Instructions for Actions After a Traffic Accident

The following are rules of behavior and actions that need to be performed in the event of involvement in a traffic accident

1.1 Call Emergency Services

Call the 100 Police Emergency Number and the 101 Magen David Adom Emergency Number and note the location of the accident, the number of vehicles involved, and the number of people hurt. Check for other hazards such as pieces of metal on the road, oil stains, or fuel leaks and inform the Fire Department – at the 102 Call Center. Try to be available via telephone in the event that you need to help direct the emergency services to the scene of the accident. 

1.2 Do not move injured people: Movement can make injuries worse, and therefore, if injured people are not at risk due to fire or fuel leaks, leave them where they are and call Magen David Adom. 

1.3 Do not move the vehicle: The location of the vehicle in an accident helps police and professionals determine the cause of the accident. Moving vehicles away from an accident with injured people without the presence of the police is a criminal offense. 

1.4 Place a warning triangle: Place the warning triangle 50-100 meters from the site of the accident in order to signal to other drivers and provide them with a reasonable response time. If the accident occurred at night, turn on the vehicle’s headlights and blinkers to illuminate the area.

1.5 Wear a reflective vest: Wearing a vest is required by law while on intercity roads and is also recommended for city roads. 

1.6 In the event of accidents with no casualties: Clear the road as quickly as possible so as not to disrupt traffic. Exchange information with the drivers involved in the accident and with witnesses and inform your insurance company.

1.7 Extracting Injured People from Vehicles

In general, Magen David Adom and the Police recommend not to move people injured in an accident; however, in the following cases, injured people must be extracted as quickly as possible:

Risk of fire following ignition.

The vehicle is pressing on the injured person’s body.

The damaged vehicle contains hazardous or toxic materials. 

The vehicle is unstable and may start rolling downhill.

The vehicle may be hit by another vehicle.

The injured person’s life is in danger.

  • Before taking any action, consult with representatives of the emergency services. 
  • When extracting an injured person from a vehicle, take care not to move their spine and neck. 
  • If injured people cannot be extracted through the door, break one of the windows in order to reach the person, and if the person has been trapped under the vehicle, use a jack to raise the vehicle and extract the injured person.
  • If the injured person is unconscious but breathing, lay them on their side. 
  • If an injured person is suffering from external bleeding, press your hand on the bleeding wound, apply a tight bandage, but don’t tighten it too much so as not to stop the flow of blood. Only use a tourniquet in cases where you cannot stop the bleeding in any other way. 

1.8 Exchanging Information with Drivers Involved and Documenting the Accident

It’s important to exchange information with the drivers involved in any accident, including minor accidents with no visible damage. The following important information must be written down immediately after the accident, and if a driver who was involved in an accident requests this information, you must provide it to them:  

1.9 Documentation of Accident Details

  • The time of the event and the precise location when and where it occurred. In addition, we recommend drawing a diagram describing the conditions of the road, including traffic lights and signs, the movements of the vehicles involved, and the direction they were traveling in. 
  • Details of the driver or drivers involved in the accident: Note the full name, ID number, and driver’s license number of the vehicle’s driver. Look at the picture to confirm that the license does in fact belong to the driver. In addition, write down the driver’s full name and all their contact information: Telephone numbers at home and at work, and mobile phone number. 
  • Insurance details of drivers involved in the accident: Write down the details of the comprehensive insurance and mandatory insurance company, the policy number, and the policy expiration date. 
  • Vehicle details: Note the vehicle’s license number, model, color, and prominent identifying details. 
  • Witnesses to the accident: If there were any witnesses to the accident, you can ask them to testify in the event of a police investigation or a lawsuit. Write down their full name, phone number, and ID number, so you can contact them.
  • After exchanging information, contact the Vehicle Management Department for more instructions on further handling.
  • Photographing the accident site – We recommend documenting the damage caused by the accident and signs testifying to the circumstances. Vehicles involved in the accident: Photograph all vehicles involved in the accident; we recommend focusing on the damage caused to them.  Marks on the road: Photograph the marks the accident left on the road.  Road hazards and special conditions: Photograph various hazards on the road where the accident occurred, such as potholes, oil stains, or broken signage.

Note: If no injuries occurred in the accident, first clear the road and only then document the accident.

1.10 Issuing Confirmation of Involvement in Traffic Accident

If you need confirmation of your involvement in an accident for your place of work, insurance company, or National Insurance, fill out the online form through the Israel Police website, print it out, and bring a copy or the reference number to your nearest police station. 

1.11 Admitting guilt and the circumstances of the accident – do not admit guilt and/or make any written and/or oral statements regarding your culpability in the accident – the insurance company may use your confession to deny liability, even if in retrospect it turns out that the confessing driver is not guilty.

Reporting to the Vehicle Unit – As soon as possible after the accident – State the details of the event, the condition of the passengers, and the state of the vehicle, and follow the instructions/guidelines you receive.