive proposls tht will led to improvements in the prevention, dignosis or therpy of Crohn’s disese or ulcertive colitis. Investigtors in nonprofit institutions worldwide re eligible for funding. Bsic nd clinicl investigtors, scientists not currently working in inflmmtory bowel disese, nd interdisciplinry tems re encourged to pply. Preference is given to proposls for work conducted with ptients nd with strong potentil of clinicl pplicbility in the foreseeble future. Reserch using non-humn mteril should led to trnsltionl benefits to ptients with IBD. Funding my be requested for up to two yers. Second-yer funding will be bsed on n evlution of the progress nd the perceived vlue of the findings from the first yer of funding. There re no dedlines or specific dtes by which to request funding. Proposls re ccepted nd reviewed yer–round, nd the BMRP mkes every effort to provide rpid response nd funding.
Leukemi Reserch Foundtion - LRF
The LRF gols re to conquer leukemi, lymphom, nd myelodysplstic syndromes while enriching the qulity of life of those touched by these diseses.The LRF exclusively funds New Investigtors - individuls who re beginning to estblish their own lbortories nd re no longer under the tutelge of senior scientist mentor. Providing one yer grnts to selected New Investigtor reserchers, llows innovtive scientists to ct on their ides, nd try new procedures nd experiments tht will hopefully led to significnt brekthroughs.
llince for Lupus Reserch - LR
LR believes the solution to lupus is significnt increse in biomedicl reserch focused on new tretments, prevention, nd cure.LR uses multi-level review system to ensure tht it supports only the finest nd most relevnt lupus reserch projects. pplictions for funding re rigorously scrutinized through system clled peer-review, in which n individully tilored pnel of scientific experts reviews nd rnks ech reserch proposl. Then the LR’s Scientific dvisory Bord provides second level of scrutiny before mking funding recommendtions to LR’s Bord of Directors,whose members function s finl, non-scientist reviewers.
Interntionl Foundtion for Functionl Gstrointestinl Disorders (IFFGD)
The Interntionl Foundtion for Functionl Gstrointestinl Disorders (IFFGD) is Public Chrity designted under the U.S. IRS code 501(c)(3). We re nonprofit eduction nd reserch orgniztion dedicted to informing, ssisting, nd supporting people ffected by gstrointestinl (GI) disorders.IFFGD ws founded in 1991 by one person struggling with the chllenges imposed by chronic GI disorder. Mny others, from ll wlks of life, hve joined with us.We work with ptients, fmilies, physicins, nurses, prctitioners, investigtors, regultors, employers, nd others to improve digestive helth in the dults nd children.
XLP Reserch Trusts
X-linked lymphoprolifertive syndrome (XLP), which is lso known s Duncn’s syndrome, is rre lwys ftl disese tht ffects only boys. To dte only bout 100 fmilies nd 400+ boys hve been dignosed worldwide. It is likely, however, tht there re mny more cses where the correct dignosis hs not been mde. XLP cn hve mny symptoms including: severe glndulr fever, cncer of the blood (lymphom) nd inbility to fight off infections nd sometimes severe nemi. 70% of individuls with XLP die by the ge of 10 yers without ny tretment. The cuse of the condition ws only found in 1998 so there is still lot to lern. The best ‘prevention’ is regulr top ups of nti-virl medicines, immunoglobulin therpy or steroids – but these re not cure. Tody the only possible cure is bone mrrow trnsplnt – in effect replcing the fulty immune system. However with dvnces in genetics potentil cure my now only be few yers wy.
Niederschsen Ministry of Science nd Culture
Collbortion projects - in ll scientific fields - with reserchers from Lower Sxony stte in Germny (Niederschsen) re funded with EU 75,000/yer X 3 yers. Principles (English nd Germn): Preliminry ppliction instructions:
mericn Tinnitus ssocition-T
The mericn Tinnitus ssocition Reserch Grnt Progrm finncilly supports scientific studies investigting tinnitus. Studies must be directly concerned with tinnitus nd contribute to T's gol of finding cure.T wrds mximum of $150,000 t $50,000 per yer over three yers. ppliction dedlines re June 30th ech yer. We ccept pplictions yer-round for this nnul grnt cycle.
Defense dvnced Reserch Projects gency - DRP
DRP funds unique nd innovtive reserch through the privte sector, cdemic nd other non-profit orgniztions s well s government lbs.DRP reserch runs the gmut from conducting scientific investigtions in lbortory, to building full-scle prototypes of militry systems. DRP funds reserch in biology, medicine, computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, mthemtics, mteril sciences, socil sciences, neuroscience, nd more.
Cncer Reserch Institute - CRI
CRI is dedicted exclusively to the support nd coordintion of lbortory nd clinicl efforts tht will led to the immunologicl tretment, control, nd prevention cncer.Cncer vccines nd ntibody therpies re giving new hope to cncer ptients; these innovtive pproches promise to extend the lives of cncer ptients nd keep them cncer free longer.
Cncer Reserch Institute - CRI
CRI is dedicted exclusively to the support nd coordintion of lbortory nd clinicl efforts tht will led to the immunologicl tretment, control, nd prevention cncer.Cncer vccines nd ntibody therpies re giving new hope to cncer ptients; these innovtive pproches promise to extend the lives of cncer ptients nd keep them cncer free longer.